5.15. Emergency Protocol

5.15.1 Emergency Closing Procedures

5.15.2 Emergency and Disaster Procedures Medical Emergencies Hazardous Materials Incidents Bomb Threat or Bomb Occurrence Fire Alarm Gas Leaks, Electrical Emergencies, Broken Pipes, and Individual Building Power Outages Power Outages, Water Problems, etc. Affecting More Than One Building or Campus-wide On–Campus Vehicular Accidents (with or without injury) Off–Campus Vehicular Problems (University travel, accident, or breakdown while in university travel status) Illness (life threatening or requiring transport to hospital) On–Campus Injury, Including Battery Sexual Assault, on–campus and at Campus–Related Events Suicide and Other Incidents Resulting in Death, On–Campus and Off–Campus Severe Emotional Crisis/Attempted Suicide, On–Campus Arrests Serious Off–Campus Incidents

5.15.3 Responding to the Death of a Faculty Member, Staff Member, or Retiree

In all life endangering situations or events, and in the case of the arrest of a member of the Nicholls community, the President is to be contacted immediately, as soon as the police dispatcher receives word of the emergency.

5.15.1 Emergency Closing Procedures

Under extreme weather conditions, power outages, or other emergency conditions, it is sometimes necessary to partially or totally shut down University operations. When such conditions occur, the President shall make the decision as to whether a partial or total shutdown shall be ordered.

A decision to close the University is made prior to 8 a.m. when severe weather conditions or other emergency conditions develop overnight. Employees will be notified by 6:30 a.m. over local radio stations. Faculty will also be notified through their department heads whether or not to report to work. Faculty who have not received notification within a reasonable amount of time should contact their heads if unsure of whether or not to report to campus.

Students, faculty, and staff will be advised regarding any shutdown through the news media.

Decisions on afternoon and evening classes will be made no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day classes are scheduled. Even if conditions improve, any decisions for closure will remain in effect for the period of time originally specified.

When the University is officially closed, no classified employee will be allowed to report to work or remain on the job. Some unclassified administrative employees may be required and/or allowed to report to work or remain on the job depending on the need for their services. Under extenuating circumstances, supervisors may obtain permission for their employees to work. Permission must be obtained from the administrative Vice President or the President. In addition, a written justification outlining the importance of the task to be completed must be submitted through channels to the President’s Cabinet.

In accordance with Board of Supervisors policy, unclassified professional employees will earn compensatory time only. This compensatory time (Section can be used during periods when the University is officially closed (in lieu of vacation).

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5.15.2 Emergency and Disaster Procedures

Employees should be aware of the various types of emergencies and disasters that can happen and the procedures for dealing with them. In particular, if the fire alarm sounds, everyone should exit the building as quickly as possible, using the stairways. Employees should remain calm, assist the handicapped, and make certain that the students are aware that they must exit the building as well. Once out of the building, everyone should remain well clear until told by the appropriate authority that it is safe to return. The University has established detailed protocols for the purpose of establishing which University employees must be contacted, and by whom, for various emergencies and problems. Of the possible kinds of emergencies, fire, medical emergencies, hazardous materials incidents, and bomb threats are the most likely. The appropriate responses to such emergencies are given below.

Back to Top Medical Emergencies

In case of a medical emergency, employees should remain calm, dial extension 4911 (Emergency) or 4764. (University Police) and give the dispatcher the following information:

  • name of person calling
  • location of the incident or the accident
  • telephone number
  • the nature of the illness or injury.

If possible, the caller should find out if the patient has a preference for a certain ambulance or hospital and should give that information to the dispatcher as well. The dispatcher will then make certain that the appropriate personnel and equipment are sent to the scene.

Back to Top Hazardous Materials Incidents

The accidental spill of material considered hazardous must be handled only by qualified personnel. If such a spill occurs, University Police should be contacted at extension 4911. The dispatcher should be given the necessary information such as building name, room number, floor level, injuries (if any) and the name of the person calling. The University Police dispatcher will call duty chief and Safety Officer. The Safety Officer will determine the need to call Maintenance, the Fire Department or other emergency response personnel.

