PSYC 101. General Psychology. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Eligibility for enrollment in ENGL 101 or higher. An introduction to the science and profession of psychology. (42.0101)
PSYC 203. Personal and Social Adjustment. 3-3-0. Meaning and characteristics of adjustments; varieties, causes, and prevention of maladjustments; development of well adjusted personality; principles of mental hygiene that facilitate and maintain healthy personality. (42.9999)
PSYC 204. Psychology of Personality. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: PSYC 101. Major contemporary theories; emphasis on the development and structure of personality. (42.9999)
PSYC 205. Applied Psychology. 3-3-0. Overview of the practical value of psychology and its application to the quality of life and the human potential, mental and physical health, education, industry, the environment, consumer behavior, crime and law enforcement. (42.9999)
PSYC 206. Child Psychology. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Completion of 30 or more non-developmental hours. Behavior and activities of the child through late childhood with special attention to such topics as heredity and early development, motor and emotional development, mental and social growth, and play of the child. Clinical methods emphasized. Ten hours field experience required. Credit toward graduation may not be earned in this course and PSYC 212. (42.2703)
PSYC 207. Organizational Psychology. 3-3-0. Principles of contemporary human management in various life work styles. Sp and Su only. (42.2804)
PSYC 208. Statistics. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: C or better in MATH 101. An introduction to descriptive and inferential statistical methods. (42.9999)
PSYC 209. Research Designs and Methods. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: C or better in ENGL 102 and PSYC 208 or consent of instructor. Coregistration required in PSYC 219. Application of scientific methodology to the study of human and animal behavior. (42.2704)
PSYC 210. Adolescent and Adult Development. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Completion of 30 or more non developmental hours. Life span approach to the development of the individual from adolescence through early adulthood. Ten hours of field experience required. Credit toward graduation may not be earned in this course and PSYC 212. (42.2703)
PSYC 211. Social Psychology. 3-3-0. The individual and interpersonal relationships; cultural forces as they affect attitude, social learning, perception and communication of the individual and the group. (42.2707)
PSYC 212. Life Span Developmental Psychology. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: PSYC 101. Physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development across the life span. Credit toward graduation may not be earned both in this course and PSYC 206, 210, or 220. (42.2703)
PSYC 219. Research Designs and Methods Lab. 1-1-1. Prerequistes: C or better in ENGL 102 and PSYC 208. Coregistration required in PSYC 209. A laboratory course to accompany PSYC 209. Emphasis on the acquisition of research skills, including reviewing the literature, collecting and analyzing data and writing in APA style. (42.2704)
PSYC 220. Middle School Child Psychology. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Completion of 30 or more non-developmental hours. Lifespan approach to the development of the individual from fourth to eighth grade. Clinical methods emphasized. Ten hours of field experience required. Credit toward graduation may not be earned in this course and PSYC 212. (42.2703)
PSYC 301. Abnormal Psychology. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: PSYC 101. Dynamics of abnormal disorders of psychological origin, disorders associated with brain pathology, and the diagnosis and treatment of abnormal behavior. (42.9999)
PSYC 302. Psychological Measurement. 3-3-0. Basic principles of psychological testing with critical consideration of standardization, reliability, validity, test construction, and uses and misuses of tests of intelligence, achievement, personality, aptitude, attitude, and interest. (42.9999)
PSYC 303. History of Psychology. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: PSYC 101. Historical development of psychology from Ancient Greek philosophy to modern times. Emphasis upon modern psychology (late Nineteenth Century to present). Sp only. (42.9999)
PSYC 305. Physiological Psychology. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: 6 hours of Biology. Nervous system structure and functions. The correlation of physiological processes with behavior. Fa only. (42.2706)
PSYC 309. Psychology of Learning. 3-3-0. Concepts and principles of learning within the context of the major theories; recent developments in the field of learning. Sp only. (42.9999)
PSYC 311. Educational Psychology. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: PSYC 206 or 210. The application of psychology to teaching and learning. Emphasis is on practical application in the school setting. Ten hours in field experience required. Designed primarily for education majors. Others admitted at the discretion of the instructor. (42.2701)
PSYC 312. Applications of Research Methods. 3-1-4. Prerequisites: C or better in PSYC 209 and in either PSYC 305 or 309. Prerequisite or Co-requisite: ENGL 366 or 368 or 468. Executing and reporting the results of psychological research studies. Emphasis on the acquisition of research skills including reviewing the literature, collecting and analyzing data, and writing in APA style. (42.2704)
PSYC 313. Health psychology. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: C or better in PSYC 101 and 6 hours of Biology. This survey course will examine the contributions of psychological research to the understanding, prevention, and treatment of a variety of health concerns. (42.2810)
PSYC 399. Career Planning for Psychology Majors. 1-1-0. Prerequisite: PSYC 204. Planned around the interests and needs of the students to introduce them to the world of work, and/or graduate programs. Fa only. (42.9999)
