


2.2. Definitions of Faculty

2.2.1 Academic Faculty Ranked Academic Faculty Titled Academic Faculty Lecturer Adjunct Faculty Visiting Professor Faculty/Research Associate Faculty–in–Residence Endowed Chairs/Professorship Distinguished Service Faculty Alcee Fortier Distinguished Professor Policy for Endowed Professorship Interaction between the Campus and Donor Intra/Inter-Campus Interaction Crediting the Board of Regents Support Fund Special Status Academic Faculty Professor Emeritus Affiliate Faculty Special Faculty Groups Honors Faculty

2.2.2 Administrative Faculty

2.2.1 Academic Faculty

La.R.S. 17:3304 defines college and university faculty as “members of the instructional staff of each college and university having the rank of instructor or higher and persons engaged in library, artistic, research and investigative positions of equal dignity. The head of each college or university and its academic officers shall be members of the faculty.”

For appointment purposes, “academic faculty” shall be defined to include faculty who carry academic rank, academic titles, or special academic status as set forth below. Academic faculty shall be employed by faculty appointments.

Back to Top Ranked Academic Faculty

The academic titles approved by the University are listed in Section titled Titled Academic Faculty of this Manual. The six academic ranks approved by the University are Instructor, Senior Instructor, Distinguished Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor.

The University has also approved a system of title and rank equivalency for the University Library. These labels and their corresponding academic titles and ranks are as follows:

  • Lecturer shall be called Library Lecturer in the University Library;
  • Instructor shall be called Instruction Librarian in the University Library;
  • Assistant Professor shall also be called Assistant Librarian in the University Library;
  • Associate Professor shall also be called Associate Librarian in the University Library;
  • Professor shall also be called Librarian in the University Library.

Ranked academic faculty with the exception of instructors shall be employed only on probationary or tenure appointments. Instructors shall be employed under term appointments. Persons holding rank under the terms and conditions of previous handbooks shall retain rank with the adoption of this Policy and Procedure Manual.

Back to Top Titled Academic Faculty

The eight academic titles approved by the University include Lecturer, Adjunct Faculty, Visiting Professor, Faculty/Research Associate, Faculty–in–Residence, Endowed Chair/Professorship, Distinguished Service Professor, and Alcee Fortier Distinguished Professor. It should be stressed that a title is an honor with no attached tenure rights.

The faculty member holding the title may be on individual term, probationary, or tenure appointment. At times, separate appointments may be issued that designate special arrangements made by the University with titled academic faculty. These appointments shall be term contracts and are subject to the following conditions unless otherwise specifically provided in their individual appointment or elsewhere in this chapter:

  • They shall have only those faculty responsibilities as assigned by the appropriate Dean in consultation with the Department Head.
  • Adjunct and Visiting Professorships shall be determined on the basis of the individual’s rank qualifications.
  • The use of academic titles shall not be construed as the conferring of rank.
  • Appointments of titled academic faculty may be exempted from the faculty search and screen process with the approval of the Affirmative Action Officer and the President.

Back to Top Lecturer

The title of “Lecturer” may be given to a person who teaches a limited number of courses in a specific area of expertise. Lecturers are term appointment employees.

Back to Top Adjunct Faculty

The title of “Adjunct” may be given to a person who possesses the credentials and/or experience to hold rank but whose primary employment relationship is outside the University. A full definition of adjunct faculty (along with other information concerning adjunct faculty) appears throughout this Policy and Procedure Manual. All adjunct positions are term appointments.

The adjunct (part-time) faculty member at Nicholls State is normally one of the following:

    • Retired faculty members who continue to teach on a part-time basis. Such people may not exceed one half of their retirement income.
    • Professionals who are hired for their specific knowledge in fields not normally found on the university campus.
    • Area residents who fulfill the necessary qualifications to teach remedial and freshman work.

In hiring adjunct faculty for the first time, the same procedure that is used for full-time faculty is followed. The requirements for the specific documentation of applications, recommendations, transcripts, etc. are to be filed. In this instance, however, the consent decree forms are not necessary. In subsequent hirings one need file only the “Authorization of Employment” form with appropriate information and a notation that credentials are “on file” with the university.

Note: Every effort should be made in the hiring of adjunct faculty, especially in the large departments, to maintain a fair and equitable balance of hiring minorities, women, etc.