The appropriate personnel will seal off the area to prevent entry and, if possible, shut off any sources of ignition and the source of the spill. The spill must be contained so that it does not enter drains or other uncontrollable areas. Occupied elevators cannot be used to transport hazardous materials.

If the need arises to call the Fire Department or other outside emergency response personnel, University Police will contact the Office of University Relations and Dean of Student Life, if students are endangered. The Safety Officer or the Dean of Student Life will contact the appropriate vice president, appropriate dean, director or department head, and the Office of Purchasing (Risk Management).

Back to Top Bomb Threat or Bomb Occurrence

In the Fall of 1994, the University implemented a comprehensive bomb threat policy. The policy is designed to initiate a timely and effective response to bomb threats and the evacuation of personnel quickly and safely if deemed necessary. This policy establishes an emergency preparedness plan that protects faculty, staff, students, and visitors to the campus in the event of a bomb threat. For the purposes of this plan, the Director of University Police and the Director of Safety or their designee will be the specific individuals constituting a “Command Group” and will command the “Emergency Management Team.”

The Emergency Management Team consists of the Police Director, the University Safety Officer, the Controller, and the Assistant Director of Physical Plant Operations. Special Emergency Response teams will also be activated in each building during bomb threat situations. These building-level teams consist of University Vice-Presidents, deans, directors, department heads, supervisors, secretaries, dormitory house directors and resident assistants, janitors, alternates, University Health Services personnel, Physical Plant personnel and others “deemed necessary by the Management Team.”

Faculty and staff should be aware of the importance of reporting bomb threats. University Police must be notified of a bomb threat immediately by calling the department’s emergency number at extension 4911. University Police will contact the Fire Department; Campus Bomb–Threat Team, Office of Maintenance, Safety Officer, Office of University Relations, Office of Student Life, if in a classroom or residential building.

Either the Safety Officer or the Dean of Student Life will contact the appropriate vice president, appropriate dean, director or department head. In case of actual bombing, the Safety Officer or the Dean of Student Life will call the Purchasing Department (Risk Management). The on–call counseling response team staff member will be notified after the situation is stabilized.

The following information is an excerpt from the Emergency Plan for Bomb Threats.

Phase 1—Bomb Threat Alert

Some of the members of the Emergency Response Team may be activated to aid in implementation of appropriate bomb threat procedures depending on the severity of the situation. This may include (a) inspection search of the perimeter and interior of the building, (b) notification to departments and personnel of a threat alert, (c) partial evacuation, (d) complete evacuation, (e) movement of personnel and crowd control, (f) monitoring endangered areas, (g) communicating with external sources, (h) assisting in recovery actions, or (j) resumption of University activities.

Once a bomb threat is received, a color code system will be implemented. Members of the Emergency Response Team will notify all personnel in the affected area that a bomb threat has been received by showing a red placard to the supervisors of offices and classrooms of the building(s) affected.

The supervisor of the office or classroom will then read from a pre-printed blue placard notifying occupants that a bomb threat has been received and that a bomb threat alert is officially in place. Occupants then will have the choice to stay where they are or evacuate.

Phase 2—Initiating a Building Search

In each case of a bomb threat, a building search will be conducted. The Emergency Management Team will coordinate this search with the assistance of selected members of the Emergency Response Team. All areas of the building will be searched, including the outside perimeter of the building. The Emergency Management Team will supervise the search and be kept abreast of the status and results of the search.

Phase 3—Initiating Partial or Complete Evacuation

Communications: All instructions for partial or complete evacuation will be communicated from one of the members of the Emergency Management Team to members of the Emergency Response Team.

If the order to evacuate is given, immediately implement a complete evacuation in an orderly, directed manner to prevent confusion or panic. All personnel will be directed to specific exits of the building and be asked to move and stay at least 300 feet from the building.

Complete Evacuation: All occupants of the building are instructed to evacuate to appropriate gathering places away from the building.

Partial Evacuation: Occupants of a specific floor, floors or an area are instructed to evacuate to an appropriate gathering place away from the building.

The Emergency Plan for Bomb Threats will be strategically placed in each department for quick reference. All personnel are to become thoroughly familiar with the procedures and should review them periodically.

