Nicholls State University

Business Administration

Welcome to the Department of Business Administration

If you are interested in a career in business administration, the Al Danos College of Business Administration is the right place. Here are a few reasons why you should pursue a degree in business administration at Nicholls:

  • Quality. The Al Danos College of Business Administration has been accredited by AACSB International for the last 30 years.  Hence, our degree plans and courses meet the stringent educational requirements set forth by AACSB for a bachelor’s degree.
  • Student Focused.  The department provides opportunities for students to interact with faculty, other students and members of the profession.
  • Dedication. The faculty and staff of the department are dedicated to helping you achieve your career goals.
  • Employment.  The business administration degree offers many fascinating and rewarding career for young professionals.

Peruse our website to find out more about our curriculum, faculty members, student organizations and career opportunities. Come learn, live and lead with a degree in business administration from the Al Danos College of Business Administration


General Business Concentration

Get a taste of it all. The general business concentration allows students to learn about all traditional business fields through its broad, diverse curriculum. Students are required to take advanced accounting, economics, finance, marketing and management electives in addition to other required coursework.

The program best suits:

  • students who have well-defined career goals and objectives that do not fit the traditional lines of study.
  • students who are interested in being entrepreneurs. (Students graduating with a general business concentration will be prepared to handle all aspects of a company, from financial to managerial.)
  • students who are not sure what direction they want to take. (The fundamentals taught in business administration courses are valuable in every career, even if it isn’t a traditional business career.)
This degree can be earned in the traditional face-to-face format or online.  Click here for more information about the online option.

Multinational Business Concentration

Break cultural barriers. The multinational business concentration prepares students to handle the special issues encountered in conducting business across national borders. Students learn how to meet the challenges of language, culture and legal differences that exist when conducting business between two or more countries. Upon graduation, students are ready to take on roles as liaisons and managers who handle international issues either within the company or between the company and its vendors or customers. The curriculum combines foreign language, government and business courses.  Students enrolled in the Multinational Business Concentration must schedule one of the Study Abroad trips as a requirement of their degree.

Nicholls State University currently offers both French and Spanish courses through its Department of Languages and Literature. If they wish, students may also choose to minor in either French or Spanish. Visit the Department of English, Modern Languages, & Cultural Studies for details on foreign language course offerings.

Pre-Law Concentration

Learn the art of negotiation. The pre-law concentration focuses on the issues that are most important for success in law school and a subsequent career in law.

Although the concentration is designed for students who plan to attend law school, it can also be effective for anyone who is interested in the many areas of business that involve contracts, negotiation and analytical skills. A combination of business and government courses prepares students for future careers as attorneys or as staff members in the legislature or legal departments.

In the fall of their senior year, prospective law school students should take the Law School Aptitude Test (LSAT). Students should take the LSAT by December for admission to law school the following fall semester. For more information on testing dates and sample exam questions, visit the LSAT website.


To obtain a minor in Business Administration, students must complete ACCT 205 and 206, BSAD 221, ECON 211 or ECON 255, MNGT 301 and MKTG 300 for a total of 18 semester hours. Not open to students majoring in the Al Danos College of Business Administration.

To obtain a minor in Economics, students must complete ECON 211 or 255, 212, and 12 additional hours of 300- or 400- level ECON courses (at least 6 hours of which must be 400-level ECON courses or FINC 410 or 450) for a total of 18 semester hours.

ECON 211. Principles of Microeconomics. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: ENGL 101 and C or better in three hours of non-developmental MATH. Degree credit will only be given for one of the following: ECON 211 or 255. The theory of market exchanges and competition. Fundamental economic problems, methods of economic organization, and the price system. Topics include theory of demand supply; international trade; markets in various competitive environments; income distribution and resource allocation; market failure, democratic processes and government failure. (45.0601)

ECON 212. Principles of Macroeconomics. 3-3-0. Prerequisite: ECON 211 or 255.  The theory of the economy as a system. Problems of inflation and unemployment and policies to deal with these problems. Topics include determination of national income, employment, and price levels; money and banking; economic stabilization policies; international trade and finance.  (45.0601)

ECON 255. Survey of Economic Principles. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: ENGL 101 and eligibility to take MATH 101 or C or better in three hours of non-developmental MATH.   Degree credit will only be given for one of the following: ECON 211 or 255. A course for students whose curriculum requires only a survey course in economics. Basic microeconomic and macroeconomic principles and their applications to such subjects as competition versus monopoly, the role of government, economic stabilization policies, and international trade and finance. (45.0601)

