2023-2024 CATALOG



Office: 230 College of Education and Behavioral Sciences
Phone: 985-448-4317
Professors: Triche.
Associate Professors: K. Allemand, Block, Dial, G. Gautreaux, Guillot, Angelle Hebert, Junot, Papa, A. Theriot (Head), Vavasseur.
Assistant Professors: Breaud, Hollander, Kunkel, Perry, Peterson, L. Richard, Shanman, Wang.
Instructor: Dempster.

The Department offers programs of study leading to the following bachelors degrees: Bachelor of Science in Birth to Five Early Interventionist Education, Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, and a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education. Certification in 4-8 middle grades is available through Add-On, an alternative certification program. Within the Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education the following primary certification pathways are offered: , English Education, Social Studies Education, General Science Education, and Family and Consumer Sciences Education. Health and Human Performance Education is offered as a K-12 certification program.

The requirements stated in this Bulletin satisfy the certification requirements currently mandated by the Louisiana Department of Education. However, candidates must meet new and/or revised requirements if mandated by the Louisiana Department of Education.

Minor in Human Performance Sports Coaching

The Minor in Human Performance Sports Coaching offers concentrated study and training in the science of sport movement, psychosocial aspects, methods of instruction, and test and measures in Human Performance. Completion of the minor provides students with courses in the area of Sports Coaching thereby increasing their value in the workplace.

This minor requires the completion of 18 semester hours with a minimum grade of C in all courses to be selected from HPED 240, 320, 325, 340, 360, 373 or 390, and 412.

Ethical Dispositions

The teaching profession has the responsibility to ensure that the welfare of society is safeguarded and enhanced. Consequently, persons whose actions, performance, or behavior could adversely affect children in the school or the school system will not be allowed to enter or complete the teacher education program. All persons enrolled in teacher education are required to submit a criminal background check to the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences office prior to participating in any field experiences and again prior to student teaching or internship.

Program Overview

The Teacher Education Program requires candidates to meet the requirements for Admission to Foundations Core. Admission to the college does not imply admission to the Teacher Education Program for a degree. The Program has four transition points where the progress of each candidate is reviewed and evaluated. The transition points include: Admission to Program, Prior to Clinical, Exit from Clinical, and Program Completion. Candidates must successfully complete the requirements for each transition point before advancing. Candidates not meeting the requirements at each transition point will be referred to the Admission and Retention Committee.

The program includes varied field experiences in PK-12 schools. Candidates must successfully complete 180 hours prior to clinical and 180 hours to exit clinical.

Computer Literacy Requirement

All candidates must successfully complete EDUC 251.

General Requirements for Teacher Education

  • All parts of the PRAXIS required for certification must be passed prior to clinical (student teaching). (Information on minimum passing scores available in the Deans Office.)
  • All candidates with a Louisiana Teaching Certificate must complete the minimum requirements for additional certification before the Dean of the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences can recommend that their certificates be changed.
  • A minimum grade of C in all courses required for the bachelors degree and/or certification.

Transfer Students

All candidates who have successfully completed the required methods courses at another college or university may audit one or more methods course(s) at Nicholls State University to become familiar with the Conceptual Framework of the College.

Candidates will receive credit for correspondence and extension courses taken at other institutions only when such courses have been approved for credit in advance by their advisor and by the Dean of the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences.

Transfer candidates must meet all of the Admission and Retention Policies within the identified transition points. Each candidate’s transcript must be evaluated by his or her assigned advisor.

Transfer candidates must earn a minimum grade of C in all courses required for the bachelors degree and/or certification after transferring.

Admission to Foundations Core

Candidates are permitted to enroll in EDUC 250, EDUC 251, PSYC 206, and PSYC 210 when they have:

  • Earned a minimum of 30 semester hours applicable to a degree. Included in the 30 semester hours must be:
    • ENGL 101 and 102 – a minimum grade of C
    • Mathematics – three semester hours other than developmental – Minimum grade of C.
    • Science – three semester hours
    • Social Science – three semester hours
    • NOTE: Candidates who have maintained a 3.5 overall grade-point average and meet the above course requirements may enroll in EDUC 250 with less than 30 semester hours.
  • Earned a minimum overall grade-point average of 2.5.
  • Completed an Application for Entry Form to the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences.
  • Completed a Verification of Eligibility Form.
  • Achieved passing scores on the Core Academic Skills for Educators Reading, Writing, and Mathematics Examination. Candidates are exempt from these exams if they scored a 22 or higher on the ACT composite or had a combined verbal and math SAT score of 1030.

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Admission to Program

Candidates are admitted to the program and are permitted to enroll in EDUC 312 and PSYC 311 when they have:

  • Earned a 2.5 grade point average.
  • Earned a minimum grade of C in all foundations core courses completed.
  • Completed a Verification of Eligibility Form.
  • Submitted a positive background check.

Prior to Clinical

Candidates are admitted to student teaching and permitted to enroll in EDUC 456, 458, 483  and 489 when they have:

  • Successfully completed all State of Louisiana Teacher Licensure (Certification) requirements other than Student Teaching.
  • A minimum overall grade point average of 2.5 as calculated by the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences.
  • A minimum grade of C in all professional courses.
  • A minimum grade of C in all courses required for the Bachelors degree and/or certification.
  • Currently not on any type of probation or conditional status.
  • Completed a Verification of Eligibility Form.
  • Submitted a positive background check.

Exit from Clinical

Candidates exit from clinical when they have:

  • Satisfactory ratings on Evaluation Forms (Louisiana Components of Effective Teaching) completed by Supervising Teachers, university Coordinators, and Principal.
  • Documented attendance at seminars.
  • Completed 180 hours of successful teaching.
  • Completed 60 hours of Direct Observation.
  • A grade of S for satisfactory or U for unsatisfactory is assigned for all courses designated as student teaching or practicum.

Program Completion

Candidates complete the Teacher Education Program when they have:

  • Successfully completed clinical experiences.
  • Satisfactory rating on Student Teacher Portfolio.


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