Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Bachelor of Science in Nursing NCLEX-RN Licensure Pass Rate

Report Year Nicholls State University Pass Rate Louisiana Pass Rate National Pass Rate
2023 93.06 88.56 92.91
2022 92.54 86.58 79.91
2021 97.18 88.93 82.48
Summary of First-Time NCLEX-RN Candidates


At Nicholls State University, we strive to be recognized as an innovative leader in nursing education.  The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree prepares students for registered nurse licensure and ultimately to communicate and practice safe, patient-centered, evidence-based care across the lifespan, within a dynamic and complex healthcare system.

Already an LPN or RN? We offer a LPN-BSN articulation and a RN-BSN articulation to meet your needs.

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program is approved by the Louisiana State Board of Nursing.  The baccalaureate degree program in nursing at Nicholls State University is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791.

Best regards,
Kimberly Dozar, MSN, RN
BSN Program Coordinator
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Thibodaux Regional Health System School of Nursing at
Nicholls State University, Department of Nursing


The BSN Program prepares the individual for self directed practice, continuing growth in professional nursing, and for formal graduate study. The graduate serves as advocate and provider of nursing services for clients of all ages within family and community settings. Guidelines and application information for the traditional BSN Program can be found at the link below.

LPN to BSN Articulation

The LPN to BSN Articulation provides an opportunity for Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) to pursue a BSN degree, and is designed to validate and award credit for existing knowledge, while remaining consistent with the outcomes of the generic BSN Program.

The LPN-BSN Articulation Nursing Information Session date for Spring 2025 applicants is Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. 
Click here to register.
NACE Scores due date To Be Determined. Contact the BSN Office for online scheduling. 

RN to BSN Articulation

The RN to BSN Articulation provides an opportunity for Registered Nurses (RNs) to pursue a BSN degree, and is designed to validate and award credit for existing knowledge, while remaining consistent with the outcomes of the generic BSN Program.

Potential applicants should click here to request an advising appointment.

Ready to apply to the RN to BSN Articulation via Nicholls Online? Click here to start the process!


Start Here!

First, have you applied to Nicholls State University? If not, apply now!  You have to be accepted to the University in order to apply to the clinical component of the BSN Program.

Application to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Program is a self-managed process:

  • Students eligible to apply to the clinical component of the BSN Program must attend a Nursing Information Session (NIS).   The session provides a review of the admission processes, submission of BSN Program Application, and the criteria for application set forth by the Louisiana State Board of Nursing for students to enroll in a clinical nursing course.  The deadline for application submission will be announced at the NIS.
  • Students are required to sign up to attend a Nursing Information Session.
  • Applications for admission will be reviewed by the Committee on BSN Admissions, Progression, Scholarship and Honors.
  • Official Transcripts from all colleges and universities previously attended must be submitted to Nicholls State University.
  • Students will be notified of admission status by the BSN Program Coordinator.

Meeting the minimum requirements for admission does not guarantee admission to the BSN Program.

Students intending to apply to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program must first meet the admission requirements of Nicholls State University.

Students must meet the following minimum criteria to apply for admission into the clinical component of the BSN Program:

  • Completion of required first 35 hours of BSN curriculum.
Curriculum in NURS
Leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing
BSN Program
First Year
Biology 114 (GER)………………..3Biology 116 (GER)………………..3
Biology 115 Lab………………..1Biology 117 Lab………………..1
Chemistry 109 (GER)………………..3Biology 205………………..3
English 101 (GER)………………..3English 102 (GER)………………..3
History* (GER)………………..3Humanities* (GER)………………..3
Math 101 or 117 (GER)………………..3OIS 200 (GER)………………..2
UNIV 101 (UR)………………..1  Psychology 101 (GER)………………..3  
  17  18
GER: General Education Requirement
UR: University Requirement
*History, Humanities, English Literature, and Fine Arts Electives:
Any course designated by Nicholls State University as an approved Humanities elective.
Access link at:
General Education Website
  • Students are limited to a maximum of three (3) repeats, including W grades, among the 35 prerequisite hours to remain eligible to apply to the clinical component of the BSN Program.
  • Grade-point average of at least 2.75 (4.0 scale) in all required courses with no grade below a “C”. Only the first 35 hours of required courses in the freshman year of the BSN curriculum will be utilized to determine GPA.  The Department of Nursing considers only the “last attempt” at coursework to calculate GPA.
  • Effective for the Spring 2018 Admission Cycle – Completion of the Health Education System, Inc. (HESI) Admissions Assessment Test (A2) Anatomy/Physiology and Biology sections with a score of at least 75% in each section.

