PDST 150. Production Services Technology Practicum I. 6-0-20. Prerequisites: ENGL 101, MATH 101, EGSC 101, and a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0. Twelve weeks of introductory level supervised work experience or job skills training in one of the following areas: drafting and design, industrial electronics, machine shop, welding or a related area approved by the department curriculum committee. Students may receive advanced placement through demonstrated job skills and a portfolio review. (15.0699)
PDST 250. Production Services Technology Practicum II. 6-0-20. Prerequisites: EGTC 110, PDST 150, and a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0. Twelve weeks of intermediate level supervised work experience or job skills training in one of the following areas: drafting and design, industrial electronics, machine shop, welding or a related area approved by the department curriculum committee. Students may receive advanced placement through demonstrated job skills and a portfolio review. (15.0699)
PDST 252. Production Services Technology Practicum III. 6-0-20. Prerequisites: PDST 250 and a minimum grade point average of 2.0. Twelve weeks of advanced level supervised work experience or job skills training in one of the following areas: drafting and design, industrial electronics, machine shop, welding or a related area approved by the department curriculum committee. Students may receive advanced placement through demonstrated job skills as evidenced by an acceptable score on the NOCTI examination or a portfolio review. (15.0699)