Nicholls State University


Available Scholarship Opportunities

The scholarships below are available for the Fall 2024 semester.


Applications should be submitted no later than the close of business Tuesday, September 10, 2024, or the deadline date noted in the scholarship description.

Complete your application today! Click the word application to apply.


Students who have received other scholarships/awards, have extra-curricular involvement, or are members of organizations may submit a printed copy of their co-curricular form from Presence

DAVID AND DARLENE BREAUX SCHOLARSHIP is awarded to a full-time student of at least junior standing who is majoring in Political Science. The applicant will have and maintain at least a 3.0 Overall GPA and a GPA of 3.5 in Political Science specific classes. The recipient may receive the scholarship for four consecutive semesters if a junior at the time of the award and two consecutive semesters if a senior at the time of the award, provided he/she maintains full-time status and the previously mentioned GPA requirements. The applicant’s financial need will be considered.  The applicant will be required to write a short statement of intended career plans, which must be attached to the application.  DEADLINE TO APPLY – August 30, 2024.  Applications are available in the Scholarship Office or by emailing

THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY FIRST GENERATION ENDOWED UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP [2 @ $500]:  is awarded to a full-time student enrolled at Nicholls State University. The recipient will be a resident of Louisiana and must be awarded the federal Pell Grant. The recipient will be a first-generation college student; neither the parents nor legal guardians will have earned a college degree. The recipient will be eligible to receive the award for a maximum of eight semesters provided they maintain a 2.5 GPA.

THE ALBERT “AL” CUNNINGHAM, JR. ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $500]:  is awarded to a full-time student enrolled at Nicholls State University. The recipient will have a minimum grade point average of 3.25.  If the student is an entering freshman, the student will be TOPS qualified.  The recipient must have demonstrated financial need.  The scholarship is open to any major.

ANTHONY J. ROUSE, SR. FOOD ENTREPRENEURSHIP ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP [1@ $625]:  is awarded to a full-time student at Nicholls State University who is at least a part-time employee of Rouses’ Supermarkets or the child of at least a part-time employee of Rouses’ Supermarkets. The recipient must be enrolled in one of the programs within the Chef John Folse Culinary Institute.  Preference will be given to candidates interested in food entrepreneurship.  The recipient must be a graduate of an accredited public or private high school. The recipient may keep this scholarship for one year provided he or she meets all the above criteria and maintains a 2.50 overall GPA.  Applications are available in the Scholarship Office or by emailing

THE BARBARA MCCREA HAMM ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP [1@ $500]:  Awarded to a full-time student enrolled at Nicholls State University. Continuing students must have at least a 3.25 GPA. Freshman must be TOPS qualified. The student must be majoring in accounting or finance. The student must also show financial need.

BLOCK AND BOUTERIE ATTORNEY AT LAW EXCELLENCE IN PRE-LAW SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $250]:  Awarded to a resident of Lafourche, Terrebonne, or Assumption parishes.  The recipient must be enrolled as a full-time student majoring in Pre-Law at Nicholls State University.  The recipient may keep this scholarship for four years (eight regular semesters) provided he or she meets all the above criteria and maintains at least a 3.000 overall GPA.

THE BOURGEOIS EXCELLENCE IN CULINARY ARTS ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP [1@$250]:  Awarded to a full-time student at Nicholls State University. The recipient must be a freshman who has earned at least a 2.50 GPA in high school and who plans to major in Culinary Arts. The recipient must be a resident of Lafourche, Terrebonne, or St. Mary parish. If there are no qualified students from the tri-parish area, students from any of the other parishes in Louisiana will be eligible. The recipient may keep this scholarship for four years provided he or she meets all the above criteria and maintains a 2.50 overall GPA.