ECON 317. Economics of Money and Banking. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: ECON 255 or 212, MATH 102,  or 106 and completion of  54 hours of non-developmental  coursework. Institutional structure of the U.S. financial system and Federal Reserve regulation. Mechanics, theory, and history of monetary policy. Theory of macroeconomic stabilization and international finance. (45.0601)

ECON 322. Environmental and Natural Resource Economics. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: ECON 211 or 255 (or permission of instructor) and completion of 54 hours of non-developmental coursework. Environmental degradation and resource depletion as social problems. Examines both market and political institutions for improving human well being by making better use of natural resources. (45.0602)

ECON 325. Labor Economics. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: ECON 211 or 255 and 212, MATH 102  or 106, and completion of  54 hours of non-developmental coursework. Role of wages in allocating resources in competitive and imperfectly competitive markets. The economics of labor demand supply, human capital investment, union wage differentials and labor market discrimination. (45.0602)

ECON 330. Economics of Shipping. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: ACCT 206, ECON 212 and completion of 54 hours of non-developmental coursework. Key economic factors, supply and demand, sources of revenue, and shipping economics theories and trends as they relate to the offshore marine industry. Financial basics and capital decision-making for the ship owner. (52.0601)

ECON 415. Health Care Economics. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: ECON 211 or 255, QBA 282 or MATH 214 or 301 (or permission of instructor), and completion of 54 hours of non-developmental coursework.  The supply and demand for health services. Markets for health professionals and health care provider firms. Discusses the roles of insurance, managed care and HMO’s, professional licensure, for-profit and not-for-profit provider firms, and information problems in health care markets. Regulation, government financing of health care and health care reform issues discussed. (45.0602)

ECON 435. Principles of International Trade. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: ECON 211 or 255 and 212, MATH 102 or 106, and completion of  54 hours of non-developmental coursework. An introductory course in international economics. Areas covered are trade theories, foreign exchange, tariffs and international economic organizations. The position of the United States in international trade is emphasized. (45.0605)

ECON 460. Economics Internship. 3-0-10. Prerequisites:  Permission of the department head. Supervised practical experience in an approved private or public organization involving work relevant to economic analysis. Only one internship may be counted toward degree. (52.0601)

ECON 465. Public Economics. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: Completion of  54 hours of non-developmental coursework, ECON 211 and 212 or ECON 255, and MATH 102 or 106. Causes and effects of public decision-making processes such as voting, public supply and financing of goods, problems of externalities and property rights issues. (52.0601)

ECON 485. Special Topics in Economics. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor.   In-depth treatment of selected topics within the field of economics.   Content varies with each offering.   May be repeated for credit if content differs. (52.0601)

ECON 500. The Economic Environment of Business. 3-3-0. Prerequisites: ECON 255 or ECON 211 and 212 or equivalent and QBA 282 or equivalent. Foundations of economic principles for business analysis and decision making. Topics include supply and demand, elasticity, market structure and competitive environment, short and long term profitability analysis, production and cost, economies of scale and scope, forecasting and estimation, and issues concerning the macroeconomic environment. (52.0601)


As a transfer student, this is the right place for you to continue the pursuit of your academic degree. Because you will enter our college partway through your undergraduate education, please visit the Transfer Student website, which is designed to help students like you.


College can be a harrowing experience for some, and we are there for you as an incoming freshman.  From the beginning, during student orientation you will meet with a College of Business adviser who will help you evaluate your schedule to help you succeed in your chosen business profession.


International students have unique cultural experiences that add to the diverse fabric of our academic community.  We have students from around the world studying with us and we welcome their contributions.


The Al Danos College of Business Administration offers two graduate programs to prepare professionals, with or without business degrees, to face uncertain economic conditions, technological changes, culturally diverse workplaces, international issues and the ever-changing political/legal environment.



The Pre-Law Society educates members of the Nicholls community about a career as an attorney, and through this organization, students are given the opportunity to network with local attorneys to learn about possible career paths. Members also perform community service. Finally, students are provided with a dedicated advisor to mentor them through the law school application process.

For more information about the Pre-Law Society, please see Gene Gouaux in 147 Powell Hall or email him at


A degree in business administration can open you up to many different entry-level roles upon graduation.    One benefit of obtaining a business administration degree is that you are exposed to multiple subjects such as finance, economics, management, marketing, etc.  This wide variety of subjects allows the student to see the multidisciplinary nature of business and the value of interpreting each element into making a business prosperous.  Below are a few areas in which you can apply your skills obtained through studying business administration.   

