The University awards the Bachelor of Science Degree in Health Sciences upon successful completion of a concentration curriculum listed below. The Health Sciences curriculum is designed for both the enry-level student and the credentialed healthcare professional. Healthcare professionals who have completed an Associate degree and have professional credentials to practice in their respective fields and validated work experience as a healthcare provider may petition the department for advanced standing towards the Healthcare Supervision and Management Concentration within the Health Sciences program.
Advanced Standing
Up to 27 hours of advance credit, plus credit for AHSC 200 (orientation to Health Professions) (1-1-0), may be granted to students who have previously earned credentials or licensure recognized by a national or state health professions regulatory body and an Associate’s degree. This advanced standing mechanism is designed to validate and award credit for existing knowledge while still satisfying the sutdnets’ current scope-of-practice. This opportunity will be applicable for only the students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science program in Health Sciences Healthcare Supervision and Management Concentration. Each student must petition for Advanced Standing credit with the Head of the Department of Allied Health Sciences. Applications will be reviewed by a departmental committee to determine eligibility. Students will be required to complete 120 credit hours, including all University and general education requirements as required by the degree outlined in the Catalog.
Students must select a concentration area in Pre-Professional, Pre-Athletic Training and Kinesiology, Health and Wellness, Communicative Disorders, Nutrition and Food Services or Healthcare Supervision and Management.
Communicative Disorders Concentration (AHCD) is composed of course work for students intending to pursue graduate programs in Speech Language Pathology or Audiology.
Health and Wellness Concentration (AHHW) is designed for students interested in various arenas of health and wellness, including, but not limited to, opportunities for credentialing in fitness and sports performance, as well as preparation for formal graduate study. Employment opportunities can include rehabilitation, industrial medicine, industrial health and wellness, fitness instruction, and various avenues of sports medicine.
Healthcare Supervision and Management Concentration (AHHS) prepares students to assume middle management, supervisory, or coordinator positions in a healthcare agency or formal graduate study in healthcare management, public health, or healthcare administration and services. Students enrolled in the AHHS concentration must hold a current credential recognized by a national or state health professions regulatory body and have already earned an Associate’s degree to be eligible for Advanced Standing.
Nutrition and Food Services Concentration (AHNF) is composed of course work for students intending to pursue careers in nutrition and food service related fields or graduate programs in nutrition and/or food service management. This concentration does not prepare students for a career as a registered dietitian.
Pre-Athletic Training and Kinesiology Concentration (AHPK) is designed to prepare students seeking admission to a post-baccalaureate athletic training program of study.
Pre-Professional Concentration (AHPR) is designed to prepare students seeking admission to a post-baccalaureate professional allied health program of study. The curriculum includes natural sciences, such as biology, chemistry and physics, as well as advanced courses in health sciences. Students are encouraged to earn a grade of “B” or better in all required professional school’s pre-requisite courses.
Students must earn a C or better in all courses required in the curriculum in order to earn this degree.