Students on probationary status are not permitted to enroll in nursing courses with a clinical component.

Students seeking transfer into the Nicholls State University BSN Program from another nursing program must meet minimum admission and progression requirements for the BSN Program. Furthermore, transfer students must have a letter submitted from the nursing program from which they are transferring stating they are in good standing and eligible to re-enter that program.

The curriculum and admission criteria for the BSN Program are subject to change as deemed necessary by the faculty and administration to ensure an effective program of study. Please schedule an appointment with an adviser of the program prior to registration!

Meeting the minimum requirements for admission does not guarantee admission to the BSN Program.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

  • (CLR) Computer Literacy Requirement;
  • (GER) General Education Requirement;
  • (OCR) Oral Communication Requirement;
  • (UR) University Requirement

Click here to download the graphic above!

Licensed Personnel Articulations

Licensed personnel are evaluated on an individual basis for articulation into the program. Admission and progression of licensed personnel are governed by the following respective articulation guidelines.

LPN-BSN Articulation

The LPN-BSN Articulation provides an opportunity for Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) to pursue a BSN degree, and is designed to validate and award credit for existing knowledge, while remaining consistent with the outcomes of the generic BSN Program.

Criteria for Admission/Retention/Progression:

  • Same criteria as generic BSN Program.
  • Yearly documentation of unencumbered Louisiana LPN licensure on file in the Department of Nursing.

Contact the Department of Nursing for information on credit by examination and/or competency testing.


The RN-BSN Articulation provides an opportunity for Registered Nurses (RNs) to pursue a BSN degree, and is designed to validate and award credit for existing knowledge, while remaining consistent with the outcomes of the generic BSN Program. The RN-BSN Articulation is offered through Nicholls Online.

Criteria for Admission/Progression:

  • Must be a graduate of a state licensing board approved and nationally accredited program.
  • Yearly documentation of unencumbered Louisiana licensure as a RN on file in the Department of Nursing.
  • Maintenance of a minimum grade of C and a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 (4.0 scale) in all required courses in the curriculum.
  • A student is permitted one failure or withdrawal in NURS 226 (3), 417 (5), 420 (5) , 422 (3), 427 (3), or 428 (4).
  • Requirements for graduation must be completed within seven years from the date of enrollment in the first clinical nursing course in the BSN Program.


  • The RN-BSN Articulation is consistent with the curriculum for the BSN degree, with the following exceptions:
  • Major courses consist of NURS 226 (3), 417 (5), 420 (5), 422 (3), 427 (3), 428 (4), and 429 (1). Upon successful completion of NURS 417 (5), Registered Nurses may be awarded credit in NURS 222 (3), 223 (2), 228 (2), 255 (7), 340 (3), 355 (7), 371 (5), 381 (5), and 400 (5).
  • RN-BSN students must complete four hours of electives (3 semester hours of a nursing elective and 1 semester hour of a general elective).
  • Oral communication competency course is NURS 422 (3).

Contact the Department of Nursing for information on credit by examination and/or competency testing.