Career Opportunities with a Business Administration Degree

Accountants – An accountant is a number cruncher for a business. They are in charge of the financial records of a business.  Accountants are needed in a variety of different businesses, such as churches, hospitals, multinational corporations, and non-profits.  According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of accountants and auditors in the accounting field should experience about 11% growth between 2014 and 2024.

Commercial Loan Officers – Commercial loan officers make decisions regarding who is granted or denied access to financial officers.  They evaluate loan applications and can authorize or make recommendations as to whether a loan is approved or denied.  Most loan officers are employed by commercial banks, credit unions, mortgage companies, and related financial institutions.  According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of loan officers is expected to grow 8% from 2014 to 2024.

Sales Managers – Sales managers direct businesses’ sales teams.  They implement and set sales goals, analyze sales data, and develop training methods and programs for their sales representatives.  According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of sales managers is expected to grow 5% from 2014 to 2024.

Human Resource Managers – Human resource managers plan, direct, and coordinate the administrative aspects of a business.  They are in charge of the oversight of recruiting, interviewing, and hiring of employees.  They also serve as a link between a business’s employees and management.  According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the area of human resource managers is expected to grow 9% from 2014 to 2024.

Public Relations Specialist – A public relations specialist is involved in creating and maintaining a favorable image for a firm in the eye of the public.  They create and design media releases to shape the public’s perception of the firm they represent in order to increase awareness of the firm’s work and goals.  According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of public relations specialists is expected to grow 6% from 2014 to 2024.

Financial Managers – Financial managers are responsible for the financial health of a business.  They develop strategies for long-term financial goals, produce financial reports, and direct investment activities for a business.  According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of financial managers is projected to grow 7% from 2014 to 2024.

Market Research Analysts – A market research analyst is required to study market conditions to look for potential future sales of a product or service. They help businesses understand what products or services consumers want, who will purchase it, and what price will produce the best revenue stream for the firm. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of market research analysts is projected to show growth of 19% from 2014 to 2024.

Medical and Health Service Managers – Medical and health service managers are also called healthcare executives or healthcare administrators.  They plan, direct, and coordinate health and medical services.  These managers could be in charge of managing an entire facility, a specific clinical area or department, or a medical practice for a group of physicians.  They must direct changes that comply with the changes in healthcare laws, regulations, and advancements in technology.  According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of healthcare executives or healthcare administrators is projected to grow 17% from 2014 to 2024.

Sophomores, juniors and senior level students are assigned an academic adviser from within their disciplines and will be their primary source of information regarding academic requirements.   Advisers may assist with job placement, as well as provide information about graduate schools and internships.  Academic advising usually occurs for a 3 week period in February or March for the upcoming summer and fall semesters; a similar advising period in October/November is devoted for spring advising.  A week before the official advising period begins, an appointment sheet will be posted outside your adviser’s office door.  Students then sign up for an appointment at a time that is agreeable for both.  Advising outside of the predetermined period can be arranged via appointment

The name of your academic adviser can be found in Banner under General Student Information and will listed as the student’s Primary Adviser.  If you are new to our department and don’t yet have a business administration adviser, visit the department in 101 White Hall or call 985-449-7014 for assistance.

Freshmen business administration majors are assigned advisers in the Academic Advising Center for their first year of classes.  However, they are also mentored by select CBA faculty to aid with their transition into college life.  College of Business mentors are full-time faculty members who were specifically chosen to assist freshmen in achieving  their educational and career goals as they progress through their courses. Freshmen should expect to be contacted by their mentors during their first semester; mentors are also listed in Banner as a freshman’s secondary adviser.  As students enter their sophomore year, mentors become a student’s academic adviser.

The Al Danos College of Business Administration at Nicholls State University awards thousands of dollars of privately funded scholarships to deserving students.   The application process begins each spring semester.  The online application form provided in the link below allows students to simultaneously apply to all offered scholarships.  The College’s Scholarship Committee then meets to select recipients.  Recipients are announced at the College’s annual Honor’s Banquet.

The Al Danos College of Business Administration is currently offering the following scholarships.   Please note that scholarship programs and funding are subject to change from year to year based upon funding levels and availability.   Certain scholarships have restrictions such as a minimum GPA in order to qualify.  Furthermore, there may be additional actions (such as letters of recommendation or a personal essay) not requested on the application form that must be taken in order to fully meet the particular scholarship requirements.  Students may submit additional documentation to the Dean’s office.

