Doucet, John P., Ph.D.
Dean of the College of Sciences and Technology
Alcee Fortier Distinguished Professor
Distinguished Service Professor of Biological Sciences
Office: 149 Beauregard Hall
Phone: 985-448-4386
The College of Sciences and Technology offers University students programs of study that lead to associate, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees, as well as undergraduate pre-professional programs of study that prepare students for degrees at other institutions. In addition, the College provides general education coursework in the natural sciences for all University students. In addition to teaching excellence, our faculty are leaders in research and service, and we engage our students in these activities to help professionalize their skills and prepare them for life beyond graduation. We uphold accreditation standards for each program in the College that can be accredited by a national organization, including the American Chemical Society, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics, and the Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering.
A citizenry with understanding and appreciation of science and technology, continuously improving society and the world through evidence-based, critically conceived decisions.
The College of Sciences and Technology provides University students with exceptional learning experiences that cultivate deep thinking, innovation, discovery, life-long learning, and preparation for professional life. Our faculty and students work together to increase knowledge in science and technology in support of progress in the Bayou Region and the continuous improvement of society and world.
In support of the values of the University, the College of Sciences and Technology seeks to impact each student by making a positive difference in their lives through these values of our own practice.
Quality: We provide outstanding teaching and advising with utmost fairness to and respect for our students.
A Will to Excel: We value our students and faculty, encourage their development, recognize their achievement, and reward their performance in the holistic effort to provide excellence in University education.
Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of integrity in professional relationships, collaborations, and the practices of science.
Applied Learning: We provide our students with high impact learning experiences that complement theoretical concepts learned in the classroom.
Collaboration: We work together and across boundaries, establishing relationships across and beyond campus, for the enhancement of student learning, professionalization of student skills, and improvement of our communities.
Sustainability: We promote sustainability practices that protect and conserve bayouland and world environments as well as our future.
Discovery: We ask critical questions, challenge assumptions, conduct relevant and forward-thinking research, and help establish how research is utilized in evidence-based practices.
Respect. We work to provide an environment that supports inclusion, equity, and diversity in all relationships and University business.
The fundamental goals of the College of Sciences and Technology are:
- To provide University students with outstanding learning opportunities in the science and technology disciplines.
- To challenge students majoring in a degree program in the College with comprehensive understanding their major field of study.
- To provide a supportive learning and advising environment for students that promotes development of their talents and creativity, drives them to earning a degree, and prepares them for the professional world.
- To provide a workplace that supports outstanding teaching, research, and services to students, the University, and our communities.
- Biology
- Cell and Molecular Biology Concentration
- Environmental Biology Concentration
- General Biology Concentration
- Marine Biology Concentration
- Microbiology Concentration
- Pre-Medicine/Pre-Dentistry Concentration
- Pre-Occupational Therapy Concentration
- Pre-Pharmacy Concentration
- Pre-Physical Therapy Concentration
- Pre-Physician Assistant Concentration
- Pre-Veterinary Concentration
- Chemistry
- Pre-Medicine/Pre-Dentistry Concentration
- Professional Chemistry Concentration
- Pre-Pharmacy Concentration
- Biochemistry
- General Chemical Sciences Concentration
- Dietetics
- Geomatics
- Health Sciences
- Pre-Professional Concentration
- Pre-Athletic Training Concentration
- Nutrition and Food Service Concentration
- Communicative Disorders Concentration
- Mathematics
- Advanced Mathematics Concentration
- Computer Science Concentration
- Secondary Mathematics Education Concentration
- Petroleum Services
- Safety Technology Concentration
- Exploration and Production Concentration
- Petroleum Services
- Safety Technology
- Pre-Clinical Laboratory Science
- Pre-Dental Hygiene
- Pre-Pharmacy/Biology
- Pre-Pharmacy/Chemistry
- Pre-Engineering
- Pre-Optometry
- Dietetics Internship
- Marine and Environmental Biology
- Community/Technical College Mathematics
Minimum Degree Requirements
To earn a degree in the College, a student must:
- Meet the general education requirements of the University.
- Complete one of the program curricula offered by the College.
- Earn a grade of at least C in each required course in the candidate’s major field.
- Earn a grade of at least C in each required course in the candidate’s minor field.
In addition to major fields of study that lead to the Bachelor of Science degree, the College offers a diversity of minor fields of study. To earn a minor, a student must complete 18-24 hours in the minor field. Further information, including the precise coursework and number of hours required to earn a particular minor, is provided under the Departments sections.
Biology minor – See Department of Biological Sciences
Chemistry minor – See Department of Chemistry and Physical Sciences
Computer Science minor – See Department of Mathematics
Disaster Management minor – See Department of Petroleum Engineering Technology and Safety Management
Food Service Strategies and Operations minor – See Department of Allied Health Sciences
Health Promotion minor – see Department of Allied Health Sciences
Internet Studies & Web Development minor – See Department of Mathematics
Mathematics minor – See Department of Mathematics
Petroleum Exploration and Production minor – See Department of Petroleum Engineering Technology and Safety Management
Safety Management minor – See Department of Petroleum Engineering Technology and Safety Management