In support of the Al Danos College of Business Administration, the Management & Marketing Department prepares students from the Bayou Region of South Louisiana, and beyond, to contribute to a dynamic regional and global economy as well-educated, responsible, and engaged business professionals through quality teaching, applied and pedagogical research, and service.
If you are interested in a career in management, the Al Danos College of Business is the right place.
Here are a few reasons why you should pursue a degree in management at Nicholls:
- Quality. The Nicholls College of Business has been accredited by AACSB International for the last 30 years. Hence, our degree plans and management courses meet the stringent educational requirements set forth by AACSB for a bachelor’s degree.
- Student Focused. The department provides opportunities for students to interact with faculty, other students and members of the profession.
- Dedication. The faculty and staff of the department are dedicated to helping you achieve your career goals.
- Employment. The management degree offers many fascinating and rewarding careers for young professionals.
Peruse our website to find out more about our curriculum, faculty members, student organizations and career opportunities. Come learn, live and lead with a degree in management from the Al Danos College of Business Administration.
Bachelor of Science in Management – no concentration
The curriculum reflects what employers need in college graduates: communication and critical thinking skills along with technical skills and broad knowledge. The degree program is modern in every way, combining current management theory, technology and application. At the same time, the degree program is mainstream and traditional in its focus on managerial behavior principles.The college’s management degree grooms students to face challenges such as growth in the services sector, globalization of organizations, and increasing attention to societal and ethical concerns.

Bachelor of Science in Management – Human Resources Concentration
From hiring to firing, students concentrating in human resources management learn what it takes to nurture what many companies consider their most valuable asset: employees. Courses focus on staffing, training and development practices as well as techniques for evaluating job performance and compensating workers. The National Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has acknowledged that Nicholls State University’s Bachelor of Science in Management with a Concentration in Human Resources is in alignment with SHRM’s HR Curriculum Guidebook and Templates. Throughout the world, 352 programs in 264 educational institutions have been acknowledged by SHRM as being in alignment with its suggested guidelines and templates. Expanding governmental regulations relevant to the workplace and changes in the composition and needs of the work force have made the management of human resources an important function.
For more information on our Human Resource program:

