Welcome to Case Management
What is Case Management?
Many students experience difficulties during college, either due to academic or personal reasons. Common stressors include medical, mental health, substance abuse, pregnancy, personal or family crisis, illness, or injury. These life events can interfere with a student’s ability to attain their goals, both inside and outside of the classroom. Case management works collaboratively with students to find solutions during these challenges by providing assistance bridging the gap between needs and resources, both academic and personal. Students are supported and empowered to take action and advocate on their own behalf.
The case manager in the Office of Compliance and Case Management collaborates with campus programs and surrounding community partners to connect students to health and wellness resources. Students can be referred to Case Management by faculty/staff, family, or other students when they have a concern regarding a student’s welfare. Students can also self-refer in order to access support and assistance. Our goal is to help students avert more serious difficulties by supporting academic and personal success and wellness.
The mission of Case Management is to support students and families through challenging and complex situations, connecting students with resources and fostering self-advocacy through individualized planning. Case Management staff balances the needs of the student with those of the overall community to promote academic and personal success for all students. Case Management provides holistic support, assistance, and follow-ups to meet the unique needs of each student and their circumstances.
Services we offer:
- Assess the needs of students experiencing a crisis or emergency
- Help students connect with campus and/or community resources
- Consult with faculty/staff to provide the appropriate assistance to students in need
- Provide emotional support to students with mental health issues
- Substance Abuse referrals and coordination
- Support students during times of sickness or injury
- Assist students during times of financial difficulty or housing instability
- Support students experiencing food insecurity
- Work with students to solve problems and develop self-advocacy skills
- Assistance addressing other issues as defined by students
When to Refer:
- Talk of suicide (directly or indirectly)
- Marked change in personal hygiene
- Marked decline in academic work
- Increased absences, agitation, irritability, aggression
- Excessive weight loss
- Bizarre behavior, speech, or writing
- Alcohol or drug misuse
- Depressed or stressed
- Threatening behavior
- Classroom disruption
- Difficulty adjusting to campus life
- Report of interpersonal or sexual violence
- Loss of family member or friend
- Significant injury to student
- Student impacted by a medical emergency or long-term illness
- Students experiencing loss due to natural disaster/home fire
Helpful Indicators
Students may exhibit a variety of indicators of distress. Faculty, staff, students, and parents are encouraged to report behaviors that are concerning.
Academic Indicators
- Noticeable absence(s) or tardiness
- Decline in grades and/or quality of work
- Repeated requests for special consideration or extensions
- Disruptive classroom behavior, excessively blaming others
- Excessive procrastination
- References to self harm or harm to others in verbal/written work
- Disproportionate response to grades/evaluated work
Emotional Indicators
- Direct statements from student indicating distress
- Increased dependency on others
- Inability to get along with others
- Withdrawing from others
- Disruptive or unruly behavior
- Overly anxious or worried
- Significant change in mood
Physical Indicators
- Emotional outbursts
- Excessive weight gain or loss
- Decline in personal hygiene
- Loss of interest
- Sleep disturbances
- Tearfulness
- Impaired speech
- Difficulty concentrating
- Noticeable cuts/bruises
- Frequent illness
Other Indicators to Consider
- Expression of concern from a peer
- Significant and ongoing financial or legal problems
- Significant changes in behavior
- Your own intuition that something is wrong
Meet The Team
For more information about case management services, please contact the Office of Case Management at 985.493.2529. Office is located at 225 Elkins Hall with office hours Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.