The Nicholls Foundation Development/Capital Campaign Gift Acceptance Policies and Procedures
5.10.4 University Printing and Design Services Faculty/Staff Contact with Media
5.10.6 Policy on Naming Facilities, Spaces, Units, and Properties and Other Endowed Gifts Categories of Naming Opportunities Available Naming Opportunities
5.10.1 Alumni Affairs
The Director of Alumni Affairs, who serves as liaison between the University and the Alumni Federation, coordinates, plans, and executes all activities regarding main events of the Alumni Federation. The Alumni Director represents Nicholls State University at all University–related functions and other functions designated by the President. Alumni Relations
The Alumni Federation of Nicholls State, organized and chartered in 1960, is composed of former students, both graduates and non–graduates. A Board of Directors, elected by the general membership, directs Federation activities, and the affairs of the Federation are handled on the campus by the director.
The annual meeting of the Alumni Federation is held on the campus in the spring of each year at which time the general business session is held. Nicholls homecoming activities are coordinated by the alumni office. The Federation is responsible for publishing The Colonel, the alumni quarterly.
The purpose of the Federation is to promote interest in Nicholls State University and to establish and maintain a mutually beneficial relationship between the University and its alumni. The University believes that an informed, interested, and involved alumni is one of the University’s most valuable assets, since most alumni who maintain close ties with their University contribute their time, efforts, and money to assist in its growth. The Federation’s sole purpose is to bring about closeness between Nicholls and its alumni; this is done through its programs, services, and publications.
Individuals attending the University for at least one semester and successfully completing 12 hours of academic credit are eligible for membership in the Alumni Federation. A dues system has been instituted determining active and inactive status. Special Honorary Membership can be bestowed to individuals by the Board of Directors. Members of the faculty at Nicholls State hold associate membership in the Federation.
5.10.2 Athletics
The Director is the principal administrator of all intercollegiate sports programs, training, and competition in men’s and women’s NCAA events.
5.10.3 Development
The Director provides leadership for the overall development program on behalf of the University and coordinates fund–raising activities for all colleges, departments, and auxiliary units on the campus. See policies and procedures for gift acceptance in the appendix. The Nicholls Foundation
The Nicholls Foundation is a not–for–profit organization which has been established for the benefit of the University. It is independent of the University and not subject to control by any political authority. Funds collected by the Foundation are primarily used for scholarships and to supplement and enhance the programs and activities of the University and are not meant to replace or supplant regular state support. The Foundation solicits and receives contributions, invests and manages these contributions, and disburses these contributions in accordance with any restrictions set by the donors, the needs of the University, and the management of the Foundation. Development/Capital Campaign
The Office of Development, in conjunction with the Nicholls Foundation, administers Capital Campaigns as well as all private giving to the University. Gift Acceptance Policies and Procedures
5.10.4 University Printing and Design Services
The Director of University Printing and Design Services is responsible for supervising the University’s design, typesetting, and printing facilities.
Materials for classroom use such as syllabi, handouts or other documents can be printed by Printing through appropriate guidelines. Specific guidelines for producing publications at Nicholls State University can be found in the publication Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Producing a Publication available from Student Publications and Printing in the Publications Building on Ardoyne Drive or University Relations in Elkins Hall. Some general guidelines are listed below. Student Publications
The Nicholls Worth is the official student newspaper of Nicholls State University. It is published on Thursdays in the fall and spring semesters and every other Thursday in the summer session.
The University’s student yearbook, La Pirogue, is published in the fall semester for the preceding, fall, spring and summer. Students who attended Nicholls full–time in the preceding fall and spring semesters may pick up their yearbooks for free. Students who were part–time for either semester must pay for that semester. Everyone else must pay.
5.10.5 University Relations
The Director of University Relations creates and implements a comprehensive marketing program for Nicholls State University, with a focus on public relations and advertising. The Director of University Relations serves as the University spokesperson. The Director oversees the Photography Bureau and the Sports Information Office. Media Services
The Director of University Relations serves as University liaison with members of the print and broadcast media. University Relations staff prepare and distribute news releases on campus events and activities, as well as feature stories on campus personnel and students. The University Relations staff also keep a master calendar of events for the campus which is disseminated to campus departments, media representatives and community organizations.
Faculty are encouraged to submit any news items to the Office of University Relations as soon as dates are established. News items can be sent through campus mail or by Fax to 448–4891. If an interview on a particular story is needed, University Relations staff will schedule one with the appropriate person. The University Relations staff welcome the opportunity to assist faculty, staff, and students in publicizing all newsworthy events.
Photography can be booked through the University Relations secretary at 448–4143. Photography should be booked at least one month in advance of the event. If the University photographer is needed after hours, an overtime request form must be completed and approved prior to the event booked. The Photography Bureau also maintains a photographic library of photographs which may be duplicated for any designated projects.
Disclaimer: Nicholls State University frequently takes or commissions photography and videotaping of students, faculty and staff, as well as campus visitors. Nicholls reserves the right to use these photographs and videotapes as part of its publicity and marketing efforts. Other Services
The University Relations staff also will lend writing and/or editing assistance toward the production of publications such as recruiting brochures, and departmental fliers. The Director is also charged with advertising the University and will assist departments in the preparation of advertisements. Faculty and staff should consult with the Director prior to the placement of any advertisements for a review of restrictions of the use of State funds for advertisements. The office staff will also assist faculty and staff in the preparation of videos and video scripts, in coordination with the Office of Media Services.