THE BOYSIE AND JOY BOLLINGER FIRST GENERATION ENDOWED UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP [3 @ $500]:  is awarded to a full-time, TOPS qualified student enrolled at Nicholls State University. The recipient will be a resident of Louisiana and must be awarded the federal Pell Grant. The recipient will be a first generation college freshman; neither the parents nor legal guardians will have earned a college degree. The recipient shall declare his or her major to be Culinary Arts.  Each recipient will demonstrate their commitment to the culinary profession through 2 (two) letters of reference.  The letters of reference must be submitted to the Scholarship Office.  The recipient will be eligible to receive the award for a maximum of eight semesters provided they maintain a 2.5 GPA.  Applications are available in the Scholarship Office or by emailing

THE BURT EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $250] is awarded to a full-time student enrolled in the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences at Nicholls State University. The recipient will be majoring in Education and have a minimum GPA of 2.5. The recipient will be classified as a junior.  The recipient must be a resident of Assumption Parish, residing in the town of Labadieville.  If no applicant meets the residency requirement, other towns in Assumption Parish may be considered.

C.H. ‘BUMPER’ BURGUIERES ENDOWED 1ST GENERATION SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $500]:  is awarded to a full-time, TOPS eligible student enrolled at Nicholls State University.  The recipient will be a resident of Louisiana living in Lafourche, St. Mary, or Terrebonne parish.  The recipient must be awarded the federal Pell Grant. The recipient will be a 1st generation college student; neither the parents nor legal guardians will have earned a college degree. Each recipient will be enrolled in either the College of Business or the Chef John Folse Culinary Institute.  Each recipient will be eligible to receive the award for a maximum of eight semesters provided they maintain a 3.0 GPA while earning at least 12 hours each semester.

THE CHRISTOPHER ANTHONY BENOIT, JR ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $250]:  is awarded to a student admitted to Nicholls State University.  The student may be of any classification and enrollment status.  There is no minimum GPA level for this scholarship.  The applicant should be associated with Colonels E-Sports and have a major in the College of Liberal Arts.

CANDY FLEET SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $500]:  is awarded to dependents of employees of Candy Fleet. Second choice is given to graduates of Morgan City High School with a high school GPA of at least 3.0. Applicant must be enrolled in at least 15 hours.

THE CAPITAL ONE BANK “STAND UP FOR NICHOLLS” SCHOLARSHIP [2 @ $250]:  will be awarded to a full-time student admitted to the university.  The applicant must have a completed FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and financial aid file for the academic year in which the scholarship is being awarded.  The applicant must have a remaining unmet need after the student’s financial aid package is complete for the academic year in which the scholarship is being awarded.  Applications are available in the Scholarship Office or by emailing

CROSBY TUGS SCHOLARSHIP [1@ $250]:  Awarded to a South Lafourche resident with a 3.00 GPA.  First priority will be given to dependents of employees of Crosby Tugs, Inc.

THE DANOS FAMILY 1st GENERATION ENDOWED UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $500]:  is awarded to a full-time, TOPS qualified student enrolled at Nicholls State University. Preference will be given to students who graduated from a Lafourche or Terrebonne high school. The recipient will be a resident of Louisiana and must be awarded the federal Pell Grant. The recipient will be a first generation college student; neither the parents nor legal guardians will have earned a college degree. The recipient will be eligible to receive the award for a maximum of eight semesters provided they maintain a 2.5 GPA.

E. ANN BARKER, M.D. SCHOLARSHIP FUND [1 @ $500]: Awarded to a junior or senior enrolled in Nursing or Allied Health Sciences. The applicant must be full-time, or program full-time, and must be a resident of Terrebonne or Lafourche parish.  The applicant must be at least 23 years of age or older and must maintain a 2.50 GPA per semester.

THE ELLEN CANCIENNE ENDOWED MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP [1@ $1000] is awarded to a full-time female student from Southeast Louisiana enrolled at Nicholls State University. Continuing students must have a 3.00 GPA to apply. Incoming freshmen must have the required GPA for admission into the university. The student awarded this scholarship may keep it up to eight semesters if they maintain a 3.00 cumulative GPA. The applicant must demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to the applicant enrolled as a Biology major with a declared concentration in Pharmacy.  If no applicant qualifies in Pharmacy, other health sciences or medical field concentrations will be considered.

