Resident / Nonresident Classification | Waiver of Undergraduate Out-of-State Tuition | Admission Requirements by Classification | New Student Orientation
The Office of Admissions is responsible for conducting the university’s student recruitment and admission program. Applications for admission are available only online at via the Banner Self Service system.
Admission requirements for graduate programs appear in the section on GRADUATE STUDIES in this Catalog.
No student shall be denied admission to the university because of race, color, age, sex, creed, disability, or national origin.
Falsification of academic records, academic forgery, altering official academic documents, misusing university documents, or withholding information relating to admission, transfer credits, academic status or records may be cause for a student’s dismissal.
A non refundable application fee of $20 for United States citizens and $30 for others will be assessed each person applying for admission or readmission to Nicholls. The check accompanying the application should be made payable to Nicholls State University.
American College Testing Program
The ACT is administered at Nicholls and other designated testing centers five times yearly. Applicants may pick up a registration packet in the Testing Center or Admissions Office or may write to ACT Registration Unit, P.O. Box 414, Iowa City, IA 52243. Students may also register or request ACT scores via the Internet at The university does not accept test applications nor can it forward applications to the ACT Registration Unit. The Scholastic Aptitude Test [SAT] is acceptable. An ACT/SAT Concordance will be used to determine equivalent scores. Specific questions about individual scores should be directed to an academic advisor or the Testing Center.
Immunization Requirement
Louisiana Law (R.S. 17:170.1/Schools of Higher Learning) requires all students entering Nicholls State University to be immunized for the following: Measles (2 Doses), Mumps, Rubella required for those born on or after January 1, 1957; Tetanus-Diphtheria (within the past 10 years); and against Meningococcal disease (Meningitis). The following guidelines are for the purpose of implementing the requirements of Louisiana R.S. 17:170.1, and of meeting the established recommendations for control of vaccine-preventable diseases as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP); the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices to the United States Public Health Service (ACIP); and the American College Health Association (ACHA). Students not meeting the MMR & TD requirement will be prevented from registering for subsequent semesters. Student’s registration will not be complete until they have complied with the meningococcal vaccination requirement.
TWO (2) doses of measles vaccine;
At least one (1) dose each of rubella and mumps vaccine;
A tetanus-diphtheria booster (AT LEAST 10 YEARS CURRENT);
One (1) dose of Menomune ® (MPSV4) or Menactra (MCV4) preferably at entrance into college.
Measles requirement: Two (2) doses of live vaccine given at any age, except that the vaccine must have been given on or after the first birthday, in 1968 or later, and without Immune Globulin. A second dose of measles vaccine must meet this same requirement, but should not have been given within 30 days of the first dose. A history of physician-diagnosed measles is acceptable for establishing immunity, but should be accepted with caution unless you were the diagnosing physician.
Tetanus-Diphtheria requirement: A booster dose of vaccine given within the past ten (10) years. Students can be considered to have completed a primary series earlier in life, unless they state otherwise.
Meningitis Requirement: Two (2) doses OR one (1) dose, if first dose was given on or after age 16. If the first dose is administered AFTER age 16, a second dose is NOT required.
Exemption Requirement: If a student requests exemption for medical or personal reasons, the Exemption Request must be obtained from the University Health Services office and signed. An exempted student may be excluded from campus and from classes in the event of an outbreak of measles, mumps, rubella, or meningitis until the outbreak is over or until the student submits proof of immunization.
All students must have on file in the University Health Services Office, a completed Proof of Immunization Form. Blank forms are available in Health Services or on the Internet at The form should be completed and signed by a physician or parish/county health unit.
Auditing Courses
A student who does not want to earn university credit may enroll for no credit as an auditor. The student must complete an application for admission online via the Internet at All credentials required for admission must be submitted. No student under suspension from any institution of higher education, for academic deficiencies, or for disciplinary reasons will be permitted to enroll in the university.
Students who audit courses will not receive credit nor will they be permitted to take a credit examination later for audited work.
Anyone who wishes to change registration from an audit to a credit basis must make the change by the last date for registration in the semester or session in question. (See university calendar.) Fees for students who audit courses are the same as for those enrolled for credit.