The Director serves as Editor of Inside Nicholls State University, a publication for faculty and staff of Nicholls published weekly during the fall and spring semesters and bi–weekly during the summer session. Faculty and staff are encouraged to submit any newsworthy items for publication to the University Relations office. Deadline for publication in the Inside Nicholls is the Friday prior to Wednesday publication. Facts about “who, what, when, where, why and how” should be given. Contact numbers for further information should be provided. This information should be submitted on the official submission form available in University Relations.
The Director also serves as Editor of Inside Nicholls State University community newsletter (quarterly), the President’s Annual Report, the recruiting viewbook and supplemental recruiting publications, the Student Directory, The Colonel Alumni News (quarterly), and other informational pieces for Nicholls. Faculty/Staff Contact with Media
Because the Director serves as the University’s spokesperson and coordinates University news activities, the office appreciates notification when faculty/staff are contacted directly by reporters. Any questions, complaints or requests for corrections by reporters should be directed to the Director of University Relations.
5.10.6 Policy on Naming Facilities, Spaces, Units, and Properties and Other Endowed Gifts General
Nicholls State University complies with Louisiana’s R. S. 42:267 and with the Board of Supervisors for the University of Louisiana System (BoS) document T93-127 in its naming of buildings and public areas, to include spaces and properties owned by the university. In complying with the above policies, Nicholls State University has adopted a set of specific guidelines that outline the criteria, including the level of gift associated with each naming opportunity. The university also provides guidance for other naming opportunities, to include gifts, awards, endowed scholarships, endowed professorships, and endowed chairs. Categories of Naming Opportunities
While complying with state statutes and BoS policies, the Nicholls policy on naming facilities, spaces, units, and properties categorizes naming opportunities into three distinct categories:
Philanthropic–in honor of an individual, a family, or an organization or corporation that had generously donated assets to Nicholls State University or its foundation, or who has donated a designated amount of the funds toward the building of the facility or the part of the facility to be named in honor of the individual, family, organization, or corporation. This policy provides the formula for determining the designated amount.
Academic–in honor of a faculty member who made significant contributions to his or her academic field, who contributed to greater good of the university, and who made significant contributions to the university as a faculty member.
Honorific–in honor of an individual who was connected to the university (alumnus/alumna, administrator, staff member, etc,) and who made significant contributions in education, the arts, public service, or business and who demonstrated support for Nicholls State University.
In naming any of the elements covered under this policy, the university will avoid selecting names that embarrass the university, the Board of Supervisors, the Board of Regents, or the state of Louisiana. Therefore, the university will not consider the names of companies associated with the production or sale of tobacco products, arms producers, or alcoholic beverages. [For example, the name of a beer would not be considered; however, the name of an individual owner of a distributorship who had generously supported the university and who had a demonstrated service to the community and state could be considered.] Available Naming Opportunities
- Gifts
- Awards
- Endowed Scholarships
- Endowed Professorships
- Endowed Chairs
- Rooms
- Foyers
- Lobbies
- Theaters
- Auditoriums
- Classrooms
- Conference rooms
- Buildings
- Athletic facilities, to include fields and facilities
- Departments
- Schools
- Colleges
- Divisions
Normally, gifts, awards, endowed scholarships, endowed professorships, and endowed chairs will fall under the category of philanthropic and be named in honor of the donor. However, the donor may request an alternate name. For example, a donor could name an endowment in honor of a deceased family member or friend.
All other naming opportunities may fall under any of the three categories (philanthropic, academic, or honorific) and the university should apply the following criteria in assigning names:
- Academic: the individual considered for an academic naming opportunity shall have met or achieved the following:
- Served at Nicholls State University for a minimum of ten years
- Achieved the rank of professor
- Contributed significantly to his/her academic discipline and to the students of Nicholls State University
- Contributed significantly to the university beyond the level of department service
- Left a lasting legacy to Nicholls State University
- Philanthropic: the individual considered for a philanthropic naming opportunity shall have met or achieved the following:
- Demonstrated service to Nicholls State University
- Given to the university consistently and significantly over a period of years
- Given to capital project at a minimum level of 50% of the private funds given to support the project. (The project must receive private funding at a minimum of 20% of the total construction cost.) [e.g. a $20 million dollar building would have to have $4 million dollar private support and the donor would have to donate $2 million minimum to secure naming rights to the building.]
- Given to a department or school at a level of at least one million dollars or to a college or division at a level of at least four million dollars.
- Honorific: the individual considered for an honorific naming opportunity shall have met or achieved the following:
- Achieved the status of alumnus or alumna of Nicholls State University, or
- Served as an administrator or staff member at Nicholls State University for a minimum of seven years
- Made significant contributions to education, the arts, public service, or business
- Demonstrated consistent support to Nicholls State University
- Demonstrated consistent service to Nicholls State University. Procedures
Nicholls State University will apply the following procedures:
- When naming opportunities are available, the president of the university shall call for nominations.
- The president of the university shall appoint a naming committee to review nominations.
- The naming committee will present its recommendations to the president.
- The president has the final decision to accept the recommendations and to submit them to the Board of Supervisors. The president may reject any recommendation that he/she does not consider to be beneficial to the image of the university.
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