Bachelor of Science in Management – Maritime Concentration
Coupled with the four-year management degree, the Management – Maritime Concentration will prepare the student for a career in management in the maritime and maritime related industries. Particular focus is on the oil and gas sector and requirements of the shipowner, as well as periphery businesses. The student will receive exposure to commercial, legal, financial and other areas unique to this sector of the shipping industry.
For more information on our Maritime Management program:
MNGT 151. Career Ready U I. 0-0-1. An introduction to developing professional skills for communication, leadership, networking and career readiness. S or U assigned upon completion of course. Only open to College of Business Administration majors. (52.0207)
MNGT 251. Career Ready U II. 0-0-1. Prerequisite: S in MNGT 151. Designed to assist in further developing professional skills for communication, leadership, networking and career readiness. S or U assigned upon completion of course. Only open to College of Business Administration majors. (52.0207)
MNGT 252. Career Ready U III. 0-0-1. Prerequisite: S in MNGT 151. Designed to enhance and build upon professional skills for communication, leadership, networking and career readiness. S or U assigned upon completion of course. Only open to College of Business Administration majors. (52.0207)
MNGT 301. Management of Organizations and Behavioral Processes. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: Completion of 54 hours of non-developmental coursework, ENGL 102. Study of effective management of organizations with emphasis on organizational theory and design, individual and group behavior, and management functions to achieve successful performance within the organization and its relationship to external environments. [LCCN: CMGM 3103] (52.0201)
MNGT 305. Entrepreneurship. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Completion of 54 hours of non-developmental coursework. Definitions and origins of entrepreneurship; social and economic impacts; ethical choices. The entrepreneurial process: business creativity, opportunity assessment; business plans for new ventures. Corporate innovation management; family firms; wealth creation. [LCCN: CMGM 3513] (52.0701)
MNGT 330. Maritime Management. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Completion of 54 hours of non-developmental coursework. Analysis of the maritime industry with an emphasis on the offshore marine and oil sector, its history, environment, ship design and construction. (49.0309)
MNGT 351. Career Ready U IV. 0-0-1. Prerequisite: S in MNGT 151. Designed to master professional skills for communication, leadership, networking and career readiness. S or U assigned upon completion of course. Only open to College of Business Administration majors. (52.0207)
MNGT 367. Human Resources Management. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Completion of 54 hours of non-developmental coursework. Problems of personnel relations as applied to employment, development, maintenance and utilization of a labor force. [LCCN: CMGM 3313] (52.1001)
MNGT 368. Operations Management. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: C or better in QBA 283 or QBA 285, and completion of 54 hours of non-developmental coursework. The fundamental characteristics and problems associated with operations of any organization, such as facilities location, aggregate output planning, inventory control, scheduling, and quality control. [LCCN: CMGM 3213] (52.0201)
MNGT 370. Human Relations and Interpersonal Skills. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Completion of 54 hours of non-developmental coursework. Dynamics of human skills and interpersonal relationships in the work environment. Case studies, role playing, and experiential learning exercises. (52.0201)
MNGT 410. Small Business Management. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: C or better in MNGT 301. A case-driven survey of issues in small business management. Topics include business location, inventory management, staffing, ethics, the legal environment, and family business issues, such as succession, governance, change, and innovation. [LCCN: CMGM 3413] (52.0201)
MNGT 420. Multinational Management. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: C or better in MNGT 301. Understanding the demands of managing in a multinational organization. Emphasis is placed on the competitive and dynamic environment of international business, and the integration of management concepts on organizational/strategic and interpersonal levels. [LCCN: CMGM 2313] (52.1101)
MNGT 425. Human Resource Analytics. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: C or better in QBA 282, QBA 283, and MNGT 367. Training in HR analytics software to improve business strategy execution. (52.1301)
MNGT 440. Human Resources Seminar. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: C or better in MNGT 367 or permission of department head. Problems and current issues in the field of human resources management; analysis of situations and application of tools and techniques to comply with Federal Manpower Regulations. (52.1001)
MNGT 450. Staffing, Training, and Development. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: C or better in MNGT 367. Detailed study and practical application of the practices associated with the acquisition and development of human resources. (52.1001)
MNGT 465. Applied Operations Management. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: C or better in MNGT 368. Further study of the principles and applications of operations management. Special attention to capacity management, resource requirements and production scheduling. (52.0201)
MNGT 469. Management Internship. 3-0-10. Prerequisites: Management major, senior standing, and completion of 12 hours of management. Field work in an area relevant to student’s major and/or concentration of General Management, Human Resources Management, Operations Management or Health Care Management. Only one internship may be counted toward degree. (52.1001)
MNGT 470. Organization Structure and Behavior. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: C or better in MNGT 301 and senior standing. A framework for analyzing the dynamic process whereby a firm attempts to relate its structure to its operating environment and its objectives and how this relationship, in turn, influences behavior or organizational members. Heavy reliance placed on analysis of on going organizations through case studies and research materials relating to all types of organizations. [LCCN: CMGM 4103] (52.0201)
MNGT 475. Performance and Compensation Management. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: C or better in MNGT 367. Analysis of techniques for evaluating and rewarding employee performance to support organizational goals. Comparison of relative worth of jobs, setting expectations with employees, delivering feedback and evaluations. (52.1001)
MNGT 486. Special Issues in Management. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: C or better in MNGT 301. In-depth treatment of special topics from the field of management. Content of the course varies with each offering. May be repeated once for credit if content differs. (52.1001)
MNGT 502. Managing Human Capital. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: MNGT 301 or equivalent. An analysis of theories addressing human behavior in work settings and formal processes involved in the management of employees. Special emphasis is placed on the application of theories with respect to interpersonal work interactions and human resource key functions. (52.0299)
Minor in Management
Management. To obtain a minor in Management, students must complete MNGT 301 and 15 additional hours of 300- or 400-level Management courses and/or Marketing 470 or 475, for a total of 18 semester hours.
Maritime Administration. To obtain a minor in Maritime Administration, students must complete BSAD 221 and 325, ECON 211 or 255, MNGT 301 and 330, and SATC 240 for a total of 18 semester hours. Not open to students majoring in Management.

As a transfer student, this is the right place for you to continue the pursuit of your academic degree. Because you will enter our college partway through your undergraduate education, please visit the Transfer Student website, which is designed to help students like you.