Because resident classification is an important part of fee determination, admission regulations and other policies of the System institutions, it is important that System institutions have fair and equitable regulations which can be administered consistently and still respect the interests of both the students and the taxpayers of Louisiana. It is the responsibility of the student to provide System institutions with such evidence as deemed necessary to establish his residence status.
Definition of Residency
Pursuant to House Concurrent Resolution No. 226 of 1986, the following definition of residency shall apply for fee assessment purposes effective the fall semester, 1987:
A resident student for tuition purposes is defined as one who has abandoned all prior domiciles and has been domiciled in the State of Louisiana continuously for at least one full year (365 days) immediately preceding the first day of classes of the term for which resident classification is sought. “Domicile,” as the term is used in the context of residence regulations, is defined as an individual’s true, fixed, and permanent home and place of habitation at which the individual remains when not called elsewhere for labor, studies, or other special or temporary purposes, and the place to which the individual returns after an absence. A nonresident student for tuition purposes is a student not eligible for classification as a resident.
The individual’s physical presence within this state for one year must be associated with the substantial evidence that such presence was with the intent to maintain a Louisiana domicile. Physical presence within the state solely for education purposes without substantial evidence of the intent to remain in Louisiana will not be sufficient for resident classification regardless of the length of time within the state.
However, discreet categories of individuals may be defined as special residents if such action is deemed to be in the best interest of Louisiana and approved by the Board, or as mandated from time to time by federal or state government.
Determination of Status
The residence status shall be determined in accordance with Board rules and shall be based upon evidence provided in the application for admission and related documents. The office of the registrar and/or admissions officer shall determine residence status after the completed application for admission has been submitted. The rules shall be based primarily on the location of the home and the place of employment. Residence status may not be acquired by an applicant or student while residing in Louisiana for the primary purpose of attending school. Residence status, for fee purposes only, will be granted to non-resident graduate students registered for three semester hours or less and undergraduate students registered for six semester hours or less in any session, or all non-resident students enrolled in up to six semester hours of graduate or undergraduate courses offered through web-based or other electronic instruction, when domiciled outside of the state of Louisiana and not enrolled in any other courses at the university. The following conditions may be used in determining residence status:
A. An applicant living with his/her parents is classified as a resident if the parents have established a bona fide residence in Louisiana. Ordinarily a parent is considered to have established a residence in Louisiana if actually residing and employed full time in the State. A parent who is unable to be employed or who is a housewife may be considered to have established a residence in Louisiana if there is convincing evidence that the person continuously resides in Louisiana. If only one parent qualifies as a resident of Louisiana, the student shall be classified as a resident provided that student resides with the parent who is a resident of Louisiana. An individual who resides in Louisiana and is employed full-time in another state, may be classified as a resident. In such case, appropriate documentary evidence shall be presented.
B. A student residing with his/her parents who enrolls as a nonresident shall be classified as a resident if the parents move to Louisiana and acquire residence as defined in these regulations.
C. A student may be declared a resident if either parent is a graduate of the institution that he/she attends. A student that graduates with an associate or higher degree may be classified as a resident for subsequent enrollment at that same institution (applicable only to U.S. citizens). (Revision approved 3/26/99)
D. A person may be classified as a resident of Louisiana at the end of twelve consecutive months of residence if employed in Louisiana and if during that period he/she has not been registered in an educational institution for more than six semester hours or its equivalent in any semester. A person who is unable to be employed and who has not been registered in any educational institution for more than six semester hours or its equivalent in any semester may acquire residence in Louisiana if there is convincing evidence of continuous residence in Louisiana for twelve consecutive months immediately preceding registration.
E. A student who is married to a Louisiana resident may acquire the residence status of his/her spouse.
F. A person who resides in Louisiana for at least two years, exclusive of military service, and then moves to another state or foreign country shall retain the right to enroll, along with any of his/her dependents as a resident for a period equal to the number of years the person resided in Louisiana, but the right shall expire upon the person’s residing for a period of two years in another state or foreign country. For students affected by hurricanes Katrina and Rita, requests for waivers may be considered on a case by case basis until Fall, 2012.
G. Members of the full-time armed forces (not reserve or guard) currently stationed in Louisiana and their dependents shall be classified as Louisiana residents. Those who were stationed in Louisiana immediately prior to release from active duty may enroll themselves or their dependents as residents during a period not to exceed six months after the date of release provided that the term of active duty shall have been no less than 12 consecutive months.
