Whether you’re a student planning an event for your organization, a university employee organizing a departmental activity or an off-campus customer interested in having an event on the Nicholls campus, here are FOUR easy steps to guide you through the Nicholls reservations process:
1. Meet with key people in your organization to discuss the goals and needs of your event. Consider service requests if your event needs equipment, furniture, audio-visual capabilities, plants, catering services, reserved parking, etc. Check the university’s Online Reservations System to see which facilities are available on your preferred date.
2. Fill out an event request form, print, secure required signatures and submit to the Reservations Office.
- Form for Student Organizations (On-Campus Events)
- Form for Student Organizations (Off-Campus Events): Pick up in the Student Life Office in Bollinger Memorial Student Union
- Form for Departments (On- and Off-Campus Events)
- Online Request for Events at Nicholls or Event (Reservation) Request Form
Annual Priority Deadlines: Spring Events = September 15th and Fall Events = April 15th
Colonel Fest (Welcome Back), Homecoming, and Black History Month have deadlines set by the planning committees to be included in respective theme print media.
3. Receive event approval confirmation email from the Reservations Office.
4. Begin publicizing your event.
Last reviewed: 1/31/2018