FINC 302. Financial Management. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: ACCT 206 or 221; ECON 211 or 255, and 212; QBA 282 and completion of 54 hours of coursework. Methods and techniques employed to manage the financial resources of a business corporation, with emphasis on financial forecasting, statement analysis, working capital management, capital budgeting, and short term and long term financing. (52.0801) FINC 310. Financial Markets and Institutions. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Completion of 54 hours of coursework. Theoretical and institutional analysis of money and capital markets and the role of financial intermediaries. Covers interest rate determination; governmental and corporate securities markets; international integration of financial markets; and regulation, organization, and ethics in financial markets and institutions. (52.0803) FINC 328. Principles of Insurance. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: QBA 282 and completion of 54 hours of coursework. An introductory course to assist students preparing for a career in insurance and to meet the needs of prospective insurance buyers. (52.1701) FINC 341. Principles of Real Estate. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Completion of 54 hours of coursework. Survey of interest in realty, titles, financing, appraisal, investment criteria for income producing real property, and the principles of purchasing and owning a home. Additional coverage includes brokerage, ethics in real estate, and international markets. This course taken in conjunction with BSAD 221 meets the educational requirements for the Louisiana Real Estate Salesperson’s License. (52.1501) FINC 356. Investments. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: FINC 302. People, securities and institutions involved in the securities industry. Alternative investment vehicles within a risk return framework. (52.0807) FINC 403. Intermediate Financial Management. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: FINC 302. Theory and current practices in financial management with emphasis on short-term financing. (52.0801) *FINC 405. Financial Statement Analysis. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: FINC 302, ACCT 221. Use of financial statements to analyze the position of a firm. Topics include analysis techniques and the limitations imposed by generally accepted accounting principles. (52.0801) *FINC 410. Commercial Banking. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: FINC 302. Management of commercial banks and the banking system. Emphasis on the management of assets and liabilities within a commercial bank and the operation of commercial banks within the current regulatory environment. (52.0803) FINC 425. Entrepreneurial Finance. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: FINC 302. Special financial arrangements needed to launch and grow enterprises. Progression of alternatives available to financiers and entrepreneurs, from bootstrapping through public offerings. Valuation of privately held firms. (52.0801) FINC 441. Real Estate Appraisal. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: FINC 341. Examines the three traditional approaches to valuation of real estate including value in use to the individual and contemporary thoughts regarding valuation. Computer software used in analysis of residential and income producing properties. (52.1501) *FINC 450. International Finance. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: FINC 302. International investments; money and banking systems; accounting and marketing in multinational business. (52.0806) *FINC 456. Analytics of Investing. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: FINC 356. Theory of security valuations of stocks, bonds, warrants, and options. Portfolio theory and modern methods of portfolio construction. (52.0807) FINC 460. Finance Internship. 3-0-10. Prerequisites: Junior standing and permission of the department head. Supervised practical experience in an approved private or public organization involving work relevant to finance. Only one internship may be counted toward degree. (52.0801) FINC 490. Seminar in Finance. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Senior standing. Case studies focusing upon integrating financial theory with its application in real world decision making. (52.0801) FINC 515. Performance and Planning. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: ACCT 500, BSAD 501 and FINC 302 or equivalent. Provides concepts and analytical framework to measure firm performance and establish short-term plans based on value-based management. (52.0801) FINC 520. Value-Based Management. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: FINC 515. Provides the analytical framework to evaluate the long-term strategic investment and financing decisions the firm’s management faces. (52.0801) |