FIRST AMERICAN BANK SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $500 each]: Awarded to full-time dependent students with low to moderate family income.  The applicants must maintain a minimum 2.50 GPA and be of at least sophomore standing.  The applicants must reside in one of the following parishes:  Ascension, Assumption, Jefferson, Lafourche, St. Charles, St. John, and Terrebonne.  One recipient will be selected from each of the previously mentioned parishes.  The scholarship is valid for one semester. Applications are available in the Scholarship Office or by emailing

THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE LODGE 52 SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $250]: is awarded to a full-time student enrolled at Nicholls State University. The recipient will be a resident of Lafourche Parish with a minimum 2.5 GPA or higher.  The student must be a declared Government, Political Science, or Criminal Justice major.  F.O.P. members or their immediate family can also apply.  F.O.P members or their immediate family can be any declared major.  Preference will be given to F.O.P. members or their dependents.  The value of the scholarship is $250 for one semester only.  Applications are available in the Scholarship Office or by emailing

THE GEORGE PICOU MEMORIAL FIRST GENERATION ENDOWED UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP [1@ $500]:  is awarded to a full-time student enrolled at Nicholls State University. The recipient will be a resident of Louisiana and must be awarded the federal Pell Grant. The recipient will be a first generation college student; neither the parents nor legal guardians will have earned a college degree. The recipient will be eligible to receive the award for a maximum of eight semesters provided they maintain a 2.5 GPA.

THE GLENDA S. TAUZIN ENDOWED MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $250]:  is awarded to a full-time student enrolled and pursuing a major within the College of Nursing at Nicholls State University. The recipient will be classified as a sophomore, junior or senior.  The recipient must be accepted into the Nursing program and be enrolled in their clinical courses.  The recipient must have at least a 3.0 GPA or higher.  Applicants must include a short biography of themselves (ex. Where you are from, financial need, future goals, etc.) and an essay up to 750 words on “What draws you to Nursing?”.  Include any inspirational stories that lead you to pursue Nursing as a career.  The scholarship is awarded for one year.  The student must meet the criteria above to retain the scholarship for the second semester.  Applications are available in the Scholarship Office or by emailing

THE GORDON “BUBBA” DOVE, JR. MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $2500] is awarded to a full-time student enrolled at Nicholls State University. The recipient will be a resident of Lafourche, Terrebonne, or Assumption parish.  The recipient will be enrolled in the Petroleum Engineering Technology and Safety Management Program, the Maritime Management Program, or in any program in the College of Business.  The recipient will be eligible to receive the award for one year (two semesters) provided they have and maintain a 2.5 GPA.  The recipient will demonstrate community service involvement.  You must submit a copy of your updated co-curricular form with this application.  Financial need will be a consideration when awarding this scholarship.  The applicant must submit a letter of recommendation from a faculty member of Nicholls State University in the stipulated program. The deadline for application submission is September 6, 2024.  Applications are available in the Scholarship Office or by emailing

THE HELEN ALENE MELANCON EXCELLENCE IN BASEBALL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $375]: Awarded to a high school graduate who demonstrates strong academic and leadership achievements and is an athlete who will compete in intercollegiate Baseball at Nicholls State University. The recipient must be enrolled as a full-time student and be NCAA eligible. (A full-time student is defined as a student enrolled in 12 or more hours of credit courses.) The recipient must be receiving an athletic scholarship in baseball.  If awarded, the athletic scholarship may be reduced by the value of this award.  The recipient may keep this scholarship for four years provided they meet all the above criteria and maintains a 2.80 overall GPA.  The recipient must also demonstrate financial need.

THE HELEN ALENE MELANCON EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $375]: Awarded to a high school graduate who demonstrates strong academic and leadership achievements and plans to major in Education at Nicholls State University. The recipient must be enrolled as a full-time student. (A full-time student is defined as a student enrolled in 12 or more hours of credit courses.) The recipient may keep this scholarship for four years provided he or she meets all the above criteria and maintains a 2.80 overall GPA.  The recipient must also demonstrate financial need.

THE HILDA CARLOS DUPLANTIS ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $250]:  is awarded to a full-time student enrolled at Nicholls State University with at least a 3.0 GPA. The recipient must be a resident of Louisiana and a graduate of Terrebonne High School or South Terrebonne High School. The recipient may keep this scholarship for two semesters provided he or she earns at least 12 hours and maintains a 3.0 overall grade point average.  The value of the scholarship is $250 per semester.

