2020-2021 CATALOG



EDUC 211. The Psychology and Education of the Exceptional Child. 3-3-0. Recognition of psychological and educational needs of exceptional students. Emphasis on the needs of students with developmental delays, physical disabilities, and with severe learning and/or behavior problems. Observation in cooperating schools required. Credit toward teacher education certification will only be earned for Birth to Five/Early Interventionist Education majors in this course.(13.1001)

EDUC 250. Introduction to Elementary and Secondary Education. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Admission requirements specified by the College of Education. Responsibilities of the teacher, the organization and management of the school and classroom and consideration of the child in the school environment. Field experiences in area schools required. (13.0101)

EDUC 251. Introduction to Technology Integration for Teachers. 3-3-0. Co-requisite: EDUC 250 or 255. Knowledge and application of technologies needed for successful implementation of technology-based lessons and universal designs for learning. (13.0501)

EDUC 252. Professional Growth Seminar I. 0-1-0. Co-requisite: EDUC 250. Designed to assist in developing skills for LIVETEXT and exposure to PRAXIS I format. S or U assigned upon completion of course. (13.0101)

EDUC 255. Middle School Curriculum and Pedagogy. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Admission requirements specified by the College of Education. Historical and philosophical foundations of middle schools, function of middle school programs in providing a developmentally responsive and socially equitable curriculum and environment for middle school learners. The unique role and responsibilities of the middle school teacher. Field experiences in area middle schools/or classes required. Lab fee required. (13.1203).

EDUC 307. Methods of Instruction in Business Education. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: EDUC 321. Co registration EDUC 405. Examination and application of methods and materials for teaching secondary business. Weekly field experiences required. (13.1205)

EDUC 309. Methods of Instruction for Secondary Subjects. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: EDUC 321. Co registration EDUC 405. Examination and application of methods and materials appropriate for teaching secondary school subjects. Weekly field experiences required. (13.1205)

EDUC 312. Planning for Teaching in Multiculural Classrooms. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: Admission requirements specified by the College of Education including passing scores on all parts of Praxis PPST or ACT cumulative score of 22 or higher.  A study of the teacher as the decision-maker in instructional planning with special emphasis on the preparation for teaching in a diverse society. The major focus is the development of lesson plans and assessment. Observations in cooperating schools are required. (13.0101)

EDUC 313. Introduction to Classroom Management. 3-3-0. Prerequisite or Co-requisite: EDUC 312 or FCED 232. Content and experiences related to making effective classroom management decisions. Overview of conceptual models and classroom applications associated with effective classroom management. Observations in area schools required. (13.0101)

EDUC 314. Methods of Instruction in Secondary Social Studies. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: EDUC 321. Co registration EDUC 405. Examination and application of methods and materials for teaching secondary social studies. Weekly field experience required. (13.1318)

EDUC 316. Methods of Instruction in Secondary English. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: EDUC 321. Co registration EDUC 405. Examination and application of methods and materials for teaching secondary English. Weekly field experiences required. (13.1305)

EDUC 317. Professional Growth Seminar II. 0-1-0. Co-requisite: EDUC 312 or EDUC 313. Designed to enhance skills in developing an electronic portfolio and in-depth reflections and completing PRAXIS. S or U assigned upon completion of course. (13.0101)

EDUC 318. Methods of Instruction in Secondary Mathematics. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: EDUC 321. Examination and application of methods and materials for teaching secondary mathematics. Weekly field experiences are required. (13.1311)

EDUC 319. Methods of Instruction in Secondary Science. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: EDUC 321. Co registration EDUC 405. Examination and application of methods and materials for teaching secondary science. Weekly field experiences required. (13.1316)

EDUC 321. Reading in the Secondary School. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: EDUC 312 or H&PE 312. Theory and practice of providing for the instructional needs of the secondary school student in all content areas as reflected by reading ability. Directed and supervised field experiences in cooperating schools required. (13.1205)

EDUC 339. Elementary Methods in Art, Music, and Physical Education. 3-3-0. Description of teaching practices for elementary school students in the expressive arts. Field experiences required. (13.1312)

EDUC 365. The Teaching of Reading and Language Arts in the Elementary School. 6-6-0. Prerequisite: EDUC 312 or FCED 336. Theory and practice of how to teach reading and other language arts and the preparation of audio visual materials in the elementary grades. Participation in cooperating schools required. (13.0101)

EDUC 366. Methods for Teaching Reading and Language Arts in the Middle School. 6-5-2. Prerequisite: EDUC 312. Knowledge base for instruction in English, language arts, and reading in the content areas. Thirty hours of directed and supervised observation/teaching field experiences with children in partner middle schools required in area of certification. FA only (13.1202)