NURS 222. Basic Nursing Process I. 3-2-3. Prerequisite: First 35 hours in the BSN Curriculum. Prerequisites or co-requisites: NURS 226 and 228, Fine Arts Elective, and SOCI 204. Introduction of the key concepts underlying nursing practice and the application of basic nursing skills in the classroom and laboratory setting. (51.3801)

NURS 223. Basic Nursing Process II. 2-1-3. Prerequisite: First 35 hours in the BSN Curriculum. Prerequisites or co-requisites: NURS 222, 226, and 228, Fine Arts Elective, and SOCI 204. Introduction of the key concepts underlying nursing practice and the application of basic nursing skills in the classroom, laboratory, and clinical setting. (51.3801)

NURS 226. Health Assessment and the Adult Client. 3-2-3. Prerequisite: First 35 hours in the BSN Curriculum. Prerequisites or co-requisites: NURS 222, 223, and 228, Fine Arts Elective, and SOCI 204. RN to BSN students must see an advisor. Introduction of the concepts underlying assessment and the application of basic assessment skills. (51.3801)

NURS 228. Gerontic Nursing Care Concepts. 2-2-0. Prerequisite: First 35 hours in the BSN Curriculum. Prerequisites or co-requisites: NURS 226, Fine Arts Elective, and SOCI 204. Examines nursing care of older adults; increased complexity and variations in care; increased co-morbidities and chronic illnesses and associated treatments; and methods to overcome potential barriers to communication with older adults. Formerly NURS 316. (51.1601)

NURS 241. Health and Disease Concepts for Nursing Professionals. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: BIOL 116, NURS 222, NURS 223, credit or registration with NURS 226. Co-registration is required in NURS 255. Examine health and disease concepts at the cellular level while using the nursing process to promote clinical nursing judgment in professional nursing practice. (51.3801)

NURS 242. Clinical Drug Therapy for Nursing Professionals. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: NURS 222, NURS 223, credit or registration in NURS 226, NURS 228. Co-registration is required in NURS 255. Introduction to basic clinical drug therapy principles through evidence-based application of the nursing process. The integration of medications, pharmacokinetics, clinical judgment, patient safety, legal, cultural and ethical considerations prepare nursing students for safe professional clinical practice. (51.3801)

NURS 255. Nursing and the Adult I. 7-4-9. Prerequisite: Completion of first 51 semester hours of baccalaureate nursing curriculum and credit or registration required in English literature Elective. Co-registration is required in NURS 241 and 242. Nursing of the adult individual with selected well defined health alterations. Lecture, laboratory, clinical components utilize nursing process with emphasis on assessment, nursing diagnosis, and planning. (51.3801)

NURS 269. Topics in Health Care. 1-1-0. Prerequisite: Permission of Department Head. Selected topics related to health and health care. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (51.3899)

NURS 307. Drug Abuse. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. Pathophysiological approach to chemical dependency. History, composition, use and reactions of drugs relative to their potential injurious effects on the human body and their potential for inducing drug dependency.  Open to non- nursing students. (51.3899)

NURS 308. EKG Interpretation and Management. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of department head. Interpretation and management of dysrhythmias and twelve-lead EKGs. (51.3801).

NURS 312. Medical Terminology. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. Language of Health Sciences, including the study of principles for medical word building under anatomical systems, affixes, and root words. This course includes a review of major organs, body systems, and associated functions, designed for students in nursing, dietetics, social service fields, and all areas related to health. (51.3899)

NURS 315. Gerontology. 3-3-0 Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of department head. A multidisciplinary overview of biopsychosocial aspects of the older adult. Open to non-nursing students.  (51.3899)

NURS 330. Wellness and Self-Care for the Professional Nurse. 1-1-0 Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. An introduction to wellness, self-care, and effective tools needed to maintain an optimal level of health when working in a dynamic healthcare setting. The course will introduce effective coping and relaxation strategies to assist future healthcare professionals achieve balance and a healthy lifestyle.  (51.3899)

NURS 340. Interprofessional Concepts for Contemporary Nursing. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: NURS 355. Examines the historical development of nursing and its relationship to contemporary issues and trends. Focus is on social, legal, and ethical components of professional nursing. (51.3801)

NURS 352. Perspectives on Death and Dying. 3-3-0. A multidisciplinary overview of death and dying. Explores death as a personal phenomenon. Information sharing, values clarification, and coping behaviors are emphasized.  Open to non nursing students. (51.3899)

NURS 355. Nursing and the Adult II. 7-4-9. Prerequisite: NURS 255. Prerequisites or co-requisites: ENGL 468 and MATH 214. Knowledge, skills and attitudes essential to health needs of adults experiencing multiple health alterations. Clinical components utilize nursing process, emphasizing planning and implementation. (51.3801)

