115th Commencement Ceremonies
December 14, 2024 – Stopher Gymnasium
Click here to view the Commencement Program
Spring 2024 Commencement Program
Nicholls State University will hold its Fall 2024 Commencement ceremonies on Saturday, December 14, 2024 in Stopher Gymnasium. The three ceremonies are listed below.
Below are Ceremony Procedures and instructions concerning commencement. Students, please read these instructions carefully. It is important that you check your student email and the Commencement website regularly for any changes or updates. Students and faculty are expected to respect the dignity of the commencement ceremony and dress according to accepted policy.
Graduate Arrival and Lineup Instructions
All Graduation Candidates must assemble in Peltier Auditorium on the Nicholls Campus Stadium no later than 1 hour prior to their scheduled graduation ceremony.
Saturday, December 14, 2024 – Session I – 9 a.m.
All Degree Program Candidates
(Master, Bachelor, Associate)
College of Education and Behavioral Sciences
College of Sciences and Technology
Student arrival time is 8 a.m. – Peltier Auditorium
Saturday, December 14, 2024 – Session II – Noon
All Degree Program Candidates
(Bachelor and Associate)
College of Liberal Arts
Chef John Folse Culinary Institute
Student arrival time is 11 a.m. – Peltier Auditorium
Saturday, December 14, 2024 – Session III – 3 p.m.
All Degree Program Candidates
(Master, Bachelor, and Associate)
Al Danos College of Business Administration
Thibodaux Regional Health System School of Nursing
Student arrival time is 2 p.m. – Peltier Auditorium
- Each graduate will be provided an index card with their name on it which will be used to announce their name as they proceed across the stage.
- Also, there will be a pencil and short employment survey to complete. Each graduate should complete the card and submit it to the University administrator present.
- Tassels on caps are to be worn on the left side at all times.
- Candidates are urged not to bring purses and/or valuables with them.
Faculty Arrival and Lineup Instructions
Faculty marching in Commencement Exercises will assemble in the lobby of Dr. O. Cleveland Hill Hall no later than 45 minutes prior to their college’s scheduled graduation ceremony
Session I – Arrival no later than 8:15 a.m.
College of Education and Behavioral Sciences
College of Sciences and Technology
Session II – Arrival no later than 11:15 a.m.
College of Liberal Arts
Chef John Folse Culinary Institute
Session III – Arrival no later than 2:15 p.m.
Al Danos College of Business Administration
Thibodaux Regional Health System School of Nursing
- Twenty minutes before the ceremony begins, all candidates will proceed to their seats in Stopher Gymnasium as directed by the faculty marshals. Comfortable dress shoes are recommended for the short walk from Peltier Hall to Stopher Gymnasium. Please remain standing after being directed to your designated seating section.
- Faculty, double file, will be directed to proceed to the entrance of Stopher Gymnasium and down the center aisle of the student seating section. At that point they will be directed to the faculty seating areas by faculty marshals. Please remain standing.
- Officials and dignitaries will move to their positions on stage and remain standing.
- We ask that you remain standing during the rendition of the National Anthem and delivery of the opening reflection. Males are asked to remove caps and place them over the left side of the chest during this phase of the program.
- Upon the conclusion of the opening reflection, all may be seated and males are requested to replace caps. All will remain seated during the introductions and commencement address.
- Important to all degree candidates: Presentation of Candidates for Degrees will be made for each group of degree candidates by Dr. Keller followed by the Conferring of Degrees for these candidates by Dr. Clune. Each group will be asked to stand in unison, be recognized, and then be seated. Degrees will be conferred in this order: Specialist degrees, Master degrees, Bachelor degrees, Associate degrees, and Certificates.
- A reader will call the name of individual graduates (the graduate will present his/her name card to the reader) for each college. Faculty marshals will assist the degree candidates during the ceremony. The faculty marshals will direct you to the stage. After receiving your diploma cover, return to your seat as directed by the faculty marshals and remain standing until all degree candidates have returned to your seating row. This group will then be seated.
- We ask that all rise for the Alma Mater and remain standing during the closing reflection. Males are asked to remove caps and place over the left side of the chest.
- Upon completion of the closing reflection all are asked to remain standing in place until the officials and dignitaries have departed the stage and moved past the first row of the faculty. The faculty will then follow the stage party, beginning with the first faculty row. Graduates will stand fast until the last row of the faculty has moved past the last row of students. The graduates will then be led from the gymnasium.
Graduation caps may be decorated in celebration of your graduation. Any decorations applied to the cap should be appropriate and in good taste, and should not contain any offensive language or graphics. Additionally, decorations should not obstruct the view of any other graduate when seated or standing.
- Each graduation candidate must order a cap and gown with the Bookstore, which is usually done in conjunction with Grad Expo. Grad Expo was held on September 17. If you did not attend Grad Expo, you can order your cap and gown online. The online order deadline to ship regalia orders directly to the graduate is November 10. You should check with the Bookstore two weeks before commencement regarding the arrival of caps and gowns. It is your responsibility to pick up your own cap and gown order from the bookstore on campus before the day of the ceremony. The bookstore can be reached at (985) 448-4540.
- All graduation candidates should wear comfortable dark dress shoes.
- Suggested dress for women includes street-length dresses or dress slacks and a blouse, preferably of a dark color, under the gown with comfortable dark dress shoes.
- Suggested dress for men includes white shirts without coats, ties, and dark trousers. Dark, comfortable dress shoes and socks are also recommended.
- Please respect the dignity of your academic robe by avoiding the attachments of personal decorations or signs.
- The academic cap should be pulled halfway down the forehead so the upper part of the forehead is covered. The sides of the cap should be equidistant from the top center of the head. The cap must not be worn at an angle. The long part of the cap fits over the back of the head. The tassel is to be placed on the left side of the cap.
- Graduation announcements are on sale at the Bookstore. For prices and ordering information, you may order online through Balfour, or contact the Bookstore at (985) 448-4540.
- A professional photographer will take an individual picture of each graduate receiving a diploma. The photographer will mail proofs within two weeks of graduation. Please make sure your mailing address and email address are correct with the University on Banner Self Service.
To be eligible to walk in the graduation procession students must have applied for graduation by the stated deadline date with the intent to have met all graduation requirements by the end of the term. Deans will have authority to grant exceptions to this requirement, but this exception should be granted rarely and for only unusual circumstances as determined by the dean.
College of Liberal Arts
College of Business Administration & College of Nursing
College of Liberal Arts & Chef John Folse Culinary Institute
College of Sciences and Technology & College of Education and Behavioral Sciences
College of Business Administration & College of Nursing
College of Liberal Arts & Chef John Folse Culinary Institute
College of Sciences and Technology & College of Education and Behavioral Science
College of Sciences & Technology
Spring Commencement Ceremony 2022
College of Liberal Arts
Spring Commencement Ceremony 2022
The College of Education and Behavioral Sciences and the Chef John Folse Culinary Institute
Spring Commencement Ceremony 2022
The College of Business Administration and
the College of Nursing
Spring Commencement Ceremony 2022