GEOL 101. Physical Geology. 3-3-0. Study of the earth, its constituents, agents, and processes modifying it; also geologic structures and landforms. [LCCN: CGEO 1103] (40.0601)
GEOL 102. Historical Geology. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: GEOL 101. A survey of Earth’s geological history including the means by which conclusions are drawn concerning Earth’s history and a study of events that have occurred over geologic time. [LCCN: CGEO 1113] (40.0601)
GEOL 152. Dinosaur Geology. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: GEOL 101. Survey of geological evidence supporting interpretation of dinosaur diversity, ecology, behavior, and extinction. (40.0601)
GEOL 203. Petroleum Geology. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: GEOL 101 or permission of instructor. Course offers an excellent overview and understanding of the areas of science that relate to the earth’s petroleum resources including their nature, origin, distribution, discovery and utilization. (40.0601)
GEOL 300. Oceanography. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: GEOL 101, or permission of department head. History of oceanography, nomenclature, fundamentals of physical properties of the watermass; survey of physical, biological, chemical, and geological oceanography. Fa only. (40.0607)
GEOL 310. Coastal Geology. 3-3-0. Study of the physical and biological processes operating in the Louisiana coastal environment emphasizing coastal formation, diversity, and change over time. (40.0607)
GEOL 370. Environmental Geology. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: GEOL 101. The application of geological principles to assessing the interaction between man and the environment. Fluvial and coastal systems will be emphasized. Sp only. Odd years. (40.0601)