PSYC 401. Senior Research Seminar. 3-1-4. Prerequisites: C or better in PSYC 208, 209, 301, 302, 303, 305, 309, 312, and 399 or consent of instructor. A capstone course for graduating senior psychology majors. Requires successful completion of both internal and external examinations covering prerequisite courses as well as submission of an acceptable senior project. (42.2704)
PSYC 402. Psychology of Counseling. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: PSYC 204 and junior standing. Theories of counseling and their application to educational, social welfare agencies, mental health and private practice. Sp only. (42.2803)
PSYC 406. Research in Psychology. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: Psychology major, senior standing and permission of the instructor. Designed for psychology major planning to attend graduate school. Emphasis on the development and utilization of basic research skills. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (42.9999)
PSYC 407. Special Topics in Psychology. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. In depth reading, study and/or presentation in a specialized area of psychology. May be repeated for credit when content differs. S or U assigned upon completion of course. (42.9999)
PSYC 408. Comparative Psychology. 3-3-0. Animal and human behavior from an evolutionary perspective. Sp only. (42.9999)
PSYC 475. Comprehensive Exams. 2-2-0. Prerequisite: Must be a graduating senior in Psychology. Students will complete the internal and external comprehensive exams for Psychology majors. Additionally, students will receive instruction and guidance on the proper way to complete graduate applications and resume/curriculum vitae development. (42.9999)
PSYC 500. Basic Facilitative Skills. 3-3-0. Credit may not be earned in both PSYC 500 and COUN 500. Prerequisite: Must be fully admitted to the MAPC, MCED, or SPSP programs. Orientation to the counseling process. Emphasis through the use of videotaping on learning and practicing basic skills needed for a working alliance between counselor and client. Experiential activities in role playing settings required. Su and Fa only. (42.2803)
PSYC 504. Abnormal Psychology. 3-3-0. An overview of psychopathology, the study of maladaptive or abnormal behavior. Issues of definition, historical and scientific trends, current paradigms, assessment and diagnosis, and research methods will be addressed from behavioral, social, and biological points of view. Credit may not be earned in both PSYC 504 and COUN 504. Sp and Su only. (42.2801)
PSYC 506. Applied Behavior Analysis. 3-3-0. Techniques for remedying and preventing problem behavior and for developing acceptable behavior in school and school settings. Su and Fa only. (42.2806)
PSYC 508. Introduction to Psychometrics. 3-3-0. Theory, problems, and techniques of psychological measurement, illustrated through review of group and individual tests of ability, aptitude, interests and personality. Credit may not be earned in both PSYC 508 and COUN 505. (42.9999)
PSYC 509. Practicum in Diagnostic Testing I. 3-2-4. Prerequisites: COUN 505 and enrollment in the MCMH or SPSP programs. Supervised experience in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of the Wechsler Intelligence Scales in light of the exceptionalities of behavior and multicultural issues. (42.9999)
PSYC 511. Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy. 3-3-0. In-depth study of the various theories, methods and techniques of counseling and psychotherapy. Experiential activities in role played settings are required. Credit may not be earned in both this course and COUN 511. Sp and Su only. (42.2803)
PSYC 512. Theories of Learning. 3-3-0. An overview of classical theories of learning; recent developments in learning theory; application of learning theories to human behavior. Fa only. (42.2806)
PSYC 514. Practicum in Diagnostic Testing II. 3-2-4. Prerequisites: PSYC 509, concurrent enrollment in PSYC 530 and permission of the instructor. Supervised field experience in the administration, scoring and interpretation of tests of intelligence, adaptive behavior, behavior, and academic performance with emphasis on the diagnosis of educational problems and psychopathology. Sp only. (42.9999)
PSYC 515. Advanced Child Psychopathology. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: PSYC 504, 506, 508. Detailed study of advanced behavior and various psychopathological conditions occurring during childhood and adolescence. Sp only. (42.2801)
PSYC 516. The Psychology of Child and Adolescent Development. 3-3-0. An examination of the physical, mental, emotional and social development of the child through adolescence. (42.2703)
PSYC 519. Advanced Lifespan Developmental Psychology. 3-3-0. Credit may not be earned in both PSYC 519 and COUN 519. An advanced course in the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development of the individual at successive ages throughout the lifespan. (42.2703)
PSYC 520. Psychological Counseling Practicum I. 3-0-6. Credit may not be earned in both PSYC 520 and COUN 520. Prerequisites: Thirty-six semester hours in major to include PSYC 500, PSYC 507, and PSYC 511 or permission of graduate program coordinator, and student liability insurance. Prerequisite or co-requisite: PSYC 511. Supervised counseling experience with clients. Enrollment restricted to psychological counseling majors or school psychology majors. S or U assigned upon completion of course. Fa and Sp only. (42.2803)
PSYC 522. Interventions for Diverse Needs. 3-3-0. Credit may not be earned in both PSYC 522 and COUN 522. Exploration of recommended practices with a focus on cultural and environmental influences on individuals and families. Sp only. (42.2805)
PSYC 523. Crisis Prevention and Intervention. 3-3-0. Review of principles and research related to resilience, strategies to support crisis prevention, and evidence-based strategies for effective crisis response and recovery. Su only. (42.805)
PSYC 524. Intervention Development and Evaluation. 3-3-0. Credit may not be earned in both PSYC 522 and COUN 522. Exploration of recommended practices with a focus on cultural and environmental influences on individuals and families. Sp only. (42.2805).