H. A member of the full-time armed forces who was a resident of Louisiana immediately prior to entering the armed forces shall retain the right, along with any of his/her dependents to be classified as a resident as long as he/she is in the armed forces and for a two-year period after leaving the armed forces.
I. A resident of Louisiana shall not lose the right to be classified as a resident during periods of employment in a foreign country. An alien who has been lawfully admitted J. to the United States for permanent residence as an immigrant (proof of such status shall be possession of his Form I-151-Alien Registration Receipt Card or passport officially stamped “approved as resident alien”) and who has established residence under any of the foregoing provisions shall be declared a resident of the State.
Non-U.S. Resident
A student who is a non-U.S. citizen may be entitled to resident classification if the student has been lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence (refugee, person who is married to a U.S. citizen, “temporary” or amnesty alien, etc.). This granting of resident status for fee purposes shall be in accordance with all applicable laws of the U.S. and relative requirements of the System’s Student Residence Regulations.
Students and their dependents (INS approval) present in the United States under terms of any one the following visa classifications:
Visa Category E – Treaty trader or investor
- G – Representative of international organization
- H-1B – Temporary worker in a specialty occupation
- (H-1A and H-4 may also apply to qualify for exemption.)
- I – Foreign information media representative
- K – Fiance (Residency approved with proof of marriage to U.S. citizen.).
- L – Intra-company transferee/foreign employer who demonstrate a Louisiana domicile for at least one full year (and meet System regulations) prior to the first day of class of the beginning of the semester will be eligible for an exemption of the non-resident fees while holding such a visa.
Visa Category A – Government officials will be immediately eligible for an exemption of the non-resident fees while holding such a visa.
Visa Category B – Visitor for business/pleasure
- C – In transit
- D – Crewman
- F – Academic student
- H – Temporary worker
- J – Exchange visitor
- M – Vocational/ non- academic student are not eligible to establish Louisiana domicile nor be exempted from nonresident fees unless otherwise permitted by law, by System policy, or other regulations.
It is to be noted that the domicile of a dependent or an unmarried minor is regarded to be that of the parent with whom such a dependent or minor maintains his/her place of abode.
Appeal Committee
The president of each institution shall be authorized to appoint a Residence Rules Appeal Committee. Any student classified as a nonresident may appeal his classification to this committee. Interpretations on residence qualifications may be submitted to Board Staff for clarification.
Incorrect Classification
All students classified incorrectly as residents are subject to reclassification and payment of all non-resident fees not paid. If incorrect classification results from false or concealed facts by the student, the student is also subject to university discipline.
Waiver of Undergraduate Out-of-State Tuition
The Board of Supervisors for the University of Louisiana System has authorized exemptions of out of state tuition for certain non residents of high ability. For more information about such waivers, contact the Office of Admissions.
Application Deadline
The application deadline for all regular terms (Fall, Summer, and Spring) for students not classified as International students shall be two business days prior to the start of classes as indicated by the University Calendar.
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First-Time Freshmen Whose High School Records are Available Via Louisiana Student Transcript System (STS)
First-time freshman, under 25 years of age, whose high school records can be downloaded from the State of Louisiana Student Transcript System (STS) must meet the following in order to be eligible for admission to Nicholls State University:
- Meet the Board of Regents Core 4 Curriculum (19 Units)
- Require no more than ONE developmental
- Have a minimum overall high school GPA of 2.00/4.00 grade point average
- Meet at least one of the following:
- Have at least a 21 composite ACT, or
- Have a minimum overall high school GPA of 2.35/4.00
- Have a minimum CORE GPA of 2.0
First-Time Freshman Whose High School Records are Not Available Via Louisiana Student Transcript System (STS)
First-time freshman, under 25 years of age, whose high school records can NOT be downloaded from the State of Louisiana Student Transcript System (STS) must meet one of the following criteria in order to be eligible for admission to Nicholls State University:
CRITERIA 1 – Current minimum criteria for records found in STS:
- Meet the Board of Regents Core 4 curriculum (19 Units)
- Require no more than ONE developmental
- Have a minimum overall high school GPA of 2.00/4.00 grade point average
- Meet at least one of the following:
- Have at least a 21 composite ACT, or
- Have a minimum overall high school GPA of 2.35/4.00
CRITERIA 2 – Student must meet ALL the criteria below:
- Minimum overall high school GPA of a 2.35 AND
- Have at least a minimum ACT Composite of 21 AND
- Require no more than ONE developmental
- Students who have less than 19 high school units but at least 17 high school units of the required Core 4 curriculum may be admitted if they have the minimum HS core GPA on those 17-18 high school units.
