SOCI 151. Introductory Sociology. 3-3-0. Theories and trends of society and social action with particular reference to life in the United States today. Degree credit will not be given for both SOCI 151 and 155.  (45.1101)

SOCI 155. Honors Introductory Sociology. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Honors placement or permission of department head. In-dept analysis of theories and trends of society and social action with particular reference to life in the United States today. Degree credit will not be given for both SOCI 151 and SOCI 155. (45.1101)

SOCI 201. Social Problems. 3-3-0. Contemporary social problems with emphasis on American society.  (45.1101)

SOCI 204. Cultural Diversity in American Society. 3-3-0. Examines the cultural characteristics, contributions and patterns of contact of diverse groups in American society, including Native Americans, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans and European Americans. (45.1101)

SOCI 205. Social Research I. 3-3-0. An introduction to social science research methods and selected data analysis techniques. Registration is limited to majors and minors in Sociology, Government, Criminal Justice, and Legal Assistant Studies. (45.1101)

SOCI 300. Social Service Institutions. 3-3-0. A systematic overview of the structure of social service provision at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels of society. Examination of issues of client advocacy and empowerment, resource allocation, and the effect of social policy on the individual. (45.1101)

SOCI 302. Sociology of Aging. 3-3-0. A study of the social, political, economic, and spiritual aspects of the aging process. Theoretical perspectives of life-stage development are examined. (45.1101)

SOCI 303. Religion – A Social Force. 3-3-0. An in-depth study of major world religions, examining rituals, rites of passage, and belief systems and institutions. Focus on the direct influences to social interactions, gender issues, and global awareness. (45.1101)

SOCI 304. Community Development. 3-3-0. Study of concepts of social activism and progressive organizing relative to grass roots movements and the process of societal change. Organizational models examined and applied in a real world setting. (45.1101)

SOCI 305. Social Research II. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: SOCI 205 or permission of Instructor. Advanced concepts and applications of social science research methods and data analysis techniques. (45.1101)

SOCI 306. Case Management – Generalist Practice. 3-3-0. Skills for entry-level human service provision. Case management, effective communication, and inter-agency relations are presented with application to case history. (45.1101)

SOCI 324. Social Stratification. 3-3-0. Sources and consequences of power and privilege in the social order. Cross-cultural data are used comparing the systems of social stratification in different societies. Attention is focused on answering the question, “Who gets what and why?” (45.1101)

SOCI 325. Medical Sociology. 3-3-0. Examination of the significance of social and cultural factors in the production, service, delivery and utilization of health care. (45.1101)

SOCI 333. Sociology of Social Work. 3-3-0. Sociological theory and social work practices and how theory and research can be used to investigate and explain social phenomena. (45.1101)

SOCI 360. Population Demographics and Dynamics. 3-3-0. The basic demographic facts of size, density, births, deaths, and migration will be analyzed with special attention being paid to their effects on society. (45.0501)

SOCI 372. Selected Topics in American Society. 3-3-0. Aspects of the culture and social organization of American society. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (45.1101)

SOCI 380. Social Movements and Collective Behavior. 3-3-0. Social movements and other types of collective behavior, the conditions under which they arise and their influence on society. (45.1101)

SOCI 385. Criminology. 3-3-0. A study of theories, treatment, and prevention of criminal behavior, including penal and correctional procedures. (45.0401)

SOCI   386.   Sociology of Deviant Behavior.       3-3-0.     Causes, processes, and consequences of persons and behaviors labeled as deviant.   (45.1101)

SOCI 387. Sociology of Drug Abuse. 3-3-0. Causes, processes and consequences of the use and abuse of legal and non legal substances, including drugs and alcohol.  (45.1101)

SOCI 390. Interpersonal Violence. 3-3-0. The relationships of cultural beliefs, values, norms, sex roles and socialization to the causes, consequences and societal responses to interpersonal violence, with emphasis on rape, incest and battering. (45.1101)

SOCI 391. Families and Lifestyles. 3-3-0. An analysis of the changing values, functions, statuses and roles of the family as an institution with emphasis on the diversity of families and lifestyles today. (45.1101)

SOCI 395. Racial and Cultural Minorities. 3-3-0. The nature and the causes of dominant and subordinate groups in American and other societies. The course takes a cross cultural as well as a developmental view of the social causes and consequences of majority minority group relations. (45.1101)

SOCI 400. Sociological Theory. 3-3-0. Major theorists and their relevance to sociological research. (45.1101)

SOCI 403. Senior Internship. 6-0-12. Prerequisites: Sociology majors and permission of the department head. Practical application of sociological principles in a supervised work situation. (45.1101)

SOCI 404. Social and Cultural Change. 3-3-0. Causes, forms and consequences of social and cultural change at various levels of society. (45.1101)

SOCI 405. Globalization. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor. Examination of the nature, causes, and consequences of globalization. Attention will be paid to the economic, political, and socio-cultural dimensions and to the problems posed for current societies. (45.1101)

SOCI 406. Social Research III. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: SOCI 305 or   permission of Instructor.   Designed for sociology majors going to graduate school. Advanced analyses and interpretation of sociological data, their presentation suitable for reports and articles using SPSS and Microsoft Office.   (45.1101)

SOCI 424. Sociology of Disaster I. 3-3-0. An advanced course that surveys institutions, federal policies, and historical trends in disaster response management. Students will complete specific FEMA-NIMS, CDC-ERHMS, and Red Cross certifications as a major component of course work. (45.1101)

SOCI 425. Sociology of Disaster II. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: C or better in SOCI 424. An advanced course that applies disaster management knowledge to real world scenarios. Students will engage in management of mock drills and participate in an on-campus disaster training pod. (45.1101)


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