Shawn Mauldin, Ph.D., CPA, CMA, CFP
Dean of the College of Business Administration
Luke H. Cashen, Ph.D.
Director of the Traditional MBA Program
Kevin Breaux, Ph.D., CPA
Director of the Executive MBA Program
Office: 104 White Hall
Phone: 985-448-4241 / International: 011-985-449-7014
The College of Business Administration is accredited by the AACSB International – The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
Mission of the College of Business Administration
The College of Business Administration prepares students to contribute to a dynamic global economy and diverse workforce as well-educated, responsible business professionals by continuously improving its teaching, research and service.
Purpose of the Program
The Master of Business Administration (MBA) program within the College of Business Administration at Nicholls State University emphasizes excellence and continuous improvement in graduate learning. The purpose of the MBA program is to prepare students for professional management positions in both the private and public sectors. The broad, integrated curriculum focuses on knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed by effective managers and ethical leaders in an ever changing global environment.
Admission Requirements
The Master of Business Administration curriculum is an integrated one encompassing the following areas: accounting, economics, finance, information systems, leadership and ethics, management, marketing and statistics.
To be admitted to the MBA program, an applicant must meet the following requirements:
Business Administration (Traditional MBA Program):
- Submit a minimum score of 430 on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), AND
- Score at least 950 on the following formula: 200 times the grade point average on all work attempted* in pursuit of the undergraduate degree plus the GMAT total score, OR
- Score at least 1,000 on the following formula: 200 times the grade point average on the last 60 hours of work attempted* in pursuit of the undergraduate degree plus the GMAT total score.
Business Administration (Executive MBA Program):
- A total score of at least 950 on the formula: undergraduate GPA (on all work attempted in pursuit of the degree) times 200, plus GMAT total score, or
- A total score of at least 1,000 on the formula: undergraduate GPA on the last 60 hours (attempted in pursuit of the degree) times 200, plus GMAT total score, or
- An applicant with significant and meaningful supervisory, technical, and/or budget responsibilities and a strong academic background may request that the GMAT be waived as a requirement for admission to the EMBA Program. The request for the waiver shall be submitted in writing to the EMBA Director and clearly state the basis for the waiver. A current resume shall accompany the request. A final decision will be made by the Graduate Program and Instruction Committee.
An applicant who fails to satisfy these requirements may be classified as a pre-MBA student until he or she has met the criteria. No graduate credit may be earned while classified as a pre-MBA student.
* Courses that were repeated are counted every time they are taken.
A student who has not taken the GMAT, and who has a 3.0 average on all work in pursuit of the undergraduate degree*, may petition the Director of Graduate Programs in Business who may give written permission to enroll in graduate courses. Permission may be granted on the condition that the student shall take the GMAT during the semester of admission and meet the admission criteria. If a student fails to meet requirements during that semester, the graduate courses taken shall not count toward the MBA degree.
* Courses that were repeated are counted every time they are taken.
In addition to meeting the GMAT and grade point average requirements, applicants from non-English speaking countries must submit a total score of 550 (computer-based 213), and a listening comprehension score of 55, on the Test of English as a Foreign Language.
Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) in lieu of GMAT
An applicant to either the Traditional or the Executive MBA Program may take the GRE in lieu of the GMAT as a requirement for admission. The College of Busiess will use the ETS-published “GRE Comparison Table for Business Schools” to convert the GRE score to its equivalent GRMAT score. The equivalent GMAT score is used to assess if the applicant meets the minimum score requirement. Additionally, the equivalent GMAT score is used when calculating an applicant’s formula score for possible admission.
Foundation Requirements
Students admitted into the MBA degree program are required to have proper business background preparation for taking the graduate level coursework. Prior to taking a graduate course, students must successfully demonstrate academic aptitude by successfully fulfilling the corresponding foundation requirement. Foundation requirements are met by completing the equivalent of the undergraduate business foundation core courses and/or by completing the Pre-MBA Foundation Modules. Students who have an undergraduate degree in an area other than business will often need to complete one or more of the foundation requirements.