EDUC 368. Methods for Teaching Diverse Learners. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: EDUC 312. Knowledge and application of methods for teaching students with diverse learning needs. Fifteen hours of directed and supervised observation/teaching field experiences in diverse classrooms required. (13.1001)

EDUC 369. Professional Growth Seminar III. 0-1-0. Co-requisite: EDUC 313. Series of seminars designed to provide knowledge for completing Portal Folios, enhancing Professional Growth Plans, passing the PRAXIS, and completing Louisiana Components of Effective Teaching. S or U assigned upon completion of course. Credit toward teacher education certification may not be earned both in this course and EDUC 211. (13.0101)

EDUC 374. Methods for Teaching Mathematics for Elementary Teachers. 6-6-0. Prerequisite: EDUC 312. Planning, organizing, and implementing instructional strategies, materials, and techniques in mathematics for elementary teachers. Fifteen hours of directed and supervised observation/teaching field experiences with children in partner elementary schools required in area of certification. (13.1202).

EDUC 375. Methods of Instruction for the Elementary Teacher. 6-6-0. Prerequisite: EDUC 312. Organization of teaching procedures and materials for mathematics, science, social studies for regular and mild moderate students in the elementary grades, and the preparation of audiovisual materials. Participation in cooperating schools required. (13.1202)

EDUC 376. Methods for Teaching Science, Social Studies, and Integrated Arts for Elementary Teachers. 6-6-0. Prerequisite: EDUC 312. Planning, organizing, and implementing instructional strategies, materials, and techniques for science, social studies, and the integrated arts for elementary teachers. Fifteen hours of directed and supervised observation/teaching field experiences with children in partner elementary schools required in area of certification. (13.1202)

EDUC 377. Methods for Teaching Mathematics for Elementary Teachers. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: EDUC 312. Co-requisite: Residency. Planning, organizing, and implementing instructional strategies, materials, and techniques in mathematics for elementary teachers. (13.1202)

EDUC 378. Methods for Teaching Science, Social Studies, Mathematics, and Integrated Arts for Middle School Teachers. 6-6-0. Prerequisite: EDUC 312. Planning, organizing, and implementing instructional strategies, materials, and techniques for science, social studies, math, and the integrated arts for middle grades 4-8. Fifteen hours of directed and supervised observation/teaching field experiences with children in partner elementary/middle schools required in area of certification. SP only (13.1202)

EDUC 379. Methods for Teaching Science, Social Studies, and Integrated Arts for Elementary Teachers. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: EDUC 312. Co-requisite: Residency. Planning, organizing, and implementing instructional strategies, materials, and techniques [GS1] for science, social studies, and the integrated arts for elementary teachers (13.1202)

EDUC 380. Kindergarten Education. 3 3 0. Corequisite: EDUC 312 or FCED 336. Kindergarten study with emphasis on administration and organization. Includes exploration of current trends in kindergarten education and consideration of selection of equipment and materials. Fa only. (13.1209)

EDUC 381. Teaching in the Kindergarten. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: EDUC 380 or permission of department head. Role of the teacher in program planning, emphasizing the sequential development of skills and interrelationships in subject areas; the spiral process of the kindergarten child’s skills and knowledge development. Sp only. (13.1209)

EDUC 382. Teaching as Applied Behavior Analysis. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: EDUC 312 or FCED 232. Foundations for measurably superior instruction for learners from pre-listener/speaker to early reader/writer repertoires. Scientific applications of the principles of behavior and related tactics to academic literacy, self-management, expanding community of reinforcers and curriculum-based assessment, functional analysis of instruction and its relation to behavior problems and measurably effective instructional practices. (13.1099)

EDUC 392. Methods of Teaching Students With Learning and Behavior Problems. 3 3 0. Prerequisite: EDUC 394. Co-requisite: EDUC 404. Instructional methodology for younger children with mild/moderate behavioral and learning handicaps. Contact hours in area schools required.   Sp only. (13.1099)

EDUC 394. Tests and Measurements in Special Education. 3-2-2. Prerequisite: EDUC 312. Principles and procedures of educational assessment, selection, preparation, diagnosis, and evaluation of children with learning problems. Contact hours in supervised administration and interpretation of educational assessment tools as required. Fa only. (13.1099)

EDUC 396. Collaborative Teaming. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: EDUC 312 or 421. This course will focus on the history, formation, and implementation of collaborative partnerships in inclusive school settings. The course will deal with different models of collaboration, the theoretical and philosophical approaches to school-based collaboration, and the roles of primary and secondary members of interdisciplinary teams. This course is focused on developing effective partnerships with parents, family members, general educators and related service provider. (13.1011)

EDUC 399. Introduction to Multisensory Structured Language Programs. 3-3-0. The course covers the basics of a multisensory structured language program and its use with students with dyslexia or other reading difficulties. Fa only. (13.1099)