Bachelor of Science Degree in Health Sciences
- Communicative Disorders Concentration (AHCD)
- Health and Wellness Concentration (AHHW)
- Healthcare Supervision and Management (AHHS)
- Nutrition and Food Services Concentration (AHNF)
- Pre-Athletic Training and Kinesiology Concentration (AHPA)
- Pre-Professional Concentration (AHPR)
(CLR) Computer Literacy Requirement | (GER) General Education Requirement |
(OCR) Oral Communication Requirement | (UR) University Requirement |
Suggested Course Sequence:
1 | BIOL | 114 | GER | 3 |
1 | BIOL | 115 | 1 | |
1 | BIOL | 116 | GER | 3 |
1 | BIOL | 117 | 1 | |
1 | ENGL | 101 | GER | 3 |
1 | ENGL | 102 | GER | 3 |
1 | Freshman Seminar Course | UR | 1 | |
1 | Humanities Elective | GER | 3 | |
1 | MATH | 101 | GER | 3 |
1 | Physical Sciences Elective | See below | GER | 3 |
1 | PSYC | 101 | GER | 3 |
1 | SPCH | 101 or 104 | OCR | 3 |
2 | MATH Elective | See below | GER | 3 |
2 | Computer Literacy Elective(s) | CLR | 2 | |
2 | Humanities Elective | GER | 3 | |
2 | Fine Arts Elective | GER | 3 | |
2 | Humanities Elective | GER | 3 | |
2 | Social Sciences Elective | See below | GER | 3 |
2 | Approved Concentration Electives | See below | 12 | |
2 | AHSC | 200 | 1 | |
3 | NURS | 312 | 3 | |
3 | ENGL | 310, 366, 368 or 468 | GER | 3 |
3 | Approved Concentration Electives | See below | 15 | |
3 | Approved 300+ Concentration Electives | See below | 9 | |
4 | AHSC | 408 | 3 | |
4 | AHSC | 440 | 3 | |
4 | AHSC or NURS |
450 499 |
3 | |
4 | Approved 300+ Concentration Electives | **See below | 21 | |
*Recommend complete as Freshman (1), Sophomore (2), Junior (3), Senior (4)
Courses in major should be taken in a sequential order. Students should obtain a curriculum plan from the department.
Health Sciences Pre-Professional Concentration (AHPR)
CHEM 105 (3) (GER) (required) MATH 102 (3) (GER) (required) PSYC 212 (3) (GER) (required) |
Approved Concentration Electives (27 hours required): | **Approved 300+ Electives must be from the following (30 hours required): |
AHSC 220 (3), 221 (3) BIOL 155 (4), 156 (4), 203 (3), 204 (1), 205 (3) CHEM 106 (3), 111 (1), 112 (1) , 221 (3), 222 (3), 226 (2) Note: CHEM 110 (2) can be taken in place of CHEM 111-112 DIET 200 (3) PHYS 101 (3), 203 (1), 102 (3), 204 (1), 151 (3) PSYC 204 (3), 208 (3) SOCI 151 (3), 204 (3) |
AHSC 312 (3), 315 (3), 324 (3), 340 (3), 404 (3), 410 (3), 425 (3), 426 (1), 444 (3), 485 (1) BIOL 304 (4), 315 (3), 322 (3), 323 (1), 326 (4), 428 (3), 429 (1), 440 (3), 441 (1), 461 (5) COMD 350 (3) DIET 305 (3), 330 (3) HPED 340 (3), 360 (3), 375 (3), 412 (3) NURS 315 (3) PSYC 301 (3), 305 (3), 313 (3) |
Health Sciences Pre-Athletic Training and Kinesiology Concentration (AHPK)
CHEM 105 or PHYS 101 or 151 (3) (GER) (required) MATH 102 (3) (GER) (required) PSYC 212 (3) (GER) (required) |
Approved Concentration Electives (27 hours required): | **Approved 300+ Electives must be from the following (30 hours required): |
ATTR 210 (3), 250 (2) DIET 200 (3) 19 hours from the following courses: AHSC 220 (3) BIOL 155 (4), 156 (4) CHEM 105 (3) DIET 211 (2) HPED 141 (3), 240 (3) PHYS 101 (3) or 151 (3), 203 (1) PSYC 204 (3), 208 (3), 211 (3), 212 (3) |