CRITERIA 3 – Student must meet ALL the criteria below:
- ACT Composite of 23 or higher
- No More than ONE developmental
Nicholls State University may admit students who do not meet all stated admissions requirements in accordance with the Board of Regents Master Plan. Admissions decisions will be made considering each applicant’s potential for success and will include factors such as ACT score, special talents, and the university’s commitment to a demographically diverse student population. Students who wish to utilize the Louisiana Center for Dyslexia and Related Learning Disorders should consult with Center staff.
Students that are not admitted are encouraged to attend one of the Louisiana community/technical colleges. Nicholls State University has established a partnership with Fletcher Technical Community College to provide access for students who may not meet Nicholls admissions requirements. Transfer students may be admitted to Nicholls State University once they have met the requirements for admission as defined under Transfer Student Admissions Requirements.
GED Students
Students who receive their GED must submit ACT scores with a minimum 23 Composite score in order to be admitted, as well as a copy of their GED certificate.
Adult Students Age 25 or Older
Students who have NEVER attended any postsecondary institution who are 25 or will turn 25 during the calendar year of the semester of their enrollment must meet the following admission requirements:
- Must have graduated from high school or earned a GED.
- Require no more than ONE developmental
High School Students
Early Admissions Program
High school students who have completed six semesters of high school and wish to complete their senior year requirements by attending Nicholls may do so if they have a B average (3.0) or better, have an ACT composite score of 25 or higher, and are recommended by their high school principal.
Upon earning 24 semester hours of university credit in courses numbered 100 or higher, the student may be granted a high school diploma by the appropriate school board upon presentation of a copy of his or her Nicholls transcript and a recommendation form provided by the Office of Records and Registration at Nicholls.
Students accepted into this program may choose the disciplines of their interest and will have a faculty adviser. The students will be enrolled in their respective college and subject to the rules, regulations, policies, fees, and expenses applicable to all university students. Campus housing with food service is available to early admission students.
Credit attempted or earned while in this program is entered on the student’s permanent academic record at Nicholls. Credit earned in this program is transferable to another college or university, depending upon the policies of the institution in question.
Dual Enrollment/Early Start
High school juniors and seniors can begin their university studies for a reduced price in the Nicholls State University Dual Enrollment/Early Start Program. To earn college credits while still in high school, students need to be on track to complete the TOPS core curriculum and have a 2.35 cumulative grade point average, an ACT composite score of 18, an ACT English sub-score of 18, and an ACT mathematics sub-score of 19. Students must also meet prerequisites for the course or courses in which they wish to enroll. Courses can be taken in any format, including on campus, off campus, and online, during the fall or spring semesters, and during summer sessions. A reduced tuition structure is available for students participating in this program. Course related fees still apply. The $20 application fee for participating students will be waived.
Credit attempted or earned in this program is entered on the student’s permanent academic record and becomes a part of the student’s continuing record at Nicholls if the student continues his or her education at Nicholls after high school graduation. Credit earned in this program is transferable to another college or university, depending upon the policies of the institution in question. For more information about the Dual Enrollment/Early Start program, please contact the Academic Advising Center.
Former Students
Former students not enrolled at Nicholls in the preceding semester must submit an application for readmission. If a student has enrolled in any institution of higher learning, including a summer session, after attending Nicholls, the student must have a complete and official transcript from each college or university attended, whether or not credit was earned, sent to the Office of Admissions by the registrar of the institutions previously attended. Nicholls students who attend only the summer session at another institution must furnish an official transcript to the Office of Admissions prior to the next registration period.
Transfer Student Admission Requirements
Students (in-state and out-of-state) desiring to transfer to Nicholls State University must have earned an associate’s degree or higher OR meet the following minimum admissions criteria:
- 18 minimum college level hours earned
- Minimum GPA of 2.0 on college-level courses
- Must have completed college-level English and Mathematics courses designed to fulfill general educatino requirements.*
*A course to fulfill general education requirements is defined as any course that would meet general education requirements as defined in Louisiana Board of Regents Academic Affairs policy 2.16, whether or not degree applicable and is at minimum a 100-level course as defined at the institution to which the student is transferring.