Pre-MBA Foundation Modules
Pre-MBA Foundation Modules are self-study modules, each with an accompanying competency exam, in the following six areas: Accounting, Economics, Finance, Management, Marketing, Statistics/Quantitative Methods. Foundation requirements can be completed by passing the exams that demonstrate the content has been mastered. If a student does not pass the exam on the first attempt, the student must wait 30 days before retaking an exam in that same area. Students will be given two opportunities to pass the exam in each area; otherwise, they will be required to fulfill the foundation requirement by taking the undergraduate course in that area. Students may obtain information on the modules and schedule the competency exams with the Office of Graduate Programs in Business.
Business Foundation Core Courses
Foundation requirements may also be met by completing the following undergraduate courses with a grade of C or better:
ACCT 205 – Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACCT 206 – Introduction to Managerial Accounting
ECON 211*- Principles of Microeconomics*
ECON 212 *- Principles of Macroeconomics*
FINC 302 – Financial Management
MNGT 301 – Management of Organizations and Behavioral Processes
MKTG 300 – Marketing
QBA 282 – Business Statistics I
NOTE: Students are responsible for a basic knowledge of computer information systems. Those who are deficient in this area are encouraged to take, or audit, CIS 231 -Management Information Systems.
* Students needing to take both a Microeconomics and Macroeconomics course may elect to take ECON 255 – Survey of Economic Principles to satisfy the Economics foundation requirement.
Degree Requirements
The program leading to the Master of Business Administration requires the completion of 30 semester hours of core courses. In addition, the student must complete three hours of approved electives. The needs, interests, and objectives of the student will be considered whenever electives are approved. Students may select electives in accounting, business administration, economics, finance, information systems, management, or marketing.
The time required by students to complete the program will vary, depending upon the number of courses taken each semester.
Graduate Curriculum (33 hours)
The Language and Tools of Business Analysis (12 hours)
ACCT 500 – Managerial Decision Support
BSAD 501 – Quantitative Business Analysis & Decision Support
ECON 500 – The Economic Environment of Business
FINC 515 – Performance and Planning (taken after ACCT 500 and BSAD 501)
Understanding Organizational Processes, Markets, and Employees (9 hours)
CIS 501 – Managing Information Technology & Business Processes
MKTG 501 – Market Analysis, Planning & Control
MNGT 502 – Managing Human Capital
Achieving Competitive Success (9 hours)
BSAD 507 – Leadership, Ethics & Accountability
FINC 520 – Value-Based Management (taken after FINC 515)
BSAD 525 – Managing Strategic Resources for Competitive Advantage (taken after ECON 500, MKTG 501, MNGT 502 and FINC 515)
Electives (3 hours) from approved courses as determined by the Director of Graduate Programs in Business.
Executive Master of Business Administration
The Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) is a convenient, 17-month program designed for practicing professionals and entrepreneurs who would like to earn their MBA with a minimum disruption of work. Students will progress through the curriculum together, and are encouraged to contribute to the learning process by sharing perspectives shaped by their unique professional experiences. Classes are held approximately every other Saturday, with additional work completed online between meetings. Preparatory (foundation) course material is integrated into the program through the use of “gateway” sessions. Therefore, foundation requirements are not required to be met before taking EMBA courses. The eleven-course, 33-hour program is completed sequentially and generally begins each January, but may begin in other months as demands necessitate. Applications will be evaluated by EMBA Admissions Committee.
The student must earn at least an overall average of B (3.0), with no more than six semester hours with the grade of C. All requirements for the MBA degree must be completed within six years. Credit earned toward the MBA may not be applied to the EMBA described below.
Applications are evaluated on:
- The nature and length of their professional/entrepreneurial experience
- Bachelor’s degree or equivalent from accredited college or university
- GMAT score (unless a GMAT waiver is granted);
- Letters of recommendations;
- Undergraduate grade point average
- Other professional training or education (advanced degrees, certifications, etc.)
Admission to the EMBA program is separate from admission to the MBA program. English language requirements of the MBA program also apply to the EMBA. Additional tuition/fees apply.