The application period for CBA scholarships  occurs each spring semester.

James J. Buquet Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to one female and one male College of Business student each year. Applicants must have earned at least 75 hours toward their degree, be classified as non-graduating and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Recipients are selected based on activities, GPA and financial need.  Mr. Buquet was the founder of Buquest Distributing Buquet Distributing, a wholesaler of over 250 different brands of beer, wine, spirits, and non-alcoholic beverages.

Ridley J. Gros, Dean Emeritus, Scholarship in Management
This scholarship was created by family and friends of Dr. Ridley J. Gros, Dean Emeritus of the Nicholls College of Business.  Dr. Gros was a distinguished academic and highly regarded colleague; he was instrumental in the College’s initial accreditation by AACSB.  It is awarded to one management major who has earned between 60 and 89 non-development hours of credit.  Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA.  Recipients are selected based on GPA, financial need, involvement in student organizations, and other scholarships and financial aid.  Previous recipients of this scholarship are eligible to reapply.

Ridely J. Gros Scholarship
This scholarship, also in memory of Dr. Ridley J. Gros, Dean Emeritus, is awarded to one College of Business student. Applicants must be classified as a junior and have a minimum 2.8 GPA. Recipients are selected predominantly on demonstrated leadership and the potential to excel in a leadership position. Previous recipients of this scholarship are not eligible to reapply.

Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a College of Business junior or non-graduating senior. Applicants must have a minimum 2.5 GPA. Recipients are selected based on GPA, activities and financial need. A one-page essay outlining career goals and interest in financial services is required.

Kleen Family Endowed Scholarship in Business

This scholarship is awarded to a student achieving junior status upon completion of term of application.   Applicants must meet the following criteria: (1) Full-time student enrolled in the College of Business; (2) Non-traditional student (At least 24 years of age, delayed college enrollment after finishing high school or who has returned after an extended period of time, is considered financially independent for purposes of determining financial aid, works full-time or part-time, or who may be a single parent); and (3) 2.75 minimum GPA.   Award could be for 2 semesters if recipient is a senior and maintains GPA, or 4 semesters total if recipient is a junior and maintains GPA.

Clift Gresham Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is presented each year in memory of Dr. Clift Gresham, who served on the faculty of Nicholls State University as a finance professor for many years.  It is awarded to one full time College of Business student with a 3.0 minimum GPA.  Applicant must be of junior standing at the time of receipt of the scholarship.  Two letters of recommendation must accompany the application.


The Al Danos College of Business Administration has other scholarships available.  Click here for a list.  Apply online.

Students are encouraged to apply for a variety of other local, state, and national scholarships through the university’s Financial Aid Office.


Mrs. Sherry Rodrigue

Title: Department Head, Senior Instructor of Computer Information Systems
Department: Business Administration & Computer Information Systems
Phone: (985) 448-4749
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Dr. Ann-Marie Castille

Title: Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems
Department: Business Administration & Computer Information Systems
Phone: (985) 448-4738
Office Location: ...
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Mrs. Andie Chiasson

Title: Instructor of Economics
Department: Business Administration & Computer Information Systems
Phone: (985) 448-4188
Office Location: 310 Powell
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Mr. Terry Evans

Title: Senior Instructor of Computer Information Systems
Department: Business Administration & Computer Information Systems
Phone: (985) 448-4205
Office Location: ...
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Dr. Ronnie Fanguy

Title: Professor of Computer Information Systems
Department: Business Administration and Computer Information Systems
Phone: (985) 448-4971
Office Location: 311 ...
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Mr. Gene Gouaux

Title: Associate Professor of Business Law
Department: Business Administration & Computer Information Systems
Phone: (985) 448-4182
Office Location: 147 ...
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Dr. En Mao

Title: Professor of Computer Information Systems Department: Business Administration & Computer Information Systems Email: Phone: (985) 449-7024 Office Location: 123 Powell Hall
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Dr. Martin Meder

Title: Assistant Professor of Economics
Department: Business Administration and Computer Information Systems
Phone: (985) 448-4237
Office Location: 126 Powell ...
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Dr. Lori Soule

Title: Professor of Computer Information Systems
Department: Business Administration & Computer Information Systems
Phone: (985) 448-4242
Office Location: 206A ...
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Ms. Cherie Rigaud

Title: Administrative Coordinator
Department: Business Administration and Computer Information Systems
Phone: (985) 449-7014
Office: 101 White Hall
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Office Location:
101 White Hall
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2015
Thibodaux, LA 70310
Phone: (985) 449-7014


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