Missing Person Report to University Police
Missing Person cases are given high priority by Nicholls State University Police Department. There is no waiting period before an officer takes a report on this type of case. Once a report is received by the police department, and it is determined that the person is missing from campus and/or in the jurisdiction of the Nicholls State University Police Department, an investigation is immediately conducted. After it is determined that the person is missing, the information is entered into the National Criminal Investigation Center (NCIC) database. The information on the missing person is also forwarded to all local and state law enforcement agencies.
Missing Person Notification Procedures (Housing)
A student may be considered missing if 1) there is contact from one or more concerned individuals about a specific student’s absence or lack of contact which is contrary to his/her normal behavior and/or 2) if unusual circumstances may have caused the absence or lack of contact. Notification should be made to the Head Resident of the student’s residence hall and to the Associate Director of Housing & Residence Life.
When a housing staff member becomes aware of a potential missing resident, an Information Report is initiated which begins the Missing Person Protocol. The twenty-four (24) hour period begins at the time the report is generated, and housing staff will follow the Missing Person Protocol and investigate the missing person.
Head Resident/Associate Director Role:
1. Gather as much information as possible from the source of the initial report. Determine reasons why the resident is suspected missing and what actions have been taken to locate the person.
2. Continue the investigation by:
a. Checking the student’s room
b. Checking with all hall staff in the student’s housing facility
c. Leaving a note on the student’s door and in the student’s room instructing the student to contact the Head Resident and the Housing & Residence Life office as soon as s/he returns
d. Interviewing roommates and asking them to contact and watch for the student
e. Instructing the desk staff to watch for the student entering the building, to stop the student, and to immediately contact the Head Resident and the Housing & Residence Life office
f. Updating the Information Report with any new information
3. Notify the Director of Housing & Residence Life if the missing resident has not been found within 12 (twelve) hours.
Director of Housing & Residence Life Role:
1. Review the incident report and gather information from the Head Resident.
2. Inspect the missing person’s housing file for verification of vital information such as age, identification number, contact information, and health information.
3. Check with University Police to determine if the student has a registered vehicle on campus. If the student does have a vehicle, ask University Police to check campus parking lots to try to locate vehicle.
4. Check Banner to verify the student’s registration and obtain a class schedule.
5. Check with the Colonel Card office to obtain an I.D. photo and check for card activity (e.g., building access, meals, vending, deposits/purchases, etc.)
6. Contact computer services to see when the student may have used the university network.
7. Consult with the Vice President for Student Affairs.
8. Continue to check regularly with roommates, hall staff, and others for updates and additional information.
All housing investigation procedures should be completed within twenty-four (24) hours after first notification of the missing student. If the resident has not been located, the designated University staff member will contact the designated contact person listed by the student.
Circumstances to notify University Police without following the Missing Student Procedures include:
1. Suspected foul play or danger, including expressed suicidal ideology
2. Known medical condition that could cause a life threatening situation
3. Natural disaster or other force of nature in which the student may have been involved
4. The missing student has no designated contact on file.
Housing & Residence Life
Nicholls State University
Missing Person Notification Statement
Nicholls State University has in place a set of procedures to be used if a student is believed to be missing. These procedures are designed to be used over a twenty-four (24) hour period. They include several steps, all of which will be taken to help locate a potential missing person.
All students living on campus have the option to register a private contact person with Housing & Residential Life who will be contacted by the Director of Housing & Residence Life or his/her designee if the student is determined to be missing. The name and contact information of the designated contact person will only be given to authorized officials within the missing persons procedures.
All students should also be aware that, should they chose not to register a confidential contact person, University Police will still be contacted if the student is determined to be missing.
Any student living in university housing who is under the age of eighteen (18) and who is not emancipated should be aware that his/her parent or guardian must be notified.
All reports regarding possible missing persons must, by law, be referred to University Police.
Distribution of this policy shall include:
1. Inclusion in the University Emergency Plan.
2. Posting of this policy on the Housing & Residence Life Website.
3. Inclusion of this policy in the student handbook and the Nicholls State University student handbook and in the Housing & Residence Life handbook.
Housing & Residence Life
Nicholls State University
Missing Person Notification Summary / Contact
Nicholls State University and Housing & Residence Life, in compliance with the regulations of the Higher Education Reauthorization Act (Public Law 110-315), have established a protocol dealing with missing persons living in campus housing facilities. This is a federal requirement for any institution that maintains a campus housing facility. This protocol allows a student to list a private contact person. This private contact person will be kept on file and will be notified if the student has been determined to be missing. This person will only be contacted in such a case and only by authorized campus officials or law enforcement officers.
All students should also be aware that, should they choose not to register a confidential contact person, University Police will still be contacted if the student is determined to be missing.
Any student living in university housing who is under the age of eighteen (18) and who is not emancipated should be aware that his/her parent or guardian must be notified.
All reports regarding possible missing persons must, by law, be referred to University Police.
If you desire a private contact person to be notified in the event you are determined to be missing, please complete provide the information requested below.
Your Name _________________________________________ NSU Student ID _________________
Your cell phone number or other phone contact (including area code) __________________________
Building and room number ____________________________________________________________
Private Contact Name ________________________________________________________________
Phone Number (including area code) ____________________________________________________
E Mail ____________________________________________________________________________
Relationship ________________________________________________________________________