Additional Criteria
Students must be eligible to return to the institution from which they are transferring. Students desiring to transfer with the minimum GPA on college level courses, but less than the minimum college level hours earned, must also meet the freshmen admissions criteria in order to be admitted as transfer students.
Nicholls State University may admit students who do not meet all stated admissions requirements in accordance with the Board of Regents Master Plan. Nicholls State University may set aside a limited number of exceptions of the entering transfer class. Admissions decisions will be made considering each applicant’s potential for success and will include factors such as special talents and the university’s commitment to a demographically diverse student population.
Acceptance of transfer credit is limited to academic and vocational/technical credit earned at regionally accredited institutions in the United States or through the appropriate accrediting agency for institutions of higher education abroad. Students may petition the Office of Records and Registration for a comprehensive review of transfer courses and instructor credentials to determine transferability from non-accredited institutions. International transfer work identified as undergraduate from a transferable associate degree (associate of arts or associate of science), baccalaureate degree, or equivalent semester credit toward an undergraduate degree in the United States will be reviewed for acceptance of transfer credit. The university reserves the right to deny credit where such indicators are not present or to require the student to prove competency by some other means.
An applicant for admission who has been enrolled in other institutions of higher learning must have a complete and official transcript from each college or university attended, whether or not credit was earned, sent to the Office of Admissions by the registrar of the institutions previously attended.
Any student entering the university from a community or junior college or a junior division is limited in the amount of transfer credit which may be applied toward the baccalaureate degree program, and the approval of the academic dean is required.
“Pursuant to Act 383 of the 2003 Regular Session, each campus shall state, in its catalog and materials disseminated to students or prospective students as part of recruitment, admissions, orientation, and registration procedures, the existence of the Statewide Student Transfer Guide and Articulation System Matrices (Board of Regents’ E-matrix). These matrices indicate transfer equivalences of courses among Louisiana’s public colleges and universities and may be accessed through the Board of Regents’ webpage at
Students should also be informed that the listing of courses on the matrices is not all-inclusive. There are courses that articulate between campuses that are not listed on the matrices. Students should be advised to contact the institution’s Transfer Student Contact listed on the Website if they are unclear as to whether academic credit in general or credit toward meeting degree program requirements at other institutions is transferable.”
International Students
All of the required forms for international admissions are available on the Internet at All applicants must submit an application for admission online at and pay the $30 application fee. Proof of adequate financial resources to pay university fees and all other expenses incurred while living in the United States must be officially certified by a financial institution. All documents for admission must be official copies translated into English, if necessary, before a student can be considered for admission to the university.
Nicholls will not accept an international student who entered the United States on an I-20 form issued by another institution in the United States until that person has been enrolled at the institution issuing the I-20 or whose SEVIS record has been approved for transfer.
Application Deadlines
The deadline to submit an application for each term is specified below:
Spring Term – November 15
Summer Term – February 15
Fall Term – June 1
Admission Decision Deadlines
The deadline for all documents to be submitted to the Office of Admissions for making decisions for International Applicants shall be:
Spring Term – December 15
Summer Term – May 15
Fall Term – July 15
First-time Freshman
For students who graduated from a non-U.S. high school must meet the following criteria and submit the documents listed beneath the chart:
Effective Term | Minimum TOEFL* | ACT Required | # Developmental courses |
2017 | 61 Internet | Minimum 18 English AND 19 Math | Student may require NO developmental course |
- Submit a Summary of Educational Background by Years Form
- Official Secondary School Transcripts with Official English Translation
- Must have completed a program of study that would recommend them for admission to a university in their home country.
- Affidavit of Support and Financial Statement
- Immunization Form
- Online Housing Application and deposit
- ACT/SAT Scores
*NOTE: TOEFL shall be waived for native language English speaking countries.
