Marilyn Macik-Frey, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Management
Interim Dean of the College of Business Administration
Office: 106 White Hall
Phone: 985-448-4172
The College of Business Administration prepares students from the Bayou Region of South Louisiana and beyond to contribute to a dynamic regional and global economy as well-educated, responsible, and engaged business professionals through quality teaching, applied and pedagogical research, and service.
The College of Business Administration supports the Nicholls creed, affirming “values that promote citizenship, concern for self and others, and the desire for a better world, and embraces as its core values:
- DIVERSITY: We respect differences among members of society by providing a nurturing and tolerant environment.
- EXCELLENCE: We strive to achieve the highest quality in all endeavors. We strive for excellence in teaching, research, and service, and empowerment through learning.
- INTEGRITY: We strive to be fair and truthful in all instances.
- LEADERSHIP: We are good stewards and representatives of the university because we value our collective role as a regional leader and model for all we serve.
- RESPECTFULNESS: We commit to the customs and amenities of a civil society. We respect the rights of others and are responsive to the needs and interests of our constituents.
- RESPONSIBILITY: We are responsible for our actions. We adhere to the doctrine of individual accountability in all our activities and contributions.
The College of Business Administration is accredited at the undergraduate and graduate (evening and executive MBA) levels by AACSB International. The undergraduate program was initially accredited in 1983 and the graduate program in 1988. The accounting program received separate AACSB accreditation in 2007. To attain AACSB International accreditation, the College of Business Administration had to meet 21 standards ensuring the highest quality teaching, research, curriculum development, and student learning. Maintenance of AACSB accreditation requires the College of Business Administration to demonstrate continuous improvement in these areas. Less than 5% of the more than 11,000 business schools in the world are AACSB accredited.
- Accounting
- Business Administration
- Pre-Law Concentration
- Multinational Business Concentration
- Computer Information Systems
- Finance
- Financial Services Marketing Concentration
- Management
- Human Resources Management Concentration
- Maritime Management Concentration
- Marketing
- Professional Sales Concentration
All minors in the College of Business require 18 hours with a minimum grade of C in each course.
To obtain a minor in Accounting, students must complete ACCT 205, 321, and 12 additional hours of 300- or 400-level accounting courses. ACCT 206 does not count towards the Accounting minor.
Business Administration
To obtain a minor in Business Administration, students must complete ACCT 205 and 206, BSAD 221, ECON 211 or ECON 255, MNGT 301 and MKTG 300 for a total of 18 semester hours. Not open to students majoring in the College of Business Administration.
To obtain a minor in Economics students must complete ECON 211 or 255, 212, and 12 additional hours of 300- or 400-level ECON courses (at least 6 hours of which must be from 400-level ECON courses or FINC 410 or 450) for a total of 18 semester hours.
To obtain a minor in Finance students must complete FINC 302, 356, 403, and 9 additional hours of 300- or 400-level Finance, for a total of 18 semester hours.
Information Systems
To obtain a minor in Information Systems, students must complete CIS 231 and 15 credit hours to be chosen from CIS electives or ACCT 351 (for a total of 18 credit hours). The program of study leading to a minor in IS is designed based on student’s professional interest.
To obtain a minor in Management students must complete MNGT 301 and 15 additional hours of 300- or 400-level Management courses and/or Marketing 470 or 475, for a total of 18 semester hours.
Maritime Administration
To obtain a minor in Maritime Administration, students must complete BSAD 221 and 325, ECON 211 or 255, MNGT 301 and 330, and SATC 240 for a total of 18 semester hours. Not open to students majoring in Management.
To obtain a minor in Marketing students must complete MKTG 300 and 15 additional hours of 300- or 400-level Marketing courses (at least 6 of which must be from 400-level Marketing courses and/or MNGT 455), for a total of 18 semester hours.
Foundation Knowledge for Business
To ensure a foundation knowledge for business, all students within the College of Business Administration, working toward a bachelor of science degree, are required to complete 42 hours of core courses:
- ACCT 205 (3)
- ACCT 206 (3) or 306 (3)
- BSAD 221 (3)
- BSAD 310 (3) or ENGL 310 (3)
- BSAD 490 (3)
- CIS 231 (3)
- ECON 211 (3)
- ECON 212 (3)
- FINC 302 (3)
- MNGT 301 (3)
- MNGT 368 (3)
- MKTG 300 (3)
- QBA 282 (3)
- QBA 283 (3)
Minimum Requirements for College of Business Administration Majors to begin 300-level Business Courses
Majors must meet university requirements and have at least 54 hours of non-developmental course credits with a 2.0 GPA prior to beginning 300-level courses in the College of Business Administration..
Minimum Requirements for Graduation from the College of Business Administration with a Bachelor Degree
- Meet the general education requirements of the university.
- Complete a major field of study as shown by the various curricula offered in the College of Business Administration and where applicable, meet the requirements of the Department in which the work is taken.
- Earn at least a C in courses taken to meet the university’s mathematics requirements, generally, MATH 101 and MATH 106.
- Earn a C or better in all College of Business courses and specialized concentration courses required by the major with the exception of BSAD 101 and free electives.
- At least 50 percent of the College of Business courses and specialized concentration courses required for the business degree must be earned at Nicholls.
- At least 50 percent of courses in the major must be earned at Nicholls.