MUS 100. Recital. 0-0-1. For Freshmen and Sophomores. Recital/concert attendance and observation to broaden student knowledge of muic. S or U assigned upon completion. Not for audit. Must be repeated for degree. (50.0903)
MUS 101. Basic Piano. 3-3-0. Beginning piano. Open to all students except music majors and minors. For credit only; no audit.
MUS 104. Basic Voice. 3-3-0. Beginning voice. Open to all students except MUSA, MUSN, MUSV, MUSI, VMED, and IMED majors. Fa only. (50.0903)
MUS 105. General Music Appreciation. 3-3-0. Introductory survey course covering principal musical styles and literature. Open to all students. Arts elective. (50.0902)
MUS 107. Honors Music Appreciation. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Honors placement. Social, economic, and political influences on composers and their works. (50.0902)
MUS 109. English and Italian Diction. 1-0-2. Instruction in speaking and singing in English and Italian. Examples drawn from musical terms, texts, libretti, and song. Restricted to music majors and minors only. Fa only. (50.0999)
MUS 110. Fundamentals of Music. 2-2-0. A study of music including the grand staff, scales, key signatures, intervals, triands, and seventh chords. Fa only. (50.0901)
MUS 119. Elementary Theory. 4-3-2. Prerequisite: MUS 110 or passing score on Theory Placement Test. A study of triads, inversions, figured bass, phrase units, harmonization of a given melody, seventh chords, and ear training and sight singing. Sp only. (50.0901)
MUS 120. Elementary Theory. 4-3-2. Prerequisite: MUS 119. Continuation of concepts studied in MUS 119 with the addition of non-harmonic tones and counterpoint. Fa only. (50.0901)
MUS 161. Performance Course. 1-0-3. Open to music minors, non majors, and as a minor performance course for music majors. May be repeated for credit if content differs (50.0903)
MUS 162. Performance Course. 1-0-3. Prerequisite: MUS 161. Open to music minors, non-majors, and as a minor performance course for music majors. May be repeated for credit if content differs.(50.0903)
MUS 169. Class Piano. 1-0-2. Co-requisite: MUS 119. Beginning piano for music majors and music minors. Sp only. (50.0903)
MUS 170. Class Piano. 1-0-2. Prerequisite: MUS 169. A continuation of work begun in MUS 169 for music majors and music minors. Fa only. (50.0903)
MUS 171. Performance Course. 2-0-6. Co-requisite: MUS 100. Individual instruction. Open to music majors only by audition. Performance examination required at the end of the semester. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 172. Performance Course. 2-0-6. Prerequisite: MUS 171. Co-requisite: MUS 100. Individual instruction. Open to music majors only. Performance examination required at the end of the semester. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 183. Women’s Ensemble. 1-0-3. For freshmen and sophomores. Sight reading ability not required, but singers must have inherent vocal ability and pitch recognition. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 190. Symphonic Band. 1-0-3. For freshmen and sophomores. Developing musicianship through performance in the Symphonic Band. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 191. Marching Band. 1-0-6. For freshmen and sophomores. Applicants should have had marching band experience at the high school level. May be repeated for credit if content differs. Fa only. (50.0903)
MUS 193. Concert Choir. 1-0-3. For Freshmen and Sophomores. Sight reading ability not required but singers must have inherent vocal ability and pitch recognition. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 194. Symphonic Wind Ensemble. 1-0-3. For freshmen and sophomores. Developing musicianship through performance in the Wind Ensemble. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 196. Gospel Choir. 1-0-3. For Freshmen and Sophomores. Sight reading ability not required but singers must have inherent vocal ability and pitch recognition. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0901)
MUS 197. Opera Workshop. 1-0-3. Prerequisite: Audition. For Freshmen and Sophomores. A select ensemble/class for moderate to advanced singers. Musical, linguistic, and dramatic preparation and performance of roles and scenes from the operatic and operetta repertory. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 201. Computing Technology for Music Majors. 2-2-1. Introduction to application software for use in music, including Microsoft Office, digital keyboards, MIDI, music notation, music publishing, and computer assisted instruction. Meets computer literacy requirement.(50.0999)
MUS 209. French and German Diction. 1-0-2. Speaking and singing in French and German. Examples are drawn from music terms, texts, libretti, and songs. Restricted to music majors and minors only. Sp only. (50.0999)
MUS 211. Theory. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: MUS 120. A study of 19th century chromatic harmony with the addition of binary and ternary forms. Sp only. (50.0904)
MUS 212. Theory. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: MUS 211. Continuation of concepts studied in MUS 211 with the addition of sonata and fugue. Fa only. (50.0904)
MUS 217. Solfege Ear Training. 1-0-2. Prerequisite: MUS 120. Continued development of sight singing and dictation skills through the use of more complex and demanding examples of music. Development of keyboard harmonization skills. Sp only. (50.0904)
MUS 218. Solfege-Ear Training. 1-0-2. Prerequisite: MUS 217. Continuation of concepts studied in MUS 217 with the addition of 20th century techniques and modes. Fa only. (50.0904)