NURS 357. Perioperative Nursing Principles and Practice. 3-1-6. Prerequisite: NURS 355 or permission of department head. Perioperative nursing care with emphasis on interdisciplinary team member roles. Application of concepts which enhance positive patient outcomes in various perioperative settings. (51.3801)

NURS 360. Human Sexuality. 3-3-0. Sophomore standing. A comprehensive study of the physical, emotional, and social dimensions of human sexuality. Open to all students.  (51.3899)

NURS 371. Nursing and the Childbearing Family. 5-4-3. Prerequisite: NURS 355. Prerequisites or co-requisites: NURS 340 and 381. Emphasis on knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential to health needs of healthy obstetric/newborn clients and those experiencing multiple health alterations within the family. Laboratory and clinical components utilize nursing process with emphasis on planning and implementation. (51.3801)

NURS 381. Nursing and the Childrearing Family. 5-4-3. Prerequisite: NURS 355. Prerequisites or co-requisites: NURS 340 and 371. Emphasis on knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential to health needs of pediatric clients from infancy to adolescence experiencing multiple health alterations within the family unit. Laboratory and clinical components utilize nursing process with emphasis on planning and implementation. (51.3801)

NURS 385. Honors Special Topics in Global Health Care. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Permission of department head. Selected topics related to health and health care. May be repeated for credit if content differs. (51.3899)

NURS 400. Mental Health Nursing. 5-4-3. Prerequisites: NURS 371, 381. Prerequisite or co-requisites: NURS 420, 422. Promotion, maintenance, and restoration of optimal mental health with emphasis on therapeutic communication skills and therapeutic use of self in providing care to individuals, groups, aggregates, and communities. (51.3801)

NURS 401. End-of-Life Care. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: NURS 355 or permission of department head. Prepares registered nurses, student nurses, and other health care professionals to provide optimum end-of-life care.  (51.3899)

NURS 417. Professional Nursing Practice. 5-3-6. Prerequisites: Completion of first 59 credits of RN to BSN Articulation and unrestricted registered nurse licensure. Seminars and field experiences assist the registered nurse in the transition to the role of the professional baccalaureate nurse.  (51.3801)

NURS 420. Community Health Nursing. 5-4-3. Prerequisites: NURS 371, 381. Prerequisite or co-requisite: NURS 400 and 422. RN to BSN students must see an advisor. Incorporates family centered, community based nursing process in providing health care to individuals, groups, aggregates, and communities.  (51.3801)

NURS 422. Nursing Research and Evidence for Best Practice. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: MATH 214. Emphasis is on the language of nursing research, critical analysis of nursing research, and application of evidence based research findings in clinical practice. Formerly NURS 440. (51.3801)

NURS 427. Nursing Leadership/Management. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: NURS 400, 420, and 422. Co-requisites: NURS 428, 429, and 435. Nursing Leadership and management of healthcare organizations with emphasis on theory, research, management functions, and practical application.  (51.3801)

NURS 428. Preceptorship Experience in Professional Nursing. 4-0-12. Prerequisites: NURS 400, 417, 420, and 422. Co-requisite: NURS 427, 429, and 435. RN to BSN students must see an advisor. Theory, research, and practical application to management of a health care team for individuals, families, aggregates, and communities by incorporating critical thinking and decision-making skills. The clinical focus is on utilization of plan of care with emphasis on implementation and evaluation in providing and managing nursing care. (51.3801)

NURS 429. Synthesizing the NCLEX-RN®. 1-1-0. Prerequisite: NURS 400, 420, and 422. Co-requisites: NURS 427, 428, and 435. Analysis and synthesis of baccalaureate nursing curriculum content with a focus on clinical judgment while preparing students to write the national licensure examination. (51.3801)

NURS 435. Informatics for Health Care Providers. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: Senior standing, CMPS 101 or OIS 200, or permission of department head. Co-requisites: NURS 427, 428, and 429. Computer applications in health care delivery systems. (51.3899)

