If you wish to undertake research on human subjects, to include collecting data from NSU staff, faculty, and students, you must have the NSU Human Subjects Institutional Review Board (HSIRB) review and approve the research. This is done to protect persons participating in the research as well as to keep the university informed of research taking place at the institution.
Policies and Procedures Follow the link above if you wish to access the policies and procedures of the HSIRB. Current Board Members / College Representatives Follow the link above if you wish to know who are the members of the current HSIRB and what college each represents. Application for Review Where research:- Will take place in accepted educational settings AND involves normal educational practices;
- OR involves using only questionnaire/interview survey methods
- OR involves the study of elected or appointed public officials or candidates for public office;
- OR involves using unobtrusive observational techniques;
- OR analyzes existing data available to the public;
- OR some research technique where the anonymity of the subjects will be strictly maintained;
- Will complete the National Institute of Health’s training entitled Protecting Human Research Participants found here (you will need to register before you enter the training).