Transfer Students from a foreign College of University
For students transferring from a Foreign College or University, the student must submit the documents listed beneath the chart:
Effective Term | Minimum # of college level academic hours | Minimum GPA on college level academic courses | Minimum TOEFL | Other Criteria | Tests SAT |
Effective 2016 | 18 nondevelopmental transfer hours | 2.0 | 61 or Grad 79 | Must have completed college-level Mathematics course designed to fulfill general education requirements and demonstrate eligibility for English 101* | MATH – 530
Reading/Writing Lang – 25 |
- Submit a Summary of Education Background by Years Form
- Official Certifcation of Degree Earned with Official English Translation
- Affidavit of Support and Financial Statement
- Immunization Form
- Online Housing Application and deposit
- Official transcripts and course descriptions from previous university with work in original language
- Official English language translation of transcripts and course descriptions from pervious university work
- Course-by-course Credential Evaluation
*A course to fulfill general education requirements is defined as any course that would meet general education requirements as defined in Louisiana Board of Regents Academic Affairs policy 2.16, whether or not degree applicable and is at minimum a 100-level course as defined at the institution to which the student is transferring.
International Transfer Students from a US College of University
For students transferring from a Foreign College or University, the student must submit the documents listed beneath the chart:
Effective Term | Minimum # of college level academic hours | Minimum GPA on college level academic courses | Minimum TOEFL | Other Criteria |
Effective 2016 | 18 nondevelopmental transfer hours | 2.0 | College-level English | Must have completed college-level English and Mathematics course design to fulfill general education requirements* |
- Submit a Summary of Educational Background by Years Form
- Affidavit of Support and Financial Statement
- Immunization Form
- Housing form and housing deposit
- Must have SEVIS record transferred by current school
*A course to fulfill general education requirements is defined as any course that would meet general education requirements as defined in Louisiana Board of Regents Academic Affairs policy 2.16, whether or not degree applicable and is at minimum a 100-level course as defined at the institution to which the student is transferring.
Visitor Status
Visitor status exists for students who enroll without formal credentials and who are not seeking an undergraduate or graduate degree. Credit earned under this registration may not automatically be used toward any graduate degree. Graduate students should refer to the GRADUATE STUDIES section in this Bulletin. While enrolled under visitor status, a student may earn credit for college-level courses and an official transcript of these credits will be available upon written request. Whether any credit earned under visitor status can apply toward an undergraduate degree will be determined after the student files a degree-seeking application, submits formal credentials, and meets all requirements for regular admission.
Senior Citizens Program
Eligibility requirements for application under the Board of Supervisors for the University of Louisiana System Senior Citizens Program are a high school diploma or the equivalent and participants must be 60 years of age or older. Only the completed application form with fee and proof of age are required to be submitted. Senior citizens are exempt from registration fees and tuition fees for up to three hours but must pay the technology fee and course specific fees (e.g. laboratory fees). Normal tuition and fee charges will be required of those enrolling for more than three credit hours.
Veterans and Veterans’ Dependents
Those eligible for educational assistance as veterans, veterans’ dependents or reservists should apply for the educational benefits with the Department of Veterans Affairs on-line at, by completing the application in the Office of Nicholls State Vetaran Services located in Shaver Gymnasium, or at any parish’s Department of Veterans Affairs Offices. Applications for veterans and reservists can be mailed to the Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Regional Office, PO Box 8888, Muskogee OK 74402-8888 and veterans’ dependents applications can be mailed to the VA Regional Office, 671 Whitney Ave, Gretna LA 70053. Certificates of eligibility should be presented to the University Veterans’ Liaison Counselor in the Records and Registration Office.
Those applying for VA educational benefits who want to be certified must complete a Student Request Form for VA Benefits in the Office of Nicholls State Veteran Services or on-line at For additional information contact the Coordinator of Veteran Services in the Shaver Gymnasium. After the request is completed, the certification of enrollment is mailed or electronically transmitted to the VA office.
For additional information regarding VA educational benefits, call a counselor in the regional office in New Orleans at 1-800-827-1000 or the regional office in Muskogee at 1-888-442-4551.
Orientation programs for new students are conducted prior to each semester, including the summer session. The orientation program is designed to acquaint each new student with the university campus, academic programs, and support services. New students receive academic advising and complete registration for classes during orientation.
To attend an orientation program the new student must have been admitted to Nicholls State University, prior to the day of the program. All first-time freshmen and transfer freshmen working toward a degree are expected to attend a New Student Orientation session. Students will receive information about their specific orientation program after filing an application for admission. Each student is charged a non refundable $100 fee for orientation.