Back to Top Fire Alarm

University Police will be contacted (4911), and dispatcher will call Fire Department. If the Fire Department is contacted directly, bypassing University Police, the Thibodaux Police Department will contact University Police.

The University Police will contact:

  • Duty chief;
  • Safety Officer;
  • Dean of Student Life, if in residential areas;
  • Office of University Relations (leave message in office).

Whenever there is an actual fire, University Police will also contact:

  • the Office of Maintenance, as directed by the Safety Officer or University Police Chief;
  • Dean of Student Life, if in a residence hall or classroom building;
  • Office of University Relations.

For an actual fire, the Safety Officer or the Dean of Student Life will contact the appropriate vice president, the appropriate dean, director or department head, and the Office of Purchasing. After the situation is stabilized, the on–call counseling response team staff member will be notified.

Back to Top Gas Leaks, Electrical Emergencies, Broken Pipes, and Individual Building Power Outages

University Police will be contacted (4911), and dispatcher will call duty chief. University Police will contact:

  • Office of Maintenance;
  • Safety Officer.
  • Dean of Student Life, if residential or classroom facilities are affected.

Office of Maintenance and Safety Officer will determine the need to call other emergency response personnel. If the need arises to call outside emergency response personnel, University Police will contact Office of University Relations.

The Safety Officer or the Dean of Student Life will contact the appropriate vice president, appropriate dean, director or department head, and the Office of Purchasing (Risk Management).

Back to Top Power Outages, Water Problems, etc. Affecting More Than One Building or Campus-wide

University Police will be contacted (4911), and dispatcher will call duty chief. University Police will contact:

  • Office of Maintenance;
  • Safety Officer;
  • Dean of Student Life;
  • Office of University Relations.

The Office of Maintenance and the Safety Officer will determine the need to call other outside emergency response personnel.

The Safety Officer or the Dean of Student Life will contact the appropriate vice president, appropriate dean, director or department head, and the Office of Purchasing (Risk Management).

Back to Top On–Campus Vehicular Accidents (with or without injury)

University Police will be contacted (4911), and dispatcher will call duty chief. University Police will contact:

  • if needed, outside emergency response personnel;
  • Safety Officer;
  • Dean of Student Life, if students are involved;
  • Office of University Relations, when there is injury to person.

The Safety Officer will determine the need to call Maintenance or other on–campus response personnel.

The Safety Officer or the Dean of Student Life will contact the appropriate vice president, appropriate dean, director or department head, and the Office of Purchasing (Risk Management).

Back to Top Off–Campus Vehicular Problems (University travel, accident, or breakdown while in university travel status)

University Police will be contacted at 448–4911, and dispatcher will call duty chief. University Police will contact:

  • Dean of Student Life, if students are involved;
  • Office of University Relations (all accidents, as well as breakdowns of vans and buses);
  • Office of Maintenance, if a University vehicle;
  • Director of Athletics, if an athletics team is involved;
  • appropriate academic dean, for field trips.

The Office of Maintenance will contact the Office of Purchasing (Risk Management) for insurance purposes, and the Office of the Controller or the Office of Purchasing, as needed, for appropriate approval of repairs, vehicle rental, emergency accommodations, etc.

The Director of Athletics will contact the parents of athletes, if necessary. The Academic Dean will contact the parents of students on a field trip, if necessary. The Dean of Student Life will contact parents of students not covered by above, if necessary.

Dean of Student Life, Director of Athletics, or appropriate academic dean, depending on who is involved, will contact the appropriate vice president.

Back to Top Illness (life threatening or requiring transport to hospital)

University Police will be contacted (4911), and dispatcher will call duty chief. University Police will contact:

  • required emergency medical personnel (ambulance if necessary);
  • Dean of Student Life, if student is involved, and Department of Human Resources, if an employee is involved;
  • Office of University Relations.

The Dean of Student Life or the Department of Human Resources will contact the appropriate vice president, and family members where appropriate.

