HUMA 111. The Honors Forum. 1-1-0. Prerequisite: Honors placement or permission of the Honors Director. Lectures, discussions, recitals, concerts, exhibitions, and demonstrations that reflect the interdisciplinary focus of the Honors Program. S or U assigned upon completion of course. May be repeated when topic differs. (24.0101)
HUMA 204. International Humanities. 3-3-0. The humanistic study of a selected country or countries. The course normally requires travel to a non English speaking country or region. (24.0103)
HUMA 221. Introductory Mandarin Chinese. 3-3-0. Students will acquire basic knowledge of Mandarin Chinese through listening, speaking, reading, and writing in the language. (24.0103)
HUMA 260. European Humanities. 3-3-0. The history and culture of Europe with emphasis on the humanistic achievements of Western man. Required four weeks summer study and travel residence in Europe. (24.0103)
HUMA 303: French and Francophone Literature in Translation. 3-3-0. Emphasizes canonical French and Francophone texts, close readings, and writing papers. All work is done in English, but French style, cultural differences, and translation obstacles are discussed. (24.0103)
HUMA 350. Classical Mythology. 3-3-0. The principal myths, legends, sagas, and folktales growing out of the life, literature, and art of Greece and Rome. Fa only. (24.0103)
HUMA 351. The Culture of Greece and Rome. 3-3-0. The humanistic contributions of the classical cultures of Greece and the Roman Empire (pre Christian), and their impact on modern man (slides, films, lectures, reviews). Sp only. (24.0103)
HUMA 382. Honors Humanities Abroad–Europe. 3-2-2. Prerequisites: Thirteen hours of honors course credit, Junior standing, and permission of Honors Program Director. Immersive study of a European country with emphasis on culture, history, and society. Requires up to four weeks of study in country. (24.0103)
*HUMA 405. Topics in International Humanities. 3-3-0. Intensive study of the humanistic contributions of a selected country or area. The course normally requires travel to a non English speaking country or region. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (24.0103)
HUMA 426. Intercultural Competencies. 3-3-0. Intercultural communication through readings, lectures, discussions, role-playing, and simulation activities. (24.0103)
HUMA 450. Religion and Culture. 3-3-0. Examination of core beliefs of major world religions, with attention to both Eastern and Western traditions. (24.0103)
HUMA 451. Culture of Western Europe. 3-3-0. The interrelationships of art, architecture, literature, and music in Western Europe with special attention to the intellectual legacy of Greece and Rome. Fa only. (24.0103)
HUMA 482. Honors Humanities Abroad–Americas. 3-2-2. Prerequisites: HUMA 111, credit or enrollment in HONR 401, Junior standing, sixteen hours of Honors credit, and permission of Honors Program Director. Immersive study of a North, Central, or South American country with emphasis on culture, history, and society. Requires up to four weeks of study in country. (24.0103)