Educational Leadership with Concentration in K-12 School Leadership (effective summer 2006)
Foundation Core:
EDFR 501: Educational Research
EDCI 503: Seminar in K-12 Curriculum Studies
EDFR 504: History and Philosophy of American Education or EDTL Elective
Advanced Concentration Coursework:
EDLE 508: Practices in School Leadership for School Improvement
EDLE 590: Management of School Operations and Facilities
EDLE 507: Facilitating Best Practices to Improve Instruction
EDLE 582: Financial and Legal Implications for Education Leaders
EDLE 535: Using Inquiry and Data to Lead School Change
EDLE 522: Application of Best Practices to Improve Teaching and Learning
EDLE 594: Internship in School Leadership I
EDLE 595: Internship in School Leadership II
EDLE 536: Evaluating and Implementing Programs for School Improvement
EDLE 530: Instructional Leadership: Creating a Culture for Teaching and Learning
Educational Leadership with Concentration of Educational Technology Leadership
Foundation Core:
EDFR 501: Educational Research
EDCI 503: Seminar in K-12 Curriculum Studies
EDLE 508: Practices in School Leadership for School Improvement
EDFR 504: History and Philosophy of American Education
Advanced Concentration Coursework:
EDTL 501: Design and Development of Multimedia Instructional Units
EDTL 503: Educational Telecommunications, Networks and the Internet
EDTL 505: Technology Leadership in Schools
EDTL 506: Professional Development of K-12 Technology Integration
EDTL 507: Technology Planning and Administration
EDTL 509: Educational Technology Research, Evaluation and Assessment
EDTL 511: Advanced Telecommunications and Distance Learning
EDTL 594: Capstone: Internship in Educational Technology Leadership
Educational Leadership with Concentration in Higher Education Administration
Foundation Core for All Candidates:
- EDFR 501 (3)- Education Research
- EDCI 503 (3)- Seminar in K-12 Curriculum Studies OR EDTL 506 (3)- Professional Development of K-12 Technology Integration
- EDLE 508 (3)- Practices in School Leadership for School Improvement
- EDFR 504 (3)- History and Philosophy of American Education or approved EDTL elective
- EDLE 535 (3)- Using Inquiry and Data to Lead Change
- EDLE 582 (3)- Financial and Legal Implications for Educational Leaders
- EDLE 590 (3)- Management of School Operations and Facilities
Advanced Concentration Coursework (HEAD 585 and 4 of the remaining courses required):
- HEAD 505 (3) Organization, Governance and Finance in Higher Education
- HEAD 510 (3)- Legal Aspects of Higher Education
- HEAD 515 (3)- Administration of Student Development and Services
- HEAD 520 (3) Planning, Evaluation, and Institutional Effectiveness in Higher Education
- HEAD 525 (3)- Administration and Leadership in Sport, Recreational, and Wellness Programs
- HEAD 585 – (3) Practicum in Higher Education
Educational Leadership with Concentration in Higher Education and Technology Leadership
Core Courses (Required)
- EDFR 501 (3) – Education Research
- EDFR 504 (3) – History and Philosophy of American Education
- EDCI 503 (3) – Seminar in Curriculum Studies or EDTL 506 Professional Development of K-12 Technology Integration
- EDLE 508 (3) – Practices in School Leadership for School Improvement
Educational Technology Courses (Required):
- EDTL 501 (3) – Design and Development of Multimedia Instructional Units
- EDTL 503 (3) – Educational Telecommunications, Networks and the Internet
- EDTL 505 (3) – Technology Leadership in Schools
- EDTL 594 (3) – Capstone: Internship in Educational Technology Leadership
Higher Education – Administration Courses (4 Required):
- HEAD 505 (3) – Organization, Administration and Finance of Higher Education
- HEAD 510 (3) – Legal Aspects of Higher Education
- HEAD 515 (3) – Administration of Student Development Programs and Services
- HEAD 520 (3) – Institutional Effectiveness in Higher Education
- HEAD 525 (3) Administration and Leadership in Sport, Recreational and Wellness Programs