This Nicholls State University Policy & Procedure Manual is a guide to the internal regulations, policies, and procedures for all employees at the University. As with most other management manuals, the Nicholls State University Policy & Procedure Manual describes the design of the university’s management, and it groups employees into levels that reflect their relative position within this design. This management flow–chart is also known as the “chain–of–command” for Nicholls State University.
But this Manual goes a step beyond this management approach. This Manual also categorizes the employees into working groups. These categories are defined according to the type of work that employees do. Therefore, in design, this Manual offers employees a system for taking part in the continuous process of policy revisions and updates as these changes occur in the University.
Employees of the University are expected to adhere to all University official policies as published in this Manual, the University Catalog, or otherwise promulgated by the University or the Board of Supervisors. Violators of University policies are subject to disciplinary action up to and including applicable dismissal proceedings.
Changes to Section of Manual
Effective Date | Origin | Change Form |
N/A |