THE HILL FAMILY ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $250]:   is awarded to a full-time student enrolled in the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences at Nicholls State University. The recipient will be of African-American/Black ethnicity.  The recipient will be pursuing a Masters of Educational Leadership and have a minimum GPA of 3.0.  Should there not be a candidate from this master’s program, second preference will be given to students of at least sophomore status majoring in Elementary Education or Human Performance Education or graduate students pursuing the Masters of Arts in Teaching with a Middle School concentration.  The recipient will be a resident of Lafourche Parish.  If no applicant meets the residency requirement, Terrebonne Parish then Assumption Parish may be considered.  The recipient must be a resident of Louisiana.  The scholarship is awarded for two semesters.

THE JACK H. CENAC 1st GENERATION ENDOWED UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $1250]:  is awarded to a full-time, TOPS qualified student enrolled at Nicholls State University. The recipient will be a resident of Louisiana and must be awarded the federal Pell Grant. The recipient will be a first generation college student; neither the parents nor legal guardians will have earned a college degree. The recipient will be eligible to receive the award for a maximum of eight semesters provided they maintain a 3.0 GPA.

THE JANE MCCULLA RIVIERE MEMORIAL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP [1@$250]:  Awarded to a full-time, TOPS qualified student at Nicholls State University.   The recipient will be a graduate of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart High School or Sisters of Mount Carmel High School (Vandebilt Catholic High School, E.D. White Catholic High School, Brother Martin Catholic High School, Catholic High School of Baton Rouge, St. Stanislaus, McGill Toolen High School, or Mt. Carmel New Orleans Academy).  The recipient will be a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior.  To maintain the scholarship for the second semester, the student will maintain at least a 3.00 GPA.  The scholarship will be awarded for one year.

JOSEPH M. MOLL III AND PAMELA GUEYDAN MOLL SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $250]:  Awarded to a full-time “TOPS” qualified student with at least a 3.000 GPA.  The recipient may major in any academic program.  This scholarship is valid for one year.

The L.C. “DIDI” LEVERT, Jr. Scholarship [1 @ $375]:  will be given to a full-time student at Nicholls State University enrolled in any course of study. Applicants must maintain a 2.00 GPA in order to maintain the scholarship.  First priority is given to a dependent of a of J.B. Levert Land Company, Inc owner. Second priority is given to dependents of employees of J.B. Levert Land Company, Inc. In absentee of persons listed above, a sophomore from Lafourche Parish with the highest GPA not yet receiving a scholarship will be awarded. Students upon graduation would be expected to make his services available, if a position is available, and is commensurate with other similar situations to the J.B. Levert Land Company, Inc. or any of its other affiliated companies..

THE LEROY THERIOT MEAT & CHARCUTERIE CULINARY ARTS ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP [1@ $625]:  is awarded to a full-time student at Nicholls State University who is at least a part-time employee of Rouses’ Supermarkets or the child of at least a part-time employee of Rouses’ Supermarkets. The recipient must be enrolled in one of the programs within the Chef John Folse Culinary Institute.  Preference will be given to candidates interested in the butcher crafts.  The recipient must be a graduate of an accredited public or private high school. The recipient may keep this scholarship for one year provided he or she meets all the above criteria and maintains a 2.50 overall GPA.  Applications are available in the Scholarship Office or by emailing

THE LESLEY WHARTON MARCELLO ENDOWMENT FOR OUTSTANDING STUDENT PUBLICATION SERVICE [1 @ $250]:  Awarded to a full-time (12 hours) student in good standing with the university at the time of nomination.  The recipient should have worked in Student Publication at Nicholls State University for at least a semester prior to nomination.  The application will include an essay on why working on the university newspaper or yearbook has or will help them in their majors, careers, or life.  The application will include a letter of nomination from someone who is best suited to nominate the student for this award, preferably someone in Student Publications who has had a chance to observe the student. Email for an application or pick one up at the Scholarships Office.