College can be a harrowing experience for some, and we are there for you as an incoming freshman. From the beginning, during student orientation you will meet with a College of Business adviser who will help you evaluate your schedule to help you succeed in your chosen business profession.

International students have unique cultural experiences that add to the diverse fabric of our academic community. We have students from around the world studying with us and we welcome their contributions.

The Al Danos College of Business Administration offers two graduate programs to prepare professionals, with or without business degrees, to face uncertain economic conditions, technological changes, culturally diverse workplaces, international issues and the ever-changing political/legal environment.
Today, business is not just conducted within the confines of an office. Business professionals must know how to conduct themselves and represent their company at the dining table and in other social settings.
To address that need, SHRM@NSU hosts its annual etiquette dinner to offer the Nicholls community a fun and entertaining opportunity to learn dining etiquette. Tickets are $25 and may be purchased in 146 Powell. Our presenter will be Mrs. Mary Bourg Chauvin from Houma, LA! At the event, she will address proper dining etiquette and review general topics, such as making introductions, getting in and out of a chair and tipping. Participants will also learn the acceptable etiquette for each particular course as it is served. To know more about our presenter, go to
Ridley J. Gros, Dean Emeritus, Scholarship in Management
This scholarship was created by family and friends of Dr. Ridley J. Gros, Dean Emeritus of the Nicholls College of Business. Dr. Gros was a distinguished academic and highly regarded colleague; he was instrumental in the College’s initial accreditation by AACSB. It is awarded to one management major who has earned between 60 and 89 non-development hours of credit. Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Recipients are selected based on GPA, financial need, involvement in student organizations, and other scholarships and financial aid. Previous recipients of this scholarship are eligible to reapply.
The Al Danos College of Business Administration has several scholarships that are open to all business majors. Click here for a list. Application forms are available in the Dean’s Office (106 White Hall).
Students are encouraged to apply for a variety of other local, state and national scholarships through the Financial Aid Office.
Sophomores, juniors and senior level students are assigned an academic adviser from within their disciplines and will be their primary source of information regarding academic requirements. Advisers may assist with job placement, as well as provide information about graduate schools and internships. Academic advising usually occurs for a 3 week period in February or March for the upcoming summer and fall semesters; a similar advising period in October/November is devoted for spring advising. A week before the official advising period begins, an appointment sheet will be posted outside your adviser’s office door. Students then sign up for an appointment at a time that is agreeable for both. Advising outside of the predetermined period can be arranged via appointment
If you are a graduating senior, you must schedule an appointment with your adviser.
- Your adviser will have to approve you for graduation by completing a degree plan.
- You will have to submit a completed Al Danos College of Business Registration Schedule form to your adviser.
- When completing the form, include at least one alternate section of BSAD 490.
- Your adviser will submit your degree plan and COB Registration Schedule Form to the Department of Management and Marketing Administrative Coordinator.
- The Department Administrative Coordinator will register you into your classes on the first day of registration.
- Please see your adviser asap so your registration form can be turned in. Registration by the administrative coordinators is on a first come, first serve basis.
The name of your academic adviser can be found in Banner under General Student Information and will listed as the student’s Primary Adviser. If you are new to our department and don’t yet have a management adviser, contact Mrs. Annette Adams, (985-448-4175, administrative coordinator for the Department of Management and Marketing.
Freshmen management majors are assigned advisers in the Academic Advising Center for their first year of classes. However, they are also mentored by select CBA faculty to aid with their transition into college life. Al Danos College of Business mentors are full-time faculty members who were specifically chosen to assist freshmen in achieving their educational and career goals as they progress through their courses. Freshmen should expect to be contacted by their mentors during their first semester; mentors are also listed in Banner as a freshman’s secondary adviser. As students enter their sophomore year, mentors become a student’s academic adviser.
College of Business SHRM Student organization
Join National SHRM Now! When prompted, use #5431 for student chapter number.
HR Certification Institute website
SHRM Student Awards & Scholarships website
SHRM Student Career Center website
Dr. Marilyn Macik-Frey
Dr. Kenneth Chadwick
Dr. Luke Cashen
Dr. Chris Castille
Dr. Joshua Cogswell
Title: Associate Dean/Assistant Professor of Management
Department: Management and Marketing
Office Phone: (985) 448-4240
Office Location: 312 Powell Hall