1. Observe and follow all posted safety notices.
2. The use of any tobacco product in any form is prohibited on all Nicholls State University properties including the main campus, Duhe Building, Chauvin Gardens, etc.
3. No fighting or horseplay allowed in the work area or classroom.
4. Know where fire extinguishers are located and how to use them.
5. Evacuate in an orderly manner if the fire alarm sounds.
6. Know designated evacuation routes from your office, floor and building.
7. Know emergency phone numbers or access to them.
8. Report all injuries and accidents to your supervisor.
9. Report any equipment that is not operating properly to your supervisor.
10. Do not run in the work area.
11. Report unsafe conditions to your supervisor.
12. Do not throw objects in the work area.
13. Keep your work station clean and orderly.
14. Keep floor free of litter.
15. Place litter and waste materials in proper containers.
16. Do not walk on wet floors and immediately wipe up spills.
17. Keep passageway clear to allow easy access and exit.
18. Keep desk, filing drawers, etc. closed to avoid a potential tripping hazard.
19. Return equipment and material to their proper place after use.
20. Report lighting and ventilation problems affecting you to your immediate supervisor.
21. Always read labels before using chemicals, bleaches, cleaning fluid, etc. that could be harmful if spilled.
22. When working with hazardous chemicals, do not work alone.
23. Use only approved cleaning fluids when cleaning machinery. Remember to allow for proper ventilation. Dispose of rags and waste material in proper containers and away from heat.
24. Do not operate machinery or equipment without proper training.
25. Never leave machinery or equipment in operation unattended. Turn all machinery and equipment off before leaving the office at the end of the workday.
26. Neckties, scarves and other loose apparel should be secured when working around equipment.
27. Notify your supervisor of any breakage or malfunction of machinery or equipment.
28. Wear eye protection, respirators, or protective clothing in regulated areas or during functions requiring protective gear.
29. Report frayed electrical cords immediately.
30. Tape temporary electrical cords to the floor to prevent tripping.
31. Do not overload electrical circuits.
32. Do not use electrical extension cords as a permanent electrical line.
33. Never turn on an electrical switch unless you know what it operates and have had the adequate training on that piece of equipment.
34. Do not attempt to repair electrical devices unless properly trained to do so. Report to your supervisor.
35. Keep flammable items away from electrical outlets, cords or other electrical apparatus.
36. Use only properly grounded electrical equipment.
37. When using university vehicles or your own vehicle for authorized travel, remember to use your seat belt and drive defensively.
38. Only authorized drivers allowed to operate state vehicles or personal vehicles for state business.
39. Do not text and drive.
These above safety rules are not inclusive. They are intended as a guide to develop proper health and safety practices and procedures. Should you have questions or doubts about safe operations in the workplace, please contact your supervisor or the Safety Officer. Nicholls State University wants to provide a safe and healthy work and academic environment for its students, faculty and staff.