THE LESTER AND MYRTLE FREMIN ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $250]:  is awarded to a full-time student at Nicholls State University. The applicant must have and maintain at least a 2.50 GPA and must be enrolled in at least 12 hours. The value of the scholarship is $500 a year ($250 per semester).  First priority will be given to an employee or a dependent of an employee of a Fremin Family owned business (Flanagan’s Restaurant, Fremin’s Restaurant, Nifty Fifties Café, High Rollers, Delta Coin Inc. or Fremin Brother Rentals LLC).  If no one applies from any of the previously listed businesses, the scholarship may be awarded to a student from any major with second priority being a student enrolled full-time in the Chef John Folse Culinary Institute.

LINDA SATTERLEE MYERS ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP IN EDUCATION [2 @ $875]:  is awarded to a full-time (12 or more hours) student enrolled in the College of Education and Behavioral Science majoring in an Education field at Nicholls State University. Applicants must have achieved sophomore status and have a 3.0 GPA or higher.  The applicant must have demonstrated financial need.  The recipient may receive the scholarship for up to six semesters, provided he/she continues to meet the eligibility criteria.  Applications are available in the Scholarship Office or by emailing

THE LOUISIANA GARDEN CLUB FEDERATION DISTRICT III KEVIN and ASHLEY RUSSO SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $500]:  is awarded to a full-time (12 or more hours) student majoring in Biology, with a concentration in Environmental Biology, at Nicholls State University. The applicant must have attained sophomore, junior or senior standing and must have a 3.0 GPA or higher.  The scholarship is valued at $500 per semester and will be awarded for one year.  To receive the scholarship for the second semester, the student must earn at least a 3.0 GPA and at least 12 hours.

THE MICHAEL C. AND CHRISTINE P. BOURGEOIS #1 ENDOWED 1ST GENERATION SCHOLARSHIP [3 @ $400]:  is awarded to a full-time student enrolled at Nicholls State University.  The recipient must be a U.S. citizen.  Each recipient will be a resident and registered voter of Ward 6 in Lafourche Parish and have graduated from E.D. White Catholic High School, Houma Christian School, or Thibodaux High School.  If a recipient has not reached age 18 yet, he or she must register to vote at age 18 in order to remain eligible to retain the scholarship for future semesters.  Students who meet all other criteria but were home schooled or passed the GED are also eligible to apply.  The recipient must have at least a 2.8 GPA.  The recipient must be awarded the federal Pell Grant. The recipient will be a first generation college student; neither the parents nor legal guardians will have earned a college degree. Each recipient will be enrolled in either in the College of Nursing, the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, the College of Liberal Arts, or the College of Sciences and Technology.  Each recipient will be eligible to receive the award for a maximum of eight semesters provided they maintain a 2.8 GPA while earning at least 12 hours each semester.  The recipient must also remain Pell Grant eligible.  Special consideration will be given to the applicant’s character, leadership and participation in professional or charitable organizations, as well as to honorably discharged members of the United States Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force or Coast Guard.  Student must turn in a copy of their voter registration card.  Applications are available in the Scholarship Office or by emailing

THE MICHAEL C. AND CHRISTINE P. BOURGEOIS #2 ENDOWED 1ST GENERATION SCHOLARSHIP [3 @ $500]:  is awarded to a full-time student enrolled at Nicholls State University.  The recipient must be a U.S. citizen.  Each recipient will be a resident and registered voter of Ward 6 in Lafourche Parish and have graduated from E.D. White Catholic High School, Houma Christian School, or Thibodaux High School.  If a recipient has not reached age 18 yet, he or she must register to vote at age 18 in order to remain eligible to retain the scholarship for future semesters.  Students who meet all other criteria but were home schooled or passed the GED are also eligible to apply.  The recipient must have at least a 2.5 GPA.  The recipient must be awarded the federal Pell Grant. The recipient will be a first generation college student; neither the parents nor legal guardians will have earned a college degree.  Each recipient will be enrolled in the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, the Chef John Folse Culinary Institute, or the College of Nursing.  Each recipient will be eligible to receive the award for a maximum of eight semesters provided they maintain a 2.5 GPA while earning at least 12 hours each semester.  The recipient must also remain Pell Grant eligible.  Special consideration will be given to the applicant’s character, leadership and participation in professional or charitable organizations, as well as to honorably discharged members of the United States Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force or Coast Guard.  Student must turn in a copy of their voter registration card.  Applications are available in the Scholarship Office or by emailing

