- I have the right to trust myself above all others.
- I have the right to decent treatment by anyone I date.
- I have the right to refuse to date anyone.
- I have the right to be safe on a date.
- I have the right to stop blaming myself for dating abuse.
- I have the right to be assertive on a date.
- I have the right to pay my own way on a date.
- I have the right to mutually consenting and pleasurable sex.
- I have the right to refuse to have sex.
- I have the right to be respected as a person.
- I have the right to disagree with my date.
- I have the right to say NO.
- I have the right to get angry.
- I have the right to fulfill myself with or without a partner in my life.
- I have the right to know who I am.
- I have the right to know who I am dating.
- I have the right to determine the criteria concerning who I will date.
- I have the right to use my own transportation on a date.
- I have the right to leave any dating situation my instincts tell me to.
- I have the right to prosecute for battery and sexual assault.
- I have the right to emotional support and understanding from others.
- I have the right to a healthy dating relationship.
- I have the right to control my own destiny.
- I have the right to be loved.
- I have the right to be cared about.
- I have the right to intimacy.
- I have the right to high self-esteem.
- I have the right to trust myself above all others.