2023-2024 CATALOG



COUN 500. Basic Facilitative Skills. 3-3-0. Credit may not be earned in both COUN 500 and PSYC 500. Orientation to the counseling process. Emphasis through the use of videotaping on learning and practicing basic skills needed for a working alliance between counselor and client. Experiential activities in role-playing settings required. (42.2803)

COUN 501. Introduction to School Counseling. 3-3-0. History, philosophy, content, and trends of school counseling programs. Role, function and identity of professional school counselors K-12. Fa only. (13.1101)

COUN 502. Introduction to Clinical Mental Health Counseling. 3-3-0. Principles of clinical mental health counseling. Philosophy of clinical counseling, alternate views of mental health, private practice and ethical considerations in the treatment of mental health issues. Fa and Su only. (42.2801)

COUN 504. Adult and Child Psychopathology and Diagnosis. 3-3-0. An overview of psychopathology, the study of maladaptive or abnormal behavior. Issues of definition, historical and scientific trends, current paradigms, assessment and diagnosis, and research methods will be addressed from behavioral, social, and biological points of view. Credit may not be earned in both COUN 504 and PSYC 504. Sp and Su only. (42.2801)

COUN 505. Analysis of the Individual. 3-3-0. Theory, problems and techniques of psychological measurement, illustrated through review of group and individual tests of ability, aptitude, interests, and personality.  Credit may not be earned in both COUN 505 and PSYC 508.  (42.2801)

COUN 509. Clinical Sexuality for Mental Health Professionals. 3-3-0. Examination of sexually related constructs and myths to target bias, values, and beliefs of human sexuality, its processes, its relevance as an essential skill for the general practitioner, and its impact on overall counselor competence. Fa and Su only. (42.2803)

COUN 510. Theory and Procedures in Group Counseling. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Candidate must be fully admitted as MCMH or MESC. Theory, research and techniques in group counseling: the understanding of group dynamics and the utilization of group counseling skills in a variety of settings. Experiential activities in role-played and training group settings are required. Credit toward graduation may not be earned both in this course and in PSYC 510. (42.2803)

COUN 511. Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy. 3-3-0. In-depth study of the various theories, methods and techniques of counseling and psychotherapy. Experiential activities in role-played settings are required. Credit may not be earned in both this course and PSYC 511. (42.2803)

COUN 512. Cognitive-Behavior Theory and Applications. 3-3-0. Prerequisites Graduate standing.  COUN 500, 504, 511, 505, or permission of the instructor. A study of the theoretical underpinnings and clinical application of cognitive-behavioral interventions. The course will examine cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy as it relates to issues outlined in contemporary psychotherapy outcome research.  Applications of cognitive behavioral theory and interventions for the treatment of common psychological disorders will be examined. (42.9999).

COUN 513. Applied Psychopharmacology for Mental Health Counselors. 3-3-0.  Prerequisites: Graduate standing. COUN 504, 505, 511, or permission of the instructor. Reviews fundamentals of psychopharmacology and psychotropic medications with the goal of preparing counselors to become more informed members of multidisciplinary mental health treatment teams. An overview of psychopharmacological concepts as well as medication classification, indications, contraindications, and side-effects will be provided. Students will learn basic terminology and models of pharmacokinetics related to psychopharmacological treatment. The integration of counseling interventions and psychotropic medications to the treatment of psychopathology will be emphasized. This course does not purport to prepare the student to be any part of the pharmacological prescriptive process. (42.2801)

COUN 519. Advanced Lifespan Developmental Psychology. 3-3-0. Credit may not be earned in both COUN 519 and PSYC 519. An advanced course in the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development of the individual at successive ages throughout the lifespan. (42.2709)

COUN 520. Introduction to Counseling Practicum. 3-0-6. Credit may not be earned in both COUN 520 and PSYC 520.  Prerequisites: B or better in COUN 500 and 511, and permission of graduate program coordinator. Orientation to supervised counseling experience with clients with experiential activities that simulate direct client contact. Enrollment restricted to counseling majors. (42.2803)

COUN 521. Counseling Practicum. 3-0-6. Prerequisites: B. or better in COUN 520 and 551, student liability insurance and consent of the instructor. Supervised counseling experience with clients for a total of 100 clock hours to include at least 40 direct client counseling hours. Enrollment restricted to clinical mental health counseling majors. S or U assigned upon completion of course. Fa and Sp only. (42.2803)

COUN 522. Interventions for Diverse Needs. 3-3-0. Credit may not be earned in both COUN 522 and PSYC 522. Exploration of recommended practices with a focus on cultural and environmental influences on individuals and families. Fa only. (42.9999)