MUS 240. Survey of Music Literature. 2-2-1. A survey of selected examples in non Western cultures, Western European, and American music from the end of the Renaissance to the late 20th Century. Listening identification and study of styles. Includes Writing Across the Curriculum and score analysis components. Open to non music majors with permission of the department head. Sp only. (50.0902)
MUS 243. Wind Literature. 1-1-0. Co-requisite: MUS 240. A survey of selected examples of symphonic band and wind ensemble literature. Listening identification and study of styles. Includes score analysis components. Sp only. (50.0902)
MUS 244. Choral Literature. 1-1-0. Co-requisite: MUS 240. A survey of choral masterworks, both large and small in scope, from a historical and stylistic perspective with additional emphasis on appropriately choosing, locating, and programming a variety of choral literature. Sp only. (50.0902)
MUS 261. Performance Course. 1-0-3. Prerequisite: MUS 162. Open to music minors and as a minor performance course for music majors. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 262. Performance Course. 1-0-3. Prerequisite: MUS 261. Open to music minors and as a minor performance course for music majors. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 269. Class Piano. 1-0-2. Prerequisite: MUS 170. A continuation of work studied in MUS 170. Experience in accompanying is included. Sp only. (50.0903)
MUS 270. Class Piano. 1-0-2. Prerequisite: MUS 269. A continuation of work studied in MUS 269. Experience in accompanying is included. Fa only. (50.0903)
MUS 271. Performance Course. 2-0-6. Prerequisite: MUS 172. Co-requisite: MUS 100. Individual instruction. Open to music majors only. Performance examination required at the end of the semester. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 272. Performance Course. 2-0-6. Prerequisite: MUS 271. Co-requisite: MUS 100. Individual instruction. Open to music majors only. Performance examination required at the end of the semester. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 282. String Ensemble. 1-0-3. For freshmen and sophomores. Developing musicianship through performance in the String Ensemble. Open to string majors and minors only. May be repeated for credit. (50.0903)
MUS 292. Chamber Ensemble. 1-0-2. Participation in varied chamber music ensembles. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 296. Jazz Band. 1-0-3. Prerequisite: Audition. Open to freshmen and sophomores. A performing organization for instrumental students interested in the extended demands of performing in a jazz band setting. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 298. Chamber Choir Ensemble. 1-0-3. Prerequisite: Audition. Open to freshmen and sophomores. Selections performed range from Renaissance to twentieth century. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 300. Recital. 0-0-1. For Juniors and Seniors. Recital/concert attendance and observation to broaden student knowledge of music. S or U assigned upon completion. Not for audit. Must be repeated for degree. (50.0903)
MUS 301. Basic Conducting. 2-1-2. Prerequisite: MUS 269. Basic principles of conducting and score reading, verbal and non-verbal communication related to music and music education. Development and assessment of dexterity, coordination, and communication skills. Fa only. (50.0906)
MUS 302. Instrumental Conducting. 1-0-2. Prerequisite: MUS 301. Emphasis upon actual conducting of various ensembles. Interpretation of music of various periods, refinement of conducting skills, and a survey of band literature. Sp only. (50.0903)
MUS 303. Choral Conducting. 1-0-2. Prerequisite: MUS 301. Principles of interpretation and style. Observation and application of choral technique. Choral literature survey. Refinement of conducting skills. Sp only. (50.0903)
MUS 306. Piano Accompanying. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: MUS 272. Principles of accompanying vocalists, instrumentalists, and ensembles. (50.0907)
MUS 319. Jazz History. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Junior standing or above. Jazz music will be the material of concern. Arts elective. (50.0902)
MUS 320. History of Rock and Roll. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Junior standing or above. Rock and roll: its history, stylistic developments, and social influences. Arts Elective. (50.0902)
MUS 322. Practical Issues in Music Performance. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Junior standing or above. Techniques, strategies, and problems in private teaching, professional auditions, and entrepreneurship in music. Open to Music majors only. (50.0901)
MUS 323. Analysis. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: MUS 212. In depth study of 20th and 21st century compositional style through the analysis of musical examples. Sp only. (50.0999)
MUS 325. Wind or Percussion Literature. 3-3-0. A study of wind or percussion literature from the Baroque to the present. For wind and percussion majors only. (50.0902)
MUS 340. Music History: c. 400 to 1750. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: MUS 240. Historical development of music in the Western tradition, Ancient and Medieval eras through the Baroque era. Includes Writing Across the Curriculum and score analysis components. Open to non majors with permission of department head. Fa only. (50.0902)
MUS 341. Music History: 1750 to present. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: MUS 240. Historical development of music in the Western tradition, Classical era to the present. Includes score analysis components. Open to non majors with permission of department head. Sp only. (50.0902)
