Thanks to a generous donation to the Nicholls Foundation by Mary and Al Danos, our theater underwent a $6.7 million renovation in 2015-16. The new theater has new seating, curtains, flooring and extensively upgraded lighting and sound equipment. The beautiful lobby has been redesigned and renovated to provide an elegant entrance to a magnificent performance space for musical and theatrical performances.
Steinway Pianos
In September 2011, Nicholls State University became an All-Steinway School, at that time one of only 135 schools internationally to be selected for this designation. Nicholls is the first and only public university in the state to receive this distinction. The university achieved this milestone through the generosity of loyal donors who recognize and support the importance of the arts in higher education. The All-Steinway initiative was funded totally by private donors with the support of the Nicholls Foundation. Our excellent Steinway pianos are available for student practice, lessons and performance.
Piano Lab
Funded by two Louisiana Board of Regents Grants, the Nicholls Technology Fee, and the Steinway Society of New Orleans at a total cost of $110,000, our state-of-the-art piano lab features 24 Roland HP-504 pianos, a Roland Hpi-50e Teacher workstation, GLC-1 Music conferencing system, an Aver Flexarm Document Camera, an Apple iMac computer, 24 Benq HDMI monitors, and an 86” 4K UHD Interactive Display with embedded OS.