THIBODAUX, La. — Nicholls professors will showcase their research and creativity during the first annual Faculty Expeaux research poster exhibit.
Modeled after Student Expeaux held in the spring, faculty will be judged not only on the content of their research but the appearance of the display, as well.
The day-long event will take place Thursday in the Cotillion Ballroom of the Bollinger Memorial Student Union. The community is invited to a free public viewing of Expeaux displays and reception from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
“For the first time ever, our students, our faculty and our community will be able to appreciate the breadth of research and creativity conducted by faculty at Nicholls by seeing it all in one place at one time,” said Dr. John Doucet, dean of the college of arts and sciences and Alcee Fortier Distinguished Service Professor.
CONTACT: Jacob Batte, Media Relations and Publications Coordinator, 985.448.4141 or