The candidate for the Specialist in School Psychology degree must fulfill the general requirements for the degree, earn an overall average of B or better in the course of study with not more than six semester hours with the grade of C, successfully complete the midpoint progress review prior to entering the school psychology externship training sequence, successfully complete the comprehensive examination, and successfully complete internship requirements. At least two thirds of the work toward the degree must be in courses open only to graduate students. The candidate must earn a minimum of sixty graduate credits plus twelve hours credit for the internship.
Admission to the Specialist in School Psychology Degree Program
Admission to Graduate Studies does not imply admission to the Specialist in School Psychology program. Applicants for admission to the Specialist in School Psychology degree program must fulfill the following special requirements in addition to the general requirements stated under Procedure for Admission:
- Obtain a minimum score of 800 (Verbal plus Quantitative) on the General portion of the GRE (taken before August 1, 2011). A minimum score of 286 (Verbal plus Quantitative) on the General portion of the GRE (taken after August 1, 2011).
- Present evidence of a GPA of 2.50 or better on the last 60 semester hours pursued.
- Have three rating forms, secured from the Coordinator of Graduate Studies office, completed by appropriate references and returned.
- Complete an interview with faculty representatives of the School Psychology Specialist Program.
- Complete undergraduate prerequisite courses.
Undergraduate Preparation
An undergraduate degree in psychology from a regionally accredited university or fifteen hours of undergraduate psychology to include statistics, research methods, physiological or abnormal psychology, psychology of exceptional children and three additional hours of psychology.
Graduate Course Work
Sixty academic hours plus twelve hours of internship as outlined below:
Required Courses:
- PSYC 500 (3)- Basic Facilitative Skills
- PSYC 504 (3)- Abnormal Psychology
- PSYC 506 (3)- Applied Behavior Analysis
- EDFR 501 (3)- Educational Research
- COUN 505 (3)- Analysis of the Individual
- COUN 512 (3)- Cognitive Behavior Theory and Applications
OR - COUN 513 (3)- Applied Psychophamacology
- PSYC 509 (3)- Practicum in Diagnostic Testing I
- PSYC 511 (3)- Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy
- PSYC 512 (3)- Theories of Learning
- PSYC 514 (3)- Practicum in Diagnostic Testing II
- PSYC 516 (3)- Child & Adolescent Development
OR - PSYC 519 (3)- Advanced Lifespan Development Psychology
- PSYC 520 (3)- Psychological Counseling Practicum I
- PSYC 522 (3)- Interventions for Diverse Needs
- PSYC 527 (3)- Problems and Issues in School Psychology
- PSYC 528 (3)- Behavioral School Consultation Strategies
- PSYC 529 (3)- Instructional Consultation Strategies
- PSYC 530 (3)- School Psychology Externship I
- PSYC 531 (3)- School Psychology Externship II
- PSYC 532 (6)- School Psychology Internship I
- PSYC 533 (6)- School Psychology Internship II
- PSYC 598 (0)- Specialist’s Comprehensive Examination
- EDCI 560 (3)- The Teaching of Reading; Developmental Or EDCI 562 (3)- Analysis of Reading Difficulties
Elective Courses.
One course must be selected from the following:
- COUN 510 (3)- Theory and Procedures in Group Counseling
- COUN 526 (3)- Introduction to Marriage and Family Therapy
- PSYC 584 (6)- Specialist Thesis Research
- EDAS 581 (3)- Federal, State and Local School Law
- PSYC 515 (3)- Advanced Child Psychopathology
- PSYC 550 (3)- Special Topics in Psychology (Psychopharmacology or Cognitive Behavior Therapy)
Comprehensive Examination
Students nearing the completion of their program must, with the consent of their major professor and program chair, register to take the comprehensive examination (PSYC 598). It is generally taken in the last fall or spring semester of academic course work and must be successfully completed prior to beginning of the second semester of internship. This is a written and oral examination covering the course work required for the degree, and it may not be waived. Upon completion of the examination, determination of satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance will be made by the student’s Academic committee. Students whose performance on the examination is unsatisfactory may retake it on its next or a later regular administration date. No candidate will be permitted a third opportunity to pass the examination.