Back to Top On–Campus Injury, Including Battery

University Police will be contacted (4911), and dispatcher will call duty chief. University Police will contact:

  • required emergency medical personnel (ambulance if necessary);
  • Dean of Student Life if students involved, or Department of Human Resources, if employees involved;
  • Safety Officer, who will call clean–up crew where blood or other dangerous situation exists.

If injury is life threatening or requires transport to the hospital, or if a battery results in arrest, call Office of University Relations.

The Dean of Student Life or the Department of Human Resources will contact the appropriate vice president, the Office of Purchasing (Risk Management), the on–call counseling response team staff after the situation is stabilized, and family members as appropriate.

Back to Top Sexual Assault, on–campus and at Campus–Related Events

University Police will be contacted (4911), and dispatcher will call duty chief. University Police will contact:

  • emergency medical response personnel, if needed;
  • Duty Chief will call central Coroner’s phone number for Lafourche Parish to find out to which facility the victim must be taken for the examination; if the rape occurred in another parish, the facility indicated by the Coroner of that parish must be contacted.
  • female officer or other female staff member to accompany police (see sexual assault protocol);
  • Student Life staff person, if victim is a student; Department of Human Resources if an employee;
  • Director of University Counseling Center.

The Dean of Student Life or Department of Human Resources will contact the appropriate vice president, the Office of University Relations, and family members if requested by the victim.

University Police will contact the Office of Purchasing (Risk Management) as soon as the situation is stabilized.

Back to Top Suicide and Other Incidents Resulting in Death, On–Campus and Off–Campus

University Police will be contacted (4911), and dispatcher will call duty chief. University Police will contact:

  • Dean of Student Life, if students involved;
  • Department of Human Resources, if employees involved; Safety Officer and clean–up crew, where blood or other dangerous situations exist (on–campus);
  • Office of University Relations;
  • Director of UCC.

The duty chief on call will determine the need to contact city, parish or other off–campus emergency agencies.

After the situation is stabilized, the UCC Director will determine the need for further counseling services, and will contact other counselors if the need is indicated.

The Dean of Student Life or the Director of Human Resources will contact the appropriate Vice President and the Office of Purchasing (Risk Management). The Vice President contacts the President and asks instructions on who will contact the victim’s family.

Back to Top Severe Emotional Crisis/Attempted Suicide, On–Campus

University Police will be contacted (4911), and dispatcher will call duty chief. University Police will contact:

  • emergency medical personnel, when necessary;
  • Thibodaux Regional Medical Center;
  • Dean of Student Life, if a student; Department of Human Resources, if an employee;
  • Director of University Counseling Center;
  • Custodian of building in which victim was found;
  •  Safety Officer, where either blood or another dangerous condition is present;
  •  Office of University Relations.

Dean of Student Life or the Department of Human Resources will contact the appropriate vice president.

The Dean of Student Life, the Department of Human Resources, the UCC counselor, or the emergency room physician will contact the student’s or employee’s family.

After the situation has been stabilized, the Director of the UCC will determine whether the UCC services are required further, either for the person involved or for those who came into contact with the person, and will contact those persons as required.

Back to Top Arrests

University Police will contact the following if the arrest occurs on campus or involves a member of the Nicholls community:

  • Office of University Relations;
  • Dean of Student Life, if a student; Department of Human Resources, if an employee.

Dean of Student Life or the Department of Human Resources will contact the appropriate vice president, who will contact the President. If requested by a student who was arrested, the Dean of Student Life will contact family members.

Back to Top Serious Off–Campus Incidents

When a serious off-campus injury is brought to the attention of University Police, University Police will

  • Follow procedures appropriate to the incident
  • Collaborate with the appropriate jurisdictional authority
  • Contact University Relations.

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5.15.3 Responding to the Death of a Faculty Member, Staff Member, or Retiree

The death of a faculty member, staff member, or retiree requires responses from a number of University offices to assure that the deceased employee’s interest, and those of his or her family and loved ones, are respected and protected.

Any person in the Nicholls community who initially learns of the death of a faculty member, staff member, or retiree should notify the Office of Human Resources. The Director of Human Resources, or a designated representative of Human Resources, upon receipt of such notification will be responsible for ensuring that procedures are followed. These procedures are detailed on the Human Resources policies website.

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