EDUC 402. Reading Instruction in the Elementary School. 4-4-0. Prerequisite: EDUC 365. Theory and practice for the effective development of reading abilities among elementary grade students. Directed and supervised field experiences with children in cooperating schools required. (13.1315)

EDUC 403. Clinical Analysis of Reading Difficulties. 2-0-4. Prerequisite: EDUC 402. Techniques and procedures, methods and materials for analyzing and correcting reading disabilities. (13.1315)

EDUC 404. Clinical Analysis of Learning Difficulties of Students with Disabilities. 3-0-6. Prerequisite: EDUC 394. Co-requisite: EDUC 392. Techniques and procedures, methods and materials for analyzing and correcting severe reading and math difficulties of at-risk and disabled students. Sp only. (13.1099)

EDUC 405. Professional Growth Seminar IV. 0-1-0. Co-requisite: EDUC 402, EDUC 378 or FCED 430. Series of seminars to prepare candidates to complete professional Portfolio, PRAXIS and Professional Growth Plan. S or U assigned upon completion of course. (13.0101)

*EDUC 421. Current Practices and Strategies in Teaching. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: Baccalaureate degree and transcript evaluation for alternate program. Emphasis on planning, lesson presentation, classroom management, current instructional strategies, and assessment.   Lab fee required. (13.0101)

*EDUC 422. Vocational and Transitional Education Services Across the Lifespan (WWW). 3-3-0. Prerequisites: EDUC 211 or EDCI 512 and EDUC 312 or EDUC 421 or their equivalent. Curriculum, methods, and techniques for teaching adolescents with mild/moderate disabilities to become independent learners and self sufficient adults through vocational and transitional services. Thirty contact hours in area schools required. Fa only. (13.1099)

*EDUC 441. Multicultural Education for Teachers. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: EDUC 312. Preparation for teaching in a diverse society. Field experiences required. (13.1202)

EDUC 450. Residency I in the K-12 Classroom. 3-0-10. Prerequisites: 2.5 GPA and passing scores on all required parts of the PRAXIS examination and completion of all pre-residency block coursework. Candidates will be engaged in level one, two, and three field experiences in a K-12 setting for a minimum of 60% of the K-12 semester. S or U assigned upon completion of course. (13.1299)

*EDUC 451. Residency in Teaching I. 3-0-6. Prerequisites: Have been admitted to the post baccalaureate certification program and passed all required parts of the PRAXIS examination. Teaching in the elementary and secondary school setting in area of certification. S or U assigned upon completion of course. Fa only. (13.1299)

*EDUC 452. Residency in Teaching II. 3-0-6. Prerequisites: Have been admitted to the post baccalaureate certification program and passed all required parts of the PRAXIS examination. Teaching in the elementary and secondary school setting in area of certification. S or U assigned upon completion of course. Sp only. (13.1299)

EDUC 454. Residency II in the K-12 Classroom. 6-0-20. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all Residency I block coursework. Candidates will be engaged in level one, two, and three field experiences in a K-12 setting for a minimum of 80% of the K-12 semester. S or U assigned upon completion of course. (13.1299)

EDUC 455. Student Teaching in The Elementary School. 11-0-35. Prerequisites: Have successfully completed all coursework, have passed all required parts of the PRAXIS examination, and have acquired student teaching status. Philosophy, skills, techniques, and controls essential to successful classroom procedures in the elementary school through observation and participation. S or U assigned upon completion of course. (13.1202)

EDUC 456. Student Teaching in Primary Schools, Kindergarten – Grade 3. 11-0-35. Prerequisites: Have successfully completed all coursework, have passed all required parts of the PRAXIS examination, and have acquired student teaching status. Planning, management, instruction, professional development, and school improvement in kindergarten and primary school. S or U assigned upon completion of the course. (13.1204)

EDUC 457. Student Teaching in the Elementary Schools, Grades 1-5. 11-0-35. Prerequisites: Have successfully completed all coursework, have passed all required parts of the PRAXIS examination, and have acquired student teaching status. Planning, management, instruction, professional development, and school improvement in the elementary school. S or U assigned upon completion of the course. (13.1202)

EDUC 458. Student Teaching in Middle Schools, Grades 4-8. 11-0-35. Prerequisites: Have successfully completed all coursework, have passed all required parts of the PRAXIS examination, and have acquired student teaching status. Planning, management, instruction, professional development, and school improvement in the middle school. S or U assigned upon completion of the course. (13.1205)

EDUC 461. Student Teaching in Birth-to-Five/Early Intervention. 11-0-35. Prerequisites: Have successfully completed all coursework, have passed all required parts of the PRAXIS examination, and have acquired student teaching status. Observing and teaching in a regular kindergarten classroom and in a special education mild/moderate resource room or early childhood inclusion classroom. Skills, techniques, assessment, IEPà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s, and successful procedures in teaching the Birth to Five/Early Intervention child. S or U assigned upon completion of course. (13.1210)

