More than 30 nontraditional, incoming students – including 17 veterans – attended an exclusive orientation seminar at Nicholls State University on Tuesday, Aug. 7.
Dr. Stephen T. Hulbert, university president (pictured), welcomed the group and affirmed Nicholls’ commitment to students who are 24 or older; are married or divorced; have dependents; are enrolled in college part-time; have been away from college for a lengthy period; or are military veterans. The attending veterans also met with Gilberto Burbante, coordinator of veterans services at Nicholls, to learn about resources specific to them. In fall 2011, nontraditional students made up 24 percent of total enrollment. Of those 1,645 students, 140 were veterans. Administrators anticipate similar figures in fall 2012. For additional details, go to “Information for Non-Traditional Students.” Nicholls veterans resources are available at “Veteran Admissions.”