The Nicholls State University Police Department officers work in a variety of capacities. This web page is designed to give prospective employees general information about employment with the police department. The Department is the main provider of emergency services to the University and provides these services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
University police officers are commissioned by the Louisiana Department of Public Safety. Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:1805 grants university police officers law enforcement powers, authority and responsibilities identical to the local police or parish deputy in one’s home community. Each officer must successfully complete a P.O.S.T. (Peace Officer Standards and Training Council) -certified basic course on law enforcement. All officers receive additional in-service or specialized training in first aid, CPR, firearms, investigation techniques and in various other areas.
Officers wear uniforms that are provided by the Department. However, officers must supply their own firearm and duty gear. University Police employees are entitled to all University benefits, including paid vacation, sick leave, healthcare, vision, dental, and tuition remission. Visit the Office of Human Resources for information about vacant positions.
Job Descriptions:
Click here for Police Officer 1
Click here for Police Officer 2
Click here for Police Sergeant