NURS 456. Critical Care Nursing I. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: NURS 255 or permission of department head. Basic information for the nursing management of clients with critical health alterations in specific body systems. (51.3801)

NURS 457. Critical Care Nursing II. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: NURS 456. Nursing management of critical health alterations not covered in NURS 456. (51.3801)

NURS 460. Child Abuse. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Junior standing. All dimensions of child abuse, including physical, emotional, sexual, and neglect. Multidisciplinary approach to theory, research, prevention, treatment, and high risk families. Open to all students. (51.3899)

NURS 499. Bioethics for Health Care Professionals. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: Junior standing. Multidisciplinary overview of the field of bioethics. Current theoretical frameworks for ethical decision making as well as current issues in bioethics.  (51.3899)

NURS 500. Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Nursing. 3-3-0. Focus on examination of the theoretical foundations of nursing, including analysis of major theories of nursing and supporting theories as the basis for advanced practice nursing in a variety of healthcare settings and the development of a personal philosophy of nursing. (51.3801)

NURS 502. Generating Evidence for Nursing Practice. 3-3-0. Co-requisite: Concurrent or completion of NURS 500. Presents the logic, methods, and techniques of scientific research, using an evidence-based approach. Emphasis will be placed on critical appraisal of existing evidence, design decisions, psychometrics and appropriate statistical analyses. Students will design a research proposal applicable to nursing practice. (51.3801)

NURS 505 Applied Statistics for the Health Sciences.  3-3-0. Review of research techniques and statistical concepts.  Application and interpretation of commonly used statistical tests and analysis utilized in health sciences research. (51.3808)

NURS 507 Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning for Advanced Practice. 3-2-4. Diagnostic reasoning models and theories utilizing knowledge of advanced health assessment and development of individuals and families across the lifespan. Emphasis on multi-generational, gender, and cultural/ethnic issues.  (51.3818)

NURS 508. Diagnostic Considerations and Psychopharmacology for Psychiatric Disorders. 3-3-0. Prerequisite Courses: NURS 517; NURS 518. Diagnostic criteria within the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) for Psychiatric Disorders are examined. Functional brain anatomy and physiology are studied with emphasis given to those disruptions which lead to mental illness, including environmental, developmental and genomic influences. Psychopharmacological and therapies currently utilized to treat specific mental illnesses based on current science and practice standards are detailed with emphasis on optimal outcomes and primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. (51.3810)

NURS 509. Population Based Primary Care. 3-3-0. Prerequisite Course: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in NURS 500. Analysis and synthesis of major theoretical, empirical, and clinical foundations of population-based health care. Populations-at-risk in culturally diverse community settings are examined with an emphasis on building advanced practice nursing competencies to assess and address unmet care and health service needs. Focus is also placed on epidemiological techniques for community assessment and program planning, implementation, and evaluation. (51.3801)

NURS 517. Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice. 3-3-0. Application of advanced pharmacotherapeutics to individuals across the life span.  Includes natural/alternative health care, educational management strategies, and expected outcomes. (51.3801)

NURS 518. Pathophysiology for Advanced Practice Nursing. 3-3-0. Advanced physiological, pathological and psychosocial processes in health promotion and disease prevention among individuals and families of diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds across the lifespan. (51.3801)

NURS 534. Nursing Education Roles, Issues and Foundations. 3-3-0. Introduction to contemporary nursing education. (51.3817)

NURS 535. Curriculum and Program Development. 3-3-0. Prerequisite or Co-requisite: NURS 534. Introduction to program and curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation. (51.3817)

NURS 536. Teaching Methodologies and Technologies. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: NURS 534 and NURS 535. Analysis and synthesis of evidence-based teaching methods and technologies. (51.3817)

NURS 539. Nursing Education Practicum. 4-1-15. Prerequisite: NURS 570. Implementation of nursing educator roles in selected precepted class, lab and clinical settings. (51.3817)

NURS 544. Advanced Clinical Practicum in Nursing Practice. 1-0-4. Prerequisite: NURS 507, NURS 517, NURS 518, and NURS 534. Development of advanced clinical nursing competencies in a chosen clinical focus. (51.3817)