THE MICHAEL C. AND CHRISTINE P. BOURGEOIS #4 ENDOWED UPPER CLASSMEN/ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP [2 @ $200]:  will be awarded to full-time Junior, Senior, or Alumni graduate student at Nicholls State University.  Each recipient must be a citizen of the United States and a registered voter in Ward 6 of Lafourche Parish and must attach a copy of their Voters ID Card to the application.  The recipient must have and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above for a graduate student and 2.0 or above for an undergraduate student.  The student may receive the scholarship for one semester, but past recipients can reapply along with other applicants for consideration each fall and spring semester.  Each recipient must be a Nicholls State University Upper Classman or Alumni.  Preference will be given to graduates of any high school in Lafourche or Terrebonne Parish.  Applications are available in the Scholarship Office or by emailing

THE MICHAEL C. AND CHRISTINE P. BOURGEOIS #5 ENDOWED UPPER CLASSMEN/ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $ 375]:   will be awarded to full-time Junior, Senior, or Alumni graduate student at Nicholls State University within the Department of Biology.  Each recipient must be a citizen of the United States and a registered voter in Ward 6 of Lafourche Parish and must attach a copy of their Voters ID Card to the application.  The recipient must have and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above for a graduate student and 2.5 or above for an undergraduate student.  The student may receive the scholarship for one semester, but past recipients can reapply along with other applicants for consideration each fall and spring semester.  Each recipient must be a Nicholls State University Upper Classman or an Alumni.  Preference will be given to graduates of any high school in Lafourche or Terrebonne Parish.  Applications are available in the Scholarship Office or by emailing

THE MICHAEL C. AND CHRISTINE P. BOURGEOIS #6 ENDOWED UPPER CLASSMEN/ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $ 300, 1@ $200]:   will be awarded to a full time Nicholls junior or senior student with the Bridge to Independence Program.  Priority consideration will be to an applicant that is citizen of the U.S. who votes in Ward 6.  If no ward 6 applicants apply, then a resident of Lafourche parish will be considered.  The Nicholls Bridge to Independence junior or senior must have and maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA.  Past recipients and other applicants must reapply each fall and spring semester.  In addition, one 2nd year qualifying Nicholls Bridge to Independence Ward 6 student enrolled in the 2-year certificate program who is meeting all criteria previously mentioned may be eligible for a $200 scholarship.  Applications are available in the Scholarship Office or by emailing

The Michael C and Christine P Bourgeois Endowed Upperclassman Legacy Alumni Scholarship is awarded to a High School graduate of a Lafourche or Terrebonne Parish High School or have a GED equivalency certificate, a full-time enrolled Junior, Senior or Nicholls Alumni Graduate student. The applicant must be in good academic standing, submit an “active” Lafourche Parish Ward 6 Voter Registration Card with the application and currently votes in Ward 6 elections,  and a typed 250-word essay detailing why he/she should receive the scholarship. He or she must provide two academic and/or professional references (References must not be related to the applicant.) There will be “priority consideration” to any Louisiana or USA Branch Military Member or Veteran, a Thibodaux or ED White High Schools Graduate and any applicant of minority ethnicity.  DEADLINE TO APPLY – September 6, 2024. Click here to apply.

THE NICHOLAS LAUGHLIN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $250]:  Awarded to a full-time (12 hours) student of junior status or better majoring in either Information Systems or Computer Science.  The applicant must be a resident of Lafourche, Terrebonne, or Assumption Parish with at least a 2.75 cumulative GPA.

THE NORMAN SWANNER MEMORIAL 1st GENERATION ENDOWED UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP [2 @ $500]:  is awarded to a full-time student enrolled at Nicholls State University. The recipient will be a resident of Louisiana and must be awarded the federal Pell Grant. The recipient will be a first generation college student; neither the parents nor legal guardians will have earned a college degree. The recipient will be eligible to receive the award for a maximum of eight semesters provided they maintain a 2.5 GPA.