COUN 523. School Counseling Practicum I. 3-0-6. Prerequisites: B or better in COUN 520 and 530, student liability insurance, and permission of instructor. Co-requisites: EDFR 501, and COUN 519 and 549. Supervised counseling in school and in counseling laboratory setting. Enrollment restricted to school counseling majors. S or U assigned upon completion of the course. (13.1101)

COUN 524. School Counseling Practicum II. 3-0-6. Prerequisites: COUN 523, student liability insurance, and permission of instructor. Supervised counseling in school and in counseling laboratory setting. Enrollment restricted to school counseling majors. S or U assigned upon completion of the course. (13.1101)

COUN 525. Problems in Counseling. 3-0-6. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor and department head. Individual study and research directed by a member of the counseling faculty; area(s) of study must be approved prior to enrollment. May be repeated once for credit if content differs. (42.2803)

COUN 526. Introduction to Marriage and Family Therapy. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. An overview of the field of marriage and family therapy. Emphasis on definition, approaches, techniques and research. (42.2803)

COUN 527. Career and Lifestyle Development. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: Full admission to either the MCMH or MESC program, and COUN 501 or COUN 549, or permission of instructor. Theories of career and lifestyle development; approaches to career awareness, exploration and choices; career appraisal and information sources. (13.1101)

COUN 530.  Counseling Strategies with Children and Adolescents. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: Full admission to the either the MCMH or MESC program and, COUN 501 or COUN 549, or permission of instructor. Counseling strategies with children and adolescents in PK-12 schools or community settings. Focus is on counseling theories, basic counseling skills, and individual and system interventions appropriate for children and adolescents. Su only. (13.1101)

COUN 534.  School Counseling Internship I.  3-1-20. Prerequisites: Completion of COUN 523 and prerequisites for COUN 523 and 510. Enrollment is restricted to school counseling majors or permission of department head. Supervised field experience in an approved school setting for a total of 300 clock hours. S or U assigned upon completion of course. (13.1101)

COUN 535.  School Counseling Internship II.  3-1-20. Prerequisite or co-requisite: COUN 534. Enrollment restricted to school counseling majors or permission of Program Director. Supervised field experience in an approved school setting for a total of 300 clock hours. In special circumstances, a student may complete all internship hours in one semester. S or U assigned upon completion of the course. (13.1101)

COUN 537. Substance Abuse Counseling. 3-3-0. Contemporary trends in drug abuse, related counseling theories, major modes of treatment and prevention. (42.2899)

COUN 538. Theory and Practice of Play Therapy in Counseling. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. In‑depth study of the play therapy process, and selected theories and techniques of play therapy. Experiential activities in role-played settings are required. Su only. (42.2807)

COUN 541. Cross Cultural Counseling. 3-3-0. The study of cultural and ethnic differences as they relate to the process of counseling. Diversity issues are explored in field experiences, role play and class settings. (42.9999)

COUN 545. Counseling Internship I. 3-1-20. Prerequisites: COUN 521, good standing in the MCMH program, and approval by the program coordinator. Supervised field experience at an approved field facility for a total of 600 clock hours upon completion of both COUN 545 and COUN 546, to include at least 240 direct client counseling hours. S or U assigned upon completion of course.(42.2803)

COUN 546. Counseling Internship II. 3-1-20. Prerequisites: COUN 545, good standing in the MCMH program, and approval by the program coordinator. Supervised field experience at an approved field facility for a total of 600 clock hours upon completion of both COUN 545 and COUN 546, to include at least 240 direct client counseling hours. In special circumstances, a student may enroll in and complete all internship in one semester. S or U assigned upon completion of course. (42.2803)

COUN 549. Professional Issues and Ethics in Counseling. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Enrollment in MCMH or MESC program. Overview of the counseling profession with emphasis on legal and ethical standards, credentialing, professional organizations, historical evolution of the profession, and the role of professional counselors in schools, industry, and community. (42.2803)

COUN 550. Special Topics in Counseling. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Instruction in a specialized content area of counseling. May be repeated for credit if content differs. S or U assigned upon completion of course. (42.2899)

COUN 551. Applied Theories. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: B or better in COUN 511 and COUN 500. This course is designed to incorporate the theoretical and technical aspects of the counseling process. Emphasis through the use of videotaping of learning for implementing theory specific skills in a therapeutic relationship. Experiential activities in role-play settings required. (42.2803)

COUN 595. Master’s School Counseling Comprehensive Portfolio. 0-0-7. Prerequisite: Approval of major professor and program committee chair. S or U assigned upon completion of the portfolio. (13.1101)

COUN 596. Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Comprehensive Portfolio.0-0-7. Prerequisite: Approval of major professor and program committee chair. S or U assigned upon completion of portfolio. (42.2899)

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