


2.10.2. Approval and Changes to Promotion and Tenure Documents Criteria for Teaching Evidence for Teaching/Librarianship Criteria for Scholarly or Artistic Activity Evidence for Scholarly or Artistic Activity Criteria for Service Evidence for Service Library Faculty Criteria Librarianship Scholarly Activity for Library Staff Service for Library Faculty

2.10.2 Approval and Changes to Promotion and Tenure Documents

This section presents examples of criteria and evidence that faculty might want to use when setting standards for promotion and tenure within the academic unit.

All performance assessment forms that address standards (such as separate forms for merit pay determinations, departmental promotion and tenure documents) must follow the guidelines established in Section 2.9 of this Manual.

The standards developed by Colleges and the University Library for assessment of performance, as approved by the President and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs in accordance with policy stated in Section 2.8.1 are incorporated by reference into this section.

All forms must be approved by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Forms are due in the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affair’s office on or before March 15 of the calendar year prior to their taking effect.

Approval by the President must be given on or before April 15. Standards must be disseminated by Deans on or before May 1.

Any changes to the approved forms must be resubmitted according to the timelines listed above. By October 1, Department Heads shall call for a yearly faculty review of departmental assessment forms within the academic unit. Proposed changes that result from these proceedings shall be submitted to the Deans by December 1. Deans shall submit appropriate suggestions to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs on or before March 15.

The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall provide approved forms (with approval dates) by May 15 to Department Heads. The Department Heads shall distribute the approved forms to faculty by September 15.

In those instances where university, college, or department standards change during a tenure or promotion cycle, the following shall apply:

For the purposes of tenure review, the candidate shall use the university, college, and department standards in effect at the time the candidate signed the first tenure–track contract or, at the candidate’s discretion, the new standards may be used.

For the purposes of promotion, the candidate shall use the university, college, and department standards in effect at the time of the last promotion or, at the candidate’s discretion, the new standards may be used. However, after the candidate is promoted or has gone through a summative review for promotion, the new standards shall apply.

The criteria for performance assessment shall include the following:

  • expectations of the faculty member in the categories of teaching or librarianship, scholarly activity, and service, and, if applicable, administration, as prescribed in this section of this Manual; or as otherwise specified in the Faculty Development Plan; or as otherwise approved by the Department Head and Dean as a result of alternate work time from teaching; or as a result of participation in faculty development programs.
  • expectations of the faculty member to fulfill basic responsibilities of employment as prescribed in Section 2.7 of this Manual.
  • an appendix section labeled “Expectations for Tenured Faculty” that defines an overall unsatisfactory rating for tenured faculty (Section 2.11 ).

Assessment of performance in meeting basic responsibilities and in the categories of teaching or librarianship, scholarly activity, service and administration may include use of such evidence listed below. Additional forms of evidence may be used by mutual consent of the faculty members and the Department Head. Criteria for Teaching

Expectations in teaching shall include but are not limited to, where disciplinarily applicable, the following:

  • command of one’s subject;
  • ability to organize subject matter and to present it clearly, logically, and imaginatively;
  • knowledge of current developments in one’s discipline;
  • ability to relate subject matter to other areas of knowledge;
  • ability to provoke and broaden student interest in the subject matter;
  • ability to utilize effective teaching methods and strategies.

Back to Top Evidence for Teaching/Librarianship

Assessments of performance in the area of teaching/librarianship may include but are not limited to the following evidence:

  • self–report of activities;
  • course syllabi evaluation (as reviewed by peers/colleagues and/or Department Head);
  • peer/colleague evaluations (peer/colleague evaluations may also include faculty of similar rank from another institution);
  • student perceptions of teaching and learning;
  • student data and outcomes;
  • professional development activities such as participation in course work, seminars, conferences, or workshops which cover skills and knowledge of teaching or skills in librarianship;
  • department head or supervisor observations;
  • library surveys or assessments that solicit information concerning individual faculty in the area in which they work.

Back to Top Criteria for Scholarly or Artistic Activity

The words “scholarly activity” may be substituted by the words “scholarly or artistic activity” by certain limited disciplines. These disciplines, generally called the Arts, include dance, music, visual arts, and creative writing.

