Dr. Eugene Dial
B.S. Health and Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, University of Louisiana Lafayette
M.Ed. Administration and Supervision, Curriculum and Instruction. University of Louisiana Lafayette
Ph.D. Higher Education, Florida State University
I serve as an Associate Professor in the Department of Teacher Education. I have taught undergraduate education courses for K-12 programs for many years. Since 1998, I have served as coordinator for the Masters of Education Leadership Program, Concentration in Higher Education.
Answer one of the following questions: If you were to win the lottery, what would you do with the winnings? -OR- If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
“I would invest in key educational and community service initiatives.”
Bayou Industrial Group Big Achiever Award 2014-2015
American Red Cross 2010 Heroes Campaign Fundraising Award June 2010
Robert E. Hodges Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award 2009-2010 Louisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee District, Circle K
University Of Louisiana At Lafayette College Of Education Outstanding Alumnus Award, Class of 1979 March 2004
Nicholls State University Alumni Federation Honorary Alumnus Award 2000
Nicholls State University, Division Of Student Affairs Employee of the Year 1994
Student Affairs Recognition Award 1997, 1998
Thibodaux Kiwanis Club Kiwanian of the Year 1994, 1997
Professional Affiliations
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Accreditation Team Accreditation Committee Member June 2015
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Accreditation Team Accreditation Committee Member November 2010
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Accreditation Team Off Site Review Committee Member November 2009
Southern Association for Colleges and Schools Accreditation Team Accreditation Committee Member May 2008
Southern Association for Colleges and Schools Accreditation Committee Member March 2007
Southern Association for Colleges and Schools Accreditation Committee Member April 2002
Faculty Institute, Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, LA “Handling Classroom Problems August 1997 Such as Cheating and Other Disruptions” Panel Member
Leadership Lafourche, Thibodaux, LA “Leadership in Action” May 2008
Nicholls State University 2007 Student Leadership Seminar “Student Leadership and Ethical Decision Making” January 2007
Association for Student Judicial Affairs Twelfth Annual International Conference Clearwater Beach, FL February 2000 “Campus Law Enforcement and Student Judicial Affairs: Collaboration, Keys to Success”
Louisiana Association of College and University Student Personnel Administrators Conference Thibodaux, October 1995 “Responding to Assessment in Residential Services,” “Crime and Punishment: New Ways to Discipline Miscreant Students,” “Underage Drinking and the New Law: Problems with Enforcement”
National Association of Student Personnel Administrators National Conference, Atlanta, GA “A Clash of Values – Diversity vs. Affirmative Action” March 1996
Association for Student Judicial Affairs Seventh Annual International Conference Clearwater Beach, FL February 1995 “Fourth Amendment: Whom Can We Search, What Can We Seize?”
National Association of Student Personnel Administrators National Conference Dallas, TX March 1994 “Diversity or University: The Legal and Moral Dilemma of Separatism
Leadership Terrebonne Houma, LA “Economic Development in South Louisiana” March 1994
Leadership Lafourche, Lockport, LA “Economic Development in South Louisiana” November 1993
The Inclusive University: Dialogues on Diversity (A Conference on Multiculturalism) Thibodaux, LA “Culture and Communication in the Inclusive University” October 1993
National Association of Student Personnel Administrators National Conference Boston, MA March 1993 “Hate Speech: 1st Amendment and University Response” “Discipline Procedures: Due Process Protection Requirements Established by the Courts”
Association for Student Judicial Affairs Fifth International Conference Clearwater, FL February 1993 “Hate Speech: 1st Amendment and University Response” “Discipline Procedures: Due Process Protection Requirements Established by the Courts”
U.S. Department of Education; Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Program Washington, D.C. Field Reader for Grants Competition Program 1990-1993
Louisiana Association of College and University Student Personnel Administrators Conference Lafayette, LA “CYA–Discipline Procedures That Meet October 1992 Due Process Protection Requirements Established By the Courts”
Drug Free Schools and Communities/Louisiana Comprehensive Health Conference Alexandria, LA. “Colleges Role in the War on Drugs” September 1991
Delgado Community College New Orleans, LA. “Developing a Campus Housing Program” (On-site professional consultation) April-July 1991
Southwest Region Forum on Substance Abuse Issues in Higher Education Alexandria, LA “Development of a Comprehensive Prevention Program” March 1990
U.S. Department of Education, FIPSE Program National Meeting Washington, D.C. “How to Get Started with Your Grant” November 1989
Journal of College and University Student Housing. Vol. 20 No.1. “Computers in Residence Halls: Academic Support in the Living Environment” 1990
ADAPT Final Report: Official non-published document submitted to U.S. Department of Education. Dec. 1990
FIPSE Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education Washington, D.C. ADAPT Grant Writer: Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Team 1988(Grant funded in amount of $118,445. Fiscal years — 1988-1990.)
A Longitudinal Retention Analysis of the Enrollment History of Students in a Four-Year Public Institution in the State of Louisiana. Doctoral Dissertation completed at Florida State University. May, 1987
ADAPT Program of Nicholls State University. Partnership Exchange, Vol. 2 No. 5. November 1991 Partnership for a Drug Free Louisiana
Additional Activities
Southern Association for College Student Affairs – College Student Affairs Journal Editorial Board Reviewer January 1997-2002
Journal of College and University Student Housing Editorial Board 1990-2002
Nicholls State University Graduate Education Program Thibodaux, LA Higher Education Concentration Coordinator 1992-Present (Faculty member responsible for developing five graduate courses constituting concentration for graduate degree program in education administration, and serving as program advisor for graduate students.)
Louisiana Prevention Coalition Conference, Phase I, Louisiana Think Tank, New Orleans, LA Participant May 1992 (Helped to create a conceptual framework for developing a Louisiana prevention infrastructure and prevention resource system. Co-sponsored by the Louisiana Department of Education, Bureau of Student Services.)