RAYMOND ELLIS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $250]:  Awarded to a full-time students of junior or senior classification with at least a 2.8 GPA.  A 200 word essay on the Impact of the Civil Rights Movement must be completed with the application.  Applications are available in the Scholarship Office or by emailing

REGIE TRUXILLO MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP [1@ $250]: Awarded to a dependent of an employee of Crosby Tugs, Inc.  Applicants must be full-time students who maintain a 2.5 grade-point average.

R.H. “Dickie” AND CHARLENE BARKER EXCELLENCE IN MARINE AND ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP [1@ $500]: is awarded to a graduate student enrolled in at least 6 hours who is majoring in Marine and Environmental Biology.  The recipient may keep this scholarship for two years (four semesters) provided he or she meets all the above criteria and maintains a 3.0 overall grade point average.

THE RIENZI SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $375]:  will be given to a full-time student at Nicholls State University enrolled in any course of study. Applicants must maintain a 2.00 GPA in order to maintain the scholarship.  First priority is given to a dependent of a of J.B. Levert Land Company, Inc owner. Second priority is given to dependents of employees of J.B. Levert Land Company, Inc. In absentee of persons listed above, a sophomore from Lafourche Parish with the highest GPA not yet receiving a scholarship will be awarded. Students upon graduation would be expected to make his services available, if a position is available, and is commensurate with other similar situations to the J.B. Levert Land Company, Inc. or any of its other affiliated companies.

THE ROBYN ADELE FORD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP IN EDUCATION [1@ $250]:  is awarded to a fulltime student enrolled in a degree program in teacher education in the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences. The scholarship was established in support of a candidate who 1) has personally battled cancer or 2) has faced other challenges in obtaining his/her degree. The candidate must possess the qualities espoused by Robyn: intelligence, strength, laughter, wisdom, passion and a love of education. The recipient will be classified as a sophomore, junior, or senior and have earned a 3.0 GPA or higher at the time of the award. Graduate students may be considered.  The recipient shall hold the scholarship for two consecutive semesters. To receive the scholarship for a second semester, the recipient must maintain a 3.0 GPA. Primary consideration must go to a candidate who is 1) battling cancer or 2) a cancer survivor. Should there not be qualified applicant whose life has been personally touched by cancer, the scholarship funds may be allocated to a candidate who has experienced other challenges in obtaining his/her degree. If these criteria are not met, the scholarship funds will be transferred to a subsequent semester for a candidate who meets the criteria.  Applications are available in the Scholarship Office or by emailing

THE SCLASS/GEE SCHOLARSHIP FOR EDUCATION MAJORS [1 @ $300]: is awarded to a full-time (12 or more hours) student majoring in Education at Nicholls State University. Students majoring in Art, Music, and Math Education, who are in the Colleges of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Technology, may apply.  Freshman applicants must have an ACT Score of 22 or higher with at least a 3.0 GPA.  Continuing students must have a 3.0 GPA or higher.  The applicant must have a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) on file with the Office of Financial Aid.  The scholarship is valued at $300 per semester for two semesters.  The applicant must have documented evidence of the impact their service has had on a particular group or individual (ex. volunteerism, service learning, field-work, or internships that show civic responsibility and engagement).  A co-curricular form must be submitted to document your leadership experience.  Applications are available in the Scholarship Office or by emailing

SOUTH CENTRAL INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION (SCIA) Scholarship [1 awarded]The applicant must be an employee or a dependent child of an employee of a SCIA member company (Nicholls is a member).  Grandchildren of employees of a SCIA member company are eligible to apply as well.  The applicant must be considered a full-time student (12 or more hours).  The applicant must have and maintain at least a 2.5 GPA.  If the applicant is a first-time freshman, he or she must have graduated from high school with at least a 2.5 GPA.  The applicant must be a resident of Lafourche, Terrebonne, or St. Mary parish and have graduated from a high school in one of these parishes.  The applicant must have a completed FAFSA on file at Nicholls.  The applicant must have remaining unmet need after their financial aid package is complete.  The applicant must not be in receipt of any academic scholarship aid, excluding TOPS.  The scholarship is valid for up to 4 years, provided the student maintains continuing eligibility criteria.  Applications are available in the Scholarship Office or by emailing

SGA LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP [2 @ $200 for first time freshmen]:  Awarded to students with at least a 2.00 GPA.  The application is the co-curricular form only, which can be downloaded from Presence  In the absence of a non-traditional freshman applicant, the scholarship may be awarded to a traditional freshman student.