NURS 557. Nursing Education Practicum. 3-1-12. Prerequisite: NURS 570. Implementation of nursing educator roles in selected precepted class, lab and clinical settings. (51.3817)

NURS 570. Measuring Outcomes in Nursing Education. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: NURS 534 and NURS 535. Identifying and measuring outcomes germane to nursing education at the learner and program levels. (51.3817)

NURS 581. Business, Leadership and Health Policy for Nurse Practitioners. 3-3-0. Application of business management concepts, organizational and systems leadership, legal, political, and economic and policy influences in the delivery of health care services. (51.3818)

NURS 582. Advanced Practice Nursing: Family Health I. 5-3-12. Prerequisites: NURS 500, NURS 505, NURS 507, NURS 517, NURS 518.  Pre- or co-requisite: NURS 509. Develop the role and competencies for primary care family nurse practitioners. Clinical experiences focus on the care of individuals and families in the pediatrics and childbearing women populations. (51.3805)

NURS 583. Advanced Practice Nursing: Family Health II. 5-3-14. Prerequisites: NURS 582. Develop the role and competencies for primary care family nurse practitioners. Clinical experiences will focus on the care of individuals and families in the adolescent and adult populations.  (51.3805)

NURS 584. Advanced Practice Nursing: Family Health III. 5-3-14. Prerequisites: NURS 583. Provides advanced practice nursing students with content to develop the role and competencies for primary care family nurse practitioners. Clinical experiences are designed to focus on the care of individuals and families in the geriatric population. (51.3805)

NURS 590. Psychotherapy for the Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurse. 3-2-4. Analysis and synthesis of major theoretical, empirical, and clinical foundations of various psychotherapeutic approaches in mental health care. (51.3810)

NURS 591. Advanced Practice Nursing: Psychiatric/Mental Health (PMH) I. 5-3-12. Prerequisites: NURS 500, NURS 502, NURS 505, NURS 507, NURS 508, NURS 517, NURS 518, NURS 590. Introduction to initial diagnostic assessment, basic individual and family psychotherapeutic processes, interventions, and modalities with focus on differential diagnosis, risk-analysis and clinical management of clients with common psychiatric disorders.  (51.3810)

NURS 592. Advanced Practice Nursing: Psychiatric/Mental Health (PMH) II. 5-3-14. Prerequisites: NURS 591. Addresses advanced Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing competencies with a focus on differential diagnosis, clinical management, intervention, basic group/family therapies, risk-analysis and evaluation of outcomes for clients with common and complex psychiatric disorders across the lifespan.  (51.3810)

NURS 593. Advanced Practice Nursing: Psychiatric/Mental Health (PMH) III. 5-3-14. Prerequisites: NURS 592. Focus is on professional role development in advanced practice. Clinical experiences are designed to focus on continued development of advanced clinical competencies for provision of care to the psychiatric client across the lifespan, family and community. (51.3810)

NURS 595. Focused Scholarly Project. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: NURS 502. An independent focused scholarly project supervised by a graduate faculty member. The focused scholarly project creatively employs scientific inquiry to systematically advance the practice, teaching, or research of nursing. Emphasis is on a focused project that has tangible application to the practice setting. Approval of the project by the faculty of record must be obtained prior to registration for the course. (51.3801)

NURS 599. Thesis. Credit variable 1-6 hours each semester, with six hours needed for graduation. Prerequisite: NURS 502. The student must enroll in the thesis course each semester the thesis is in progress. The thesis is graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Independent study of a selected topic in nursing requiring a written proposal, data collection and analyses, and resulting in a written thesis under the guidance of graduate nursing faculty. An oral defense of thesis is required. (51.3801)Syn

The baccalaureate degree program in nursing at Nicholls State University is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791.


Department of Nursing

Office Location:
161 Betsy Cheramie Ayo Hall
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2143
Thibodaux, LA 70310
Amanda LeJeune, Administrative Assistant
Phone: (985) 448-4696

Fax: (985) 448-4932

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