The University provides annual education programs and outreach events throughout the academic year to promote awareness of sexual assault, domestic and relationship violence, and stalking. Our prevention programs include, but are not limited to: (a) awareness programs; (b) bystander intervention programs; (c) ongoing prevention and awareness campaigns; (d) primary prevention programs; and (e) education on risk reduction. These campaigns provide information regarding resources, teach sensitivity regarding complainant/survivor experience, and promote a healthy culture and mindset that prevents these crimes from occurring. Additionally, in compliance with Campus SaVE as well as State Law and BoR/ULS Policy, Nicholls provides specifically structured educational programs for all new students and employees annually. These include definitions of these crimes as well as consent; bystander intervention; risk reduction; and an emphasis on these crimes being strictly prohibited by the institution.
The University also adheres to its procedures and protocols that hold perpetrators accountable and its vigilant crime reporting data and statistics that provide transparency. These factors contribute, along with the education efforts, to the prevention of the crimes addressed in this policy.