AHSC 485 (1) 29 hours from the following courses: AHSC 312 (3), 315 (3), 324 (3), 340 (3), 404 (3), 410 (3), 425 (3), 426 (1), 444 (3) BIOL 461 (5) DIET 305 (3) HPED 340 (3), 360 (3), 375 (3), 412 (3) PSYC 301 (3), 305 (3), 313 (3) |
Health Sciences Communicative Disorders Concentration (AHCD)
CHEM 105 or 109 or PHYS 151 (3) (GER) (required) MATH Elective (3) (GER) (required) PSYC 212 or SOCI 204 (3) (GER) (required) |
Approved Concentration Electives (27 hours required): | **Approved 300+ Electives must be from the following (30 hours required): |
COMD 121 (3), 278 (3), 279 (3), 281 (3) EDUC 211 (3) 12 hours from the following courses: AHSC 220 (3), 221 (3) DIET 200 (3), 330 (3) NURS 315 (3) PSYC 208 (3), 212 (3), 301 (3), 305 (3) SOCI 204 (3) |
COMD 327 (3), 380 (3), 384 (3), 390 (3), 395 (3), 400 (3), 405 (3), 436 (3) 6 hours from the following courses: AHSC 404 (3), 444 (3), 485 (1) COMD 350 (3), 355 (3), 386 (3), 397 (3) |
Health Sciences Nutrition and Food Services (AHNF)
Physical Sciences Elective (3) (GER) (required) MATH Elective (3) (GER) (required) Social Sciences Elective (3) (GER) (required) |
Approved Concentration Electives (27 hours required): | **Approved 300+ Electives must be from the following (30 hours required): |
DIET 111 (3), 113 (2), 200 (3), 201 (1), 264 (3), 301 (3), 305 (3), 316 (3), 404 (3) Free Elective (3 hours) |
AHSC 404 (3), 425 (3), 426 (1) COMD 350 (3) CULA 338 (3), 351 (3), 382 (3), 401 (3), 442 (3) DIET 330 (3) FCED 344 (3), 348 (3) MNGT 301 (3), 305 (3), 367 (3), 370 (3) MKTG 300 (3), 360 (3), 470 (3) NURS 315 (3), 352 (3) PSYC 301 (3), 313 (3), 360 (3), 370 (3), 448 (3), 461 (3), 471 (3), 480 (3) SOCI 302 (3), 325 (3), 326 (3) SPAN 335 (3), 336 (3) |
Healthcare Supervision and Management (AHHS)
MATH Elective (3) (GER) (required) Physical Sciences Elective (3) (GER) (required) Social Sciences Elective (3) (GER) (required) |
Approved Concentration Electives (27 hours required): | **Approved 300+ Electives must be from the following (30 hours required): |
Advanced Standing credit (27 hours) | MKTG 300 and MNGT 301 plus 24 hours from list below: AHSC 300+ electives COMD 350 (3), 351 (3) DIET 330 (3) MKTG 300+ electives MNGT 300+ electives PSYC 301 (3), 309 (3), 313 (3) SPAN 335 (3), 336 (3) SOCI 300+ electives |
Health Sciences Health and Wellness (AHHW)
Physical Sciences Elective (3) (GER) (required) MATH Elective (3) (GER) (required) Social Sciences Elective (3) (GER) (required) |
Approved Concentration Electives (27 hours required): | **Approved 300+ Electives must be from the following (30 hours required): |
ATTR 210 (3) DIET 200 (3), 211 (2) 7 hours from the following courses: AHSC 220 (3), 221 (3) ATTR 250 (2) BIOL 205 (3) DIET 111 (3), 113 (2) HPED 141 (3), 240 (3), 246 (3) PSYC 204 (3), 208 (3), 211 (3), 212 (3) SOCI 151 (3), 204 (3) Free Electives (12 hours) |
AHSC 410 (3) DIET 305 (3) HPED 360 (3) 21 hours from the following courses: AHSC 312 (3), 315 (3), 324 (3), 340 (3), 404 (3), 410 (3), 425 (3), 426 (1), 444 (3), 485 (1) COMD 350 (3), 405 (3) DIET 330 (3) HPED 320 (3), 340 (3), 375 (3), 412 (3) MKTG 300 (3) MNGT 301 (3) NURS 307 (3), 315 (3), 352 (3) PSYC 301 (3), 305 (3), 309 (3), 313 (3) SOCI 325 (3), 387 (3) SPAN 335 (3), 336 (3 |