ART 111. Honors Art Appreciation. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Honors standing. Introduction to the visual arts. History of architecture, painting, sculpture, ceramics, drawing, printmaking, photography, and graphic design. (50.0701) ART 393. Honors Readings in Art History. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: Honors standing. One of the following: HIST 105-106, ENG 211 or Any Art Appreciation, Art History Survey, or Fine Arts Survey. Assigned readings, oral presentations, group discussion, and written topics dealing with art history. May be repeated for credit once if content is different. (50.0703). BIOL 124. Honors Human Anatomy and Physiology I. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Honors placement. A descriptive presentation of the structure and function of the organ systems of the human body covering anatomical terminology, introduction to biological molecules, cells, tissues, bones, muscles, and nervous system. Includes clinical applications. Utilizes multimedia with interactive assignments. (26.0403) BIOL 126. Honors Human Anatomy and Physiology II. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: Honors placement. A descriptive presentation of the structure and function of the organ systems of the human body covering the cardiovascular, immune, respiratory, digestive, excretory and reproductive systems. Includes clinical considerations and utilizes multimedia with interactive assignments. (26.0707) BIOL 372. Honors Topics in the Biological Sciences. 2-2-0. Prerequisites: Honors placement and BIOL 320, 326, or permission of the department head. A selected topic in modern biological sciences. Sp only. (26.9999) BIOL 406. Honors Colloquium in the Biological Sciences. 1-1-1. Prerequisites: Honors placement and senior standing. Lectures and discussion of current advances, underlying principles, and paradigm dynamics in the biological sciences. Fa only. (26.9999) ENGL 111. Honors English Composition I. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Honors placement or permission of department head. Writing in the humanities through exploration of texts related to history, the arts, literature, and philosophy. (23.0401) ENGL 112. Honors English Composition II. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Honors placement, C or better in ENGL 111, or permission of department head. Independent research strategies and argumentative writing for the illumination of interrelations among disciplines, current events, and questions of ethics, values, and beliefs. C or better in ENGL 112 is required for graduation. (23.0401) ENGL 211. Honors Studies in Literature and Culture. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: Completion of freshman English and admission to Honors Program. Examination of how literature has contributed to the invention of the modern mind. (23.0801) GOVT 111. Honors American National Government. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Honors placement or permission of department head. An in-depth analysis of the principles, structure, and functions of the national government of the United States. Degree credit will not be given for both GOVT 101 and GOVT 111. (45.1001) HIST 105. Honors Western Civilization. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Honors placement or permission of department head. Tracing the development of western culture from the beginnings of “civilization” to the mid-seventeenth century through analyses of contemporary writings and historical interpretations. Degree credit will not be given for both HIST 101 and HIST 105. (54.0101) HIST 106. Honors Western Civilization. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Honors placement of permission of department head. Tracing the development of western culture from the mid-seventeenth century to the present through analyses of contemporary writings and historical interpretations. Degree credit will not be given for both HIST 102 and HIST 106. (54.0101) HIST 160. Honors World History I. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Honors Placement or permission of department head. Political, intellectual, social and economic developments in world history from the ancient world to 1500. This is an honors course that explores the development of global civilizations from Paleolithic times to the Renaissance. Degree credit will not be given for both HIST 150 and HIST 160. (54.0101) HIST 161. Honors World History II. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Honors Placement or permission of department head. Political, intellectual, social and economic developments in world history from 1500 to the present day. This ia an honors course that explores the development of societies and their interactions. Degree credit will not be given for both HIST 151 and HIST 161. (54.0101) HONR 321. Honors Service. 1-0-3. Prerequisites: HUMA 111 and permission of the Honors Director. Specific campus or community service-learning assignments. (30.9999) HONR 350. Honors Special Topics. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: Junior standing and permission of the Honors Director. A selected topic in the arts, humanities, or sciences. May be repeated if content is different. May substitute for elective in major at discretion of department head. (26.9999) HONR 401. Honors Prospectus. 1-0-3. Prerequisites: Senior standing, sixteen hours of honors course credits, permission of the department head of the studentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s major, and permission of the Honors Director. Selection and planning of directed study in an area of the major. (30.9999) HONR 402. Honors Thesis. 3-0-6. Prerequisites: HONR 401, senior standing, sixteen hours of honors course credits, permission of the department head of the student’s major, and permission of Honors Director. Directed study in the major field. Product of the study to be presented to interested communities. Students must contact the department head of the major one semester prior to enrollment in this course. May be substituted for an existing required/elective course in the major at the discretion of the academic department. (30.9999) HUMA 111. The Honors Forum. 1-1-0. Prerequisite: Honors placement or permission of the Honors Coordinator. Lectures, discussions, recitals, concerts, exhibitions, and demonstrations that reflect the interdisciplinary focus of the Honors Program. S or U assigned upon completion of course. May be repeated when topic differs. (24.0101) HUMA 381. Honor Humanities Abroad I. 6-5-2. Prerequisites: Thirteen hours of honors course credit, junior standing, and permission of Honors Program Director. Intensive study of a European country with emphasis on its culture, history, and society. Requires up to four weeks of study in country. (24.0103) HUMA 481. Honors Humanities Abroad II. 6-5-2. Prerequisites: Enrollment or credit in HONR 401 and permission of Honors Program Director. Intensive study of a Latin American country with emphasis on culture, history, society and ecology. Requires up to four weeks of study in country. (24.0103) MATH 113. Honors Pre-Calculus. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: ACT math sub-score of 24 or higher. Permission of Honors Director and department head. (27.0101) MATH 114. Honors Trigonometry. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: 24 MATH ACT. Honors based investigation of trigonometric ratios, circular functions and graphs, solutions of triangles, inverse functions, identities and equations. (27.0101) MUS 107. Honors Music Appreciation. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Honors placement or permission of department head. Social, economic, and political influences on composers and their works. (50.0902) NURS 385. Honors Special Topics in Global Health Care. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Permission of department head. Selected topics related to health and health care. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (51.1699) PHSC 406. Honors Colloquium in the Physical Sciences. 1-1-0. Prerequisites: Honors placement, PHYS 101 or 201, CHEM 106. Lectures and discussion of current advances, underlying principles, and paradigm dynamics in the physical sciences, including chemistry, astronomy, geology, & physics. (40.0101) SOCI 155. Honors Introductory Sociology. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Honors placement or permission of department head. In-dept analysis of theories and trends of society and social action with particular reference to life in the United States today. Degree credit will not be given for both SOCI 151 and SOCI 155. (45.1101) SPCH 105. Honors Public Speaking. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Honors placement or permission of the department head. Understanding of and practice in the basics of public speaking. Emphasis on student responsibility for the learning process, additional creative speaking assignments, and research/service projects. (23.1001) |