PSYC 523. Crisis Prevention and Intervention. 3-3-0. Review of principles and research related to resiliene, strategies to support crisis prevention, and evidence-based strategies for effective crisis response and recovery. Su only. (42.805)
PSYC 524. Intervention Development and Evaluation. 3-3-0. Examination of varied methods of data collection methods for designing, implementing, and evaluating services. Emphasis on the evaluation of research and the collection of data in applied settings. Su only. (42.805)
PSYC 525. Problems in Psychology. 3-0-6. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor and department head. Individual study and research directed by a member of the psychology faculty; area(s) of study must be approved prior to enrollment. May be repeated once for credit if content differs. (42.0101)
PSYC 527. Problems and Issues in School Psychology. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the Specialist in School Psychology Program. Overview of the professional practice of school psychology. Emphasis is given to inter professional relationships, professional standards, multi-cultural and family issues, and legal/ethical issues. Fa only. (42.2806)
PSYC 528. Behavioral School Consultation Strategies. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: PSYC 506 and enrollment in the Specialist in School Psychology Program or consent of instructor. Co-requisite: PSYC 531. Effective behavioral consultation strategies for working with educators and parents. Sp only. (42.2806)
PSYC 529. Instructional Consultation Strategies. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: PSYC 506 and enrollment in the Specialist in School Psychology Program or consent of instructor. Co-requisite PSYC 530. Consultation strategies to improve effectiveness in working with educators and parents on problems related to instructional concerns. Fa only. (42.2806)
PSYC 530. School Psychology Externship I. 3-2-8. Prerequisites: COUN 504 and 505, PSYC 516 or 519, and 527. Supervised field experience in an approved public school setting or other agency serving school age children. A part time placement with primarily training but some service functions. S or U assigned upon completion of course. (42.2806)
PSYC 531. School Psychology Externship II. 3-2-8. Prerequisites: PSYC 514 and 530. Supervised field experience in an approved public school setting or other agency serving school age children. A part time placement with emphasis given to more complex consultation and individual/group problems. S or U assigned upon completion of course. (42.2806)
PSYC 532. School Psychology Internship I. 6-0-35. Prerequisites: Completion of all course work and approval of Department head. Full time supervised off campus placement in an approved public school setting. S or U assigned upon completion of course. (42.2806)
PSYC 533. School Psychology Internship II. 6-0-35. Prerequisite: PSYC 532. Full time supervised off campus placement in an approved setting with emphasis given to more severe or complex cases/situations. S or U assigned upon completion of course. (42.2806)
PSYC 542. Cognitive-Behavior Theory and Applications. 3-3-0. Prerequisites Graduate standing. PSYC 504 or PSYC 511, or permission of the instructor. A study of the theoretical underpinnings and clinical application of cognitive-behavioral interventions. The course will examine cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy as it relates to issues outlined in contemporary psychotherapy outcome research. Applications of cognitive behavioral theory and interventions for the treatment of common psychological disorders will be examined. Credit cannot be earned in both PSYC 542 and COUN 512. (42.9999)
PSYC 543. Applied Psychopharmacology. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: Graduate standing, and PSYC 504 or 511 or permission of the instructor. Reviews fundamentals of psychopharmacology and psychotropic medications with the goal of preparing counselors to become more informed members of multidisciplinary mental health treatment teams. An overview of psychopharmacological concepts as well as medication classification, indications, contraindications, and side-effects will be provided. Students will learn basic terminology and models of pharmacokinetics related to psychopharmacological treatment. The integration of counseling interventions and psychotropic medications to the treatment of psychopathology will be emphasized. This course does not purport to prepare the student to be any part of the pharmacological prescriptive process. Credit may not be earned in both PSYC 543 and COUN 513. (42.2801)
PSYC 584. Specialist Thesis Research. 1-0-4. Prerequisite: Approval of the Department Head. Scientific investigational research in support of the thesis. May be repeated up to six hours. A grade of S or U will be earned upon completion. (42.0101)
PSYC 585. Specialist Thesis. 1-0-6. Prerequisite: Enrollment by unanimous consent of the student’s thesis committee. Composition, reporting, and defense of the thesis. A grade of S or U will be earned upon completion. (42.0101)
PSYC 598. Specialist’s Comprehensive Examination in School Psychology. 0-0-5. Prerequisites: Approval of major professor and program committee chair. S or U assigned upon completion of the examination. (42.2806)