MUS 350-351-352. Independent Study. 1-0-2 each. Prerequisites: Permission of department head and a minimum of 45 semester hours of music courses. Preparation and completion of a plan of directed study. Student may elect to take one, two, or all three courses at the same time. Each may be repeated once for credit if content differs. (50.0901)
MUS 359. Instrument Repair. 1-0-2. Methods and materials used in the repair of woodwind and brasswind instruments. Open to MUSA, MUSN, and MUSV majors only. (50.0999)
MUS 369. Junior Recital. 1-0-2. Prerequisite: MUS 272. All music majors. Scheduled during junior year. Approved recital. (50.0903)
MUS 370. Piano. 2-0-6. Prerequisite: MUS 270 or audition. Elective private instruction at the intermediate level. Open to music majors and minors. May be repeated once for credit. (50.0903)
MUS 371. Performance Course. 2-0-6. Prerequisite: MUS 272. Co-requisite: MUS 300. Individual instruction. Open to music majors only. Performance examination required at the end of the semester. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 372. Performance Course. 2-0-6. Prerequisite: MUS 371. Co-requisite: MUS 300. Individual instruction. Open to music majors only. Performance examination required at the end of the semester. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 376. Piano Literature. 3-3-0. A study of keyboard literature from the Renaissance to the present. For music majors only. (50.0902)
MUS 382. String Ensemble. 1-0-3. For Juniors and Seniors. Developing musicianship through performance in the String Ensemble. Open to string majors and minors only. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 383. Women’s Ensemble. 1-0-3. For juniors and seniors. Sight reading ability not required, but singers must have inherent vocal ability and pitch recognition. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 386. Gospel Choir. 1-0-3. For Juniors and Seniors. Sight reading ability not required, but singers must have inherent vocal ability and pitch recognition. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0999)
MUS 389. String Literature. 3-3-0. A study of literature for stringed instruments from the Baroque to the present. For music majors only. (50.0902)
MUS 390. Symphonic Band. 1-0-3. For juniors and seniors. Developing musicianship through performance in the Symphonic Band. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 391. Marching Band. 1-0-6. For juniors and seniors. May be repeated for credit if content differs. Fa only. (50.0903)
MUS 393. Concert Choir. 1-0-3. For Juniors and Seniors. Sight reading ability not required, but singers must have inherent vocal ability and pitch recognition. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 394. Symphonic Wind Ensemble. 1-0-3. For juniors and seniors. Developing musicianship through performance in the Wind Ensemble. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 396. Jazz Band. 1-0-3. Prerequisite: Audition. For juniors and seniors. A performing organization for instrumental students interested in the extended demands of performing in a jazz band setting. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 397. Opera Workshop. 1-0-3. Prerequisite: Audition. For Juniors and Seniors. A select ensemble/class for moderate to advanced singers. Musical, linguistic, and dramatic preparations and performance of roles and scenes from the operatic and operetta repertory. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 398. Chamber Choir Ensemble. 1-0-3. Prerequisite: Audition. For juniors and seniors. Selections performed range from Renaissance to twentieth century. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 400. Senior Project. 1-0-4. Prerequisite: MUS 372. Scheduled during senior year. Approved recital or capstone project. (50.0903)
MUS 407. World Music. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Junior standing or above. A multicultural survey of select indigenous music from a variety of ethnic groups with primary focus upon non-Western and South American cultures. Fine Arts elective. Fa only. (50.0902)
MUS 423. Form and Analysis. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: MUS 212. A survey of compositional styles with an emphasis on compositional techniques and harmonic structure through the analysis of musical masterpieces. (50.0902)
MUS 432. Orchestration and Band Scoring. 1-1-0. Prerequisite: MUS 212. Ranges, transposition, and characteristics of instruments of the symphony orchestra and concert band. Emphasis on writing ensemble arrangements for band. Fa only. (50.0904)
MUS 433. Choral Arranging. 1-1-0. Prerequisite: MUS 212. Choral arranging techniques with emphasis on writing of choral ensemble arrangements. (50.0903)
MUS 470. Piano. 2-0-3. Prerequisite: MUS 370. Elective private instruction. Open only to music majors and minors. Moderately advanced private instruction for vocal and instrumental music majors. May be repeated once for degree credit. (50.0903)
MUS 471. Performance Course. 2-0-6. Prerequisite: MUS 372. Individual instruction. Open to music majors only. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 472. Performance Course. 2-0-6. Prerequisite: MUS 471. Individual instruction. Open to music majors only. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (50.0903)
MUS 474. Performance Coaching. 2-0-6. Advanced individual studio instruction and performance coaching. Open only to music majors at an advanced performance level as determined by the studio instructor. (50.0903)
MUS 476. Piano Pedagogy. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: MUS 376. Teaching methods and materials with emphasis on training individual and class piano students. For music majors only. (50.0999)
MUS 489. String Pedagogy. 3 3 0. Methods and materials in the teaching of stringed instruments. For music majors only. (50.0999)