EDUC 463. Student Teaching Seminar. 1-1-0. Prerequisite: Have passed all required parts of the PRAXIS examination. Co-requisite: Enrolled in Student Teaching. A series of seminars designed to expose the student teacher to various strategies that facilitate best practices in classroom management and discipline. Seminar presenters include supervising teachers, university coordinators and other school (K-12) personnel. Lab fees required. S or U assigned upon completion of course. (13.1001)

EDUC 465. Student Teaching in the Secondary Schools. 11-0-35. Prerequisites: Have successfully completed all coursework, have passed all required parts of the PRAXIS examination, and have acquired student teaching status. Teaching and observing in the high school daily. Participation in extra-class duties and attendance at evaluation conferences arranged by the supervisor. S or U assigned upon completion of course. (13.1001)

EDUC 467. Student Teaching for Arts and Sciences Concentration. 9-0-35. Prerequisites: Have successfully completed all coursework, have passed all required parts of the PRAXIS examination, and have acquired student teaching status. Planning, management, instruction, professional development, and school improvement in the teaching of the arts. S or U assigned upon completion of course. (13.1001)

EDUC 477. Planning and Strategies of Effective Instruction. 3-2-1. Development of a knowledge base necessary for effective instruction for regular education pathways to certification (elementary, middle, and secondary). Emphasis on planning effectively for content, instruction, and assessment of student learning. Application of knowledge in applied setting for a minimum of 15 hours is required. (13.1206)

EDUC 478. Instructional Strategies for Students with Mild/Moderate Exceptionalities. 3-2-1. A three-hour course designed to develop a knowledge base which aligns instructionally relevant characteristics of mild/moderate students and effective instructional practices. Application of knowledge in applied setting for a minimum of 15 hours is required. Su only. (13.1206)

EDUC 479. Introduction to Classroom Management. 3-2-1. A three-hour course designed to introduce candidates in regular education pathways to certification to effective methods of classroom management. Candidates learn about cooperative learning strategies by participating in various aspects of cooperative learning as the course content – classroom management via cooperative learning. Application of knowledge in applied setting for a minimum of 15 hours is required. (13.1206)

EDUC 480. Management of Students with Mild/Moderate Exceptionalities. 3-2-1. A three-hour course designed to develop a knowledge base which aligns relevant characteristics of mild/moderate students and effective classroom/behavioral management practices and social skill training. Application of knowledge in applied setting for a minimum of 15 hours is required. Su only. (13.1001)

EDUC 481. Foundations of Instructional Technology. 3-3-0. A three-hour hands-on project-based-course with emphasis on the fundamental operation of the microcomputer, its utilization in the schools and integration of technology in content instruction. Five critical areas will characterize integration of technology in K-12 and special education classrooms: 1) classroom management techniques, 2) new designs of learning, 3) best pedagogical practices, 4) curriculum standards, and 5) modern technology skills. (13.1206)

EDUC 482. Foundations of Educational Assessment. 3-2-1. Introduction of measurement and assessment essential to good teaching. Application of knowledge in applied setting for a minimum of 15 hours is required. (13.1206)

EDUC 483. Student Teaching in Special Education/Elementary School. 9-0-35. Prerequisites: Have successfully completed coursework, have passed all required parts of the PRAXIS examination, and have acquired student teaching status. Observing and teaching in a special education mild/moderate resource room/classroom and elementary classroom. Skills, techniques, assessment, IEP’s, and successful procedures in teaching the child in elementary school and mild/moderate resource room/classroom. S or U assigned upon completion of course. (13.1001)

EDUC 484. Practitioner Teacher Internship Seminar. 3-1-2. May be repeated for credit whenever content differs. Individual supervision by school district curriculum specialists and university faculty from both the Colleges of Education and Arts and Sciences. Application of knowledge in applied setting for a minimum of 30 hours is required. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (13.1206)

EDUC 485. Kindergarten Practicum. 3-0-9. Prerequisites: EDUC 380 and 381 or permission of department head. Teaching experience with the kindergarten child under supervision of a qualified teacher. S or U assigned upon completion of course. (13.1209)

EDUC 487. Approaches to Managing the Mild/Moderate Exceptionalities in Special Education. 3-3-0. Techniques for modifying and managing behaviors of mild/moderate special education students. Thirty contact hours in area schools required. Fa only. (13.1099)

EDUC 489. Mainstreaming Practicum. 3-0-6. Prerequisites: Senior standing, concurrent enrollment in EDUC 473, and be on regular status. Directed teaching of students with disabilities in a regular school setting. S or U assigned upon completion of course. (13.1099)

EDUC 498. Special Methods and Materials of Instruction. 3-3-0. Methods and instructional materials with emphasis on the newer materials and techniques. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (13.0301)


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