THE SGA INTERNATIONAL STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $500]:  Awarded to a full-time international student enrolled at Nicholls State University.  The recipient must maintain a 2.75 GPA. The applicant must submit a 300 word essay stating why they deserve the scholarship. The applicant must submit a letter of recommendation from a faculty or staff member of Nicholls State University. The applicant must also show how they are involved at Nicholls. A student can receive this scholarship only once.  Applications are available in the Scholarship Office or by emailing

THE STEPHANIE HEBERT INSURANCE AGENCY, INC SCHOLARSHIP [1@$250]:  Awarded to a student enrolled at Nicholls State University who has been diagnosed with dyslexia and participates in programs provided by the Center for the Study of Dyslexia. The recipient must be enrolled as a full-time student at Nicholls. (A full-time student is defined as a student enrolled in 12 or more hours of credit courses.) The recipient may keep this scholarship for four years (eight semesters) provided he or she meets all the above criteria and maintains a 2.00 overall GPA.

THE TIM AND NICOLE EMERSON ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP FOR NON- TRADITIONAL STUDENTS [1 @ $250]:  Awarded to a student who is classified as a “non-traditional” student (twenty-four years or older) at the time of the award.  The student will be enrolled full-time at Nicholls State University.  The student will maintain an overall GPA of 3.00 as determined by the GPA after the end of each spring semester.  The student will demonstrate financial need, as determined by the Financial Aid Office.  An entering freshman can be awarded the scholarship on the basis of an ACT score of 20 or its equivalent on another standardized test.  The student may retain the scholarship for a maximum of eight semesters.  The recipient of the scholarship should participate in a minimum of ten hours of community service per semester.  The recipient shall contact the department head in his/her major to work out the details of the community service.

THE THOMAS LAWSON EXCELLENCE IN ACCOUNTING ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $1,250]:  Awarded to a high school graduate of Central Lafourche High School who demonstrates strong academic and leadership achievements and plans to major in Accounting at Nicholls State University. The recipient must be enrolled as a full-time student at Nicholls State University. (A full-time student is defined as a student enrolled in 12 or more hours of credit courses.) The recipient may keep this scholarship for four years provided he or she meets all of the above criteria and maintains a 3.0 overall grade point average.

THE WESLEY FRANK POSKEY, JR ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP [1 @ $500]: is awarded to a full-time non-traditional student enrolled in the Petroleum Engineering Technology and Safety Management program at Nicholls State University seeking a Bachelor of Science degree. The applicant must be a resident of Louisiana and a citizen of the U.S. The applicant must be at least 30 years of age at the time of application.  The applicant must have at least a 2.5 GPA and be enrolled in at least 12 hours.  The scholarship is valued at $500 per semester for two semesters.  The recipient must not be receiving a federal Pell Grant.  The applicant must have work experience in the oil and gas industry.  Applications are available in the Scholarship Office or by emailing

THE WILDON J. “JACK” AND CLAIRE SHINN SCHOLARSHIP IN THE DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC [1 @ $250] is awarded to a full-time student enrolled in the Department of Music. The recipient will be classified as either a sophomore or junior and will have earned a 2.50 GPA at the time of the award. The recipient shall hold the scholarship for two consecutive semesters, providing all of the above criteria is met. The recipient must be a woodwind major currently enrolled in studio lesson and a major ensemble.  Applications are available in the Scholarship Office or by emailing


COMPLETE YOUR APPLICATION TODAY! Click the word application to apply.




Students can also find other scholarships and resources here.  This page is updated monthly by the Nicholls Scholarship Office.








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