Expectations in scholarly activity shall include but are not limited to, where disciplinarily applicable, the following:

  • sustained inquiry into one’s discipline;
  • use of research in curriculum and course development;
  • sharing of expertise within the academic community beyond the University, such as refereed journals.

Sections 2.7 Basic Responsibilities of Faculty, Scholarship Activities, and Research contain important information about the definition of research and scholarly activity at this University.

Back to Top Evidence for Scholarly or Artistic Activity

Assessments of performance in the area of scholarly activity may include but are not limited to the following evidence:

  • self–report of activities;
  • assessment or statements by peers/colleagues of scholarly works;
  • publication in refereed journals or prestigious professionally–edited journals (single–authored and senior–authored publication will be given more consideration);
  • publication of monographs or books by recognized presses;
  • citations of research in others’ works;
  • preparation and/or award of grants, prizes. or commendations, resulting from scholarly or creative activity;
  • demonstrated skill resulting from scholarship;
  • critiques of performances or artistic productions resulting from scholarship;
  • award of grants, prizes, or commendations in professionally accepted organizations;
  • election to prestigious registrations or official academic duties in professional organizations;
  • participation in course work, seminars, workshops, or conferences of professional significance;
  • presentations or performances in departmental, college or University seminars, colloquia, or lecture series;
  • presentations of papers at external seminars, workshops, or conferences of professional significance

Back to Top Criteria for Service

Expectations in service shall include but are not limited to, where applicable, the following:

  • service on Departmental, College, or University committees or councils;
  • service to students, such as serving as faculty sponsor, advisor, mentor;
  • service in some extramural activity as an employee or representative of the University or as an expert in one’s discipline.

Back to Top Evidence for Service

Assessments of performance in the area of service may include but are not limited to the following evidence:

  • self–report of activities;
  • assessment of student advising;
  • leadership in some area of University–life, governance, faculty development, curriculum design;
  • service as a chair or sponsor of a student club or organization, of a committee, or a director of a program;
  • service as a representative of the University to the local, regional, national, or international community (as long as such representation relates to the person’s competence and discipline);
  • appointment or election to a state or national post of significance to the profession or the University;
  • participation in professional organizations;
  • service as a volunteer to the University community;
  • service as a reviewer or judge of creative work;
  • consulting in discipline–related activities;
  • Department Head or supervisor observations;
  • mentoring through established guidelines.

Back to Top Library Faculty Criteria

Back to Top Librarianship

Expectations in librarianship shall include but are not limited to, where applicable, the following:

  • performance of responsibilities relating to daily operation of the library, including acquisition and storage of information and materials, dissemination and retrieval of information and materials, and collection development responsibilities;
  • command of the literature of library and information science;
  • knowledge of developments in the library profession;
  • effective application of bibliographic techniques in the organization and servicing of collections;
  • knowledge and practice of methods of evaluation of services and monitoring of performance;
  • effective use of resources;
  • analyzing, improving, and implementing new library methods and procedures;
  • knowledge and understanding of policies and procedures, goals, and objectives (departmental, library, institutional, state, or national);
  • ability to communicate effectively;
  • skill in attracting, training, developing, and supervising staff;
  • improvement in the quality of professional service;
  • effective communication and interaction with library patrons;
  • ability to delegate responsibility and assign duties effectively;
  • ability to plan, organize, and coordinate effectively.
  • ability to relate subject matter to other areas of knowledge.

Back to Top Scholarly Activity for Library Staff

Expectations in scholarly activity shall include but are not limited to the following:

  • sustained inquiry into one’s specialty;
  • use of research in developing new library services or programs;
  • sharing of expertise within the academic community, such as publishing in journals, juried shows, professional presentations.

Back to Top Service for Library Faculty

Expectations in service shall include but are not limited to the following:

  • service on library, or college committees, or councils;
  • service to students other than those services performed under normal library duties, such as serving as an organizational sponsor;
  • service in some extramural activity as an employee or representative of the University or as an expert in one’s discipline except as in the ordinary daily imparting of library expertise.

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