2020-2021 CATALOG



COMD 121. Acoustics in Hearing and Speech & Language Sciences. 3-3-0. The physical nature of sounds, the mechanics and psychology of hearing. Principles which govern the production and propagation of sound. Formerly PHYS 121. (51.0203)

COMD 278. Introduction to Speech – Language Pathology and Audiology. 3-3-0. Designed to acquaint the student interested in classroom teaching, special education, nursing, parenting, and speech correction with the normal stages of speech and language development in children as well as with speech, language and hearing disorders of persons of all ages. Discussion of basic remedial techniques. (51.0201)

COMD 279. Normal Language Acquisition. 3-3-0. Psychological, physiological and environmental framework for speech and language acquisition including factors that could interrupt normal development. (51.0203)

COMD 281. Assessment and Management of Language Disorders. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: COMD 278 & 279. A study of atypical language development with emphasis on assessment and intervention strategies. (51.0203)

COMD 327. Phonetics. 3-3-0. The International Phonetic Alphabet and the principles of teaching sounds to children. (51.0299)

COMD 330. Orientation to Clinical Practice. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: C or better in ENGL 102, COMD 278 and 279, and credit or registration in Math 102,  110, or 214, COMD 281 and 327.  Orientation to clinical practice and observations at approved clinical sites. Completion of 25 observation hours of therapy and diagnostic assessment in the areas of speech, language, voice, fluency, and hearing are required. (51.0299)

COMD 350. Sign Language. 3-3-0. Basic receptive and expressive language skills in American Sign Language; language structure, etiquette, working vocabulary of allied health professions. (16.1603)

COMD 355. Special Topics. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Junior standing. Selected topics in communicative disorders. May be repeated for a maximum of six credit hours when content differs. (51.0201)

COMD 380. Anatomy of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: COMD 278.  The anatomy and physiology of the speech mechanism, and the anatomy of the ear and neural pathway of hearing. (51.0202)

COMD 384. Speech Sound Development and Disorders. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: COMD 278, 327. Credit or registration in COMD 380. The causes, development, assessment and management techniques for articulation and phonological  disorders. (51.0203)

COMD 386. Assessment and Management of Fluency Disorders. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: COMD 281 and 384. The causes, development, associated manifestations, testing procedures and management techniques for various stages of stuttering; preventative measures and counseling techniques. (51.0203)

COMD 390. Introduction to Audiology. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: COMD 278. Physics of sound, psychoacoustics, anatomy and physiology of the auditory system, audiometric procedures, and interpretation of pure tone audiometry. (51.0204)

COMD 395. Beginning Diagnostic Methods in Speech – Language Pathology. 3-2-3. Prerequisites: COMD 278, 281 and credit or registration in COMD 384. Principles of diagnosis, rationale, validity, and reliability of diagnostic procedures appropriate to the major parameters of speech language pathology. (51.0203)

COMD 397. Voice Disorders. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: COMD 278, 380 and 384. Voice disorders associated primarily with vocal nodules, contact ulcer and hoarseness due to extreme vocal abuse; characteristics of voice deviation, causes, evaluating techniques and management procedures for common voice problems and speech disorders such as cleft palate, cerebral palsy and laryngectomy. (51.0203)

COMD 399. Neuroscience for Speech, Language, and Hearing. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: COMD 380, BIOL 116, or BIOL 156. The focus of the course is the neuroanatomy of the nervous system and neurophysiological functioning to support communication. Covers normal function as well as the etiology of specific neurogenic impairments such as Parkinson’s Disease, cerebral vascular disease, traumatic brain injury, and dementia which often have associated communication impairments. (51.0203)

COMD 400. Aural Rehabilitation. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: COMD 281 and 390. Philosophy and techniques of rehabilitating hearing impaired individuals. Emphasis placed on auditory development and training and application of speech reading techniques. (51.0204)

COMD 436. Procedures of Instruction in Communication Disorders. 3-2-3. Prerequisite: Credit or registration in COMD 395. Consideration of laws, regulations, scheduling, grouping, and therapy methods. Completion of 25 observation hours of therapy and diagnostic assessment in the areas of speech, language, voice, fluency, and hearing are required. (51.0299)



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