All instructional personnel whose appointments are issued for less than full-time status are termed adjunct instructors. These appointments are issued for terms not to exceed one semester or summer session. Though adjunct faculty are often hired semester after semester they should not expect automatic re-appointment. Neither should adjunct faculty expect that seniority will be accrued or that their appointment will lead to a full-time position. If they are qualified and if a position is open they are welcome to apply like any other qualified individual.

Salaries for adjunct instruction on undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels are set by the university administration and are occasionally reviewed. Supply and demand conditions may call for adjustments in certain academic fields but these are decided on an individual basis. Adjunct personnel are ineligible to participate in the incremental pay plan of the university.

Adjunct faculty members are paid at the same time as full-time faculty members, normally on a bi-weekly basis..

      • Summer Session–adjunct faculty are paid at the same time as other summer session faculty.
      • Workshops, Seminars, etc.–adjunct faculty members will receive one check at the completion of workshops, seminars, etc. which are held for varying time lengths.

Payroll deductions for federal and state contracts are made based on the information furnished by the adjunct faculty member. The adjunct faculty member is ineligible for retirement system contribution deductions unless he or she has indicated membership in the Teacher Retirement System of State Employees Retirement System. All others will have deductions made for contributions to the federal Social Security System.

According to state regulations governing our group insurance program, an employee must work the equivalent of 30 hours per week, based on a 40 hour week in order to be eligible for membership in the group. Based on the teaching load normally assigned the adjunct faculty members and the contingent nature of their continued employment, adjunct instructional personnel are not normally eligible for the “State Employee Group Insurance Program.”

Adjunct faculty members are not eligible to participate in any of the individual personal deducted programs authorized. Adjunct instructional personnel regardless of the length of employment are ineligible for sabbatical consideration, educational increment, nor do they accrue sick leave or annual leave. The granting of tenure is not extended to adjunct personnel. Adjunct instructional personnel are granted library and parking privileges.

Back to Top Visiting Professor

The title of “Visiting Professor” may be given to a person who has a temporary or permanent association at another institution of higher education and is associated with the University while on leave from such other institution or who is otherwise hired to fill a faculty position on a temporary basis. Visiting Professors are term appointment employees.

Back to Top Faculty/Research Associate

The title of “Faculty /Research Associate” may be given to a person appointed to a position supported by external grant funds. Associates are term appointment employees.

Back to Top Faculty–in–Residence

The title of “Faculty–in–Residence” may be given to an individual who is associated with the University by term appointment to perform specific limited duties within an area of special expertise or training under conditions established by the University and upon the recommendations of the appropriate Dean and Department Head. Residence faculty may be term, probationary, or tenure appointment employees.

Back to Top Endowed Chairs/Professorship

The title of “Endowed Chair” or “Endowed Professor” may be given to a distinguished scholar whose position is supported by endowment funds. See section titled Policy for Endowed Professorship in this Manual for the policies regarding the endowed professorship.

Back to Top Distinguished Service Professor

The award recognizes faculty members who have distinguished themselves in one or more of the following areas: teaching, research, service to the University, administration, public service, or by any other outstanding contributions to the University. The award consists of a one–time, $2500 base pay adjustment (based on nine month academic year). Only employees with tenure appointments can be considered for positions of Distinguished Service Professor. Procedures and requirements for Distinguished Service Professor are listed in Academic Titles and Special Awards on the internal administrators’ drive (V drive).

Back to Top Alcee Fortier Distinguished Professor

The Alcee Fortier Professorship is an honorific title award in recognition of academic excellence carrying a supplementary stipend of $2500 (one–time base–pay adjustment) per nine–month academic year. Procedures and requirements for Alcee Fortier Distinguished Professor are listed in Academic Titles and Special Awards on the internal administrators’ drive (V drive).

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Back to Top Policy for Endowed Professorship

As supported through the board of regents support fund, Endowed Professorships are established to recruit superior new faculty and/or retain faculty whose research, teaching, and/or public service have uniquely contributed to the missions of their departments and the University.

The professorships are flexible and intended to meet the needs of widely varying disciplines, and academic units in one or more of the following ways:

  • to provide salary or discretionary spending supplements that will increase the retention of exemplary professors;
  • to enhance research competitiveness in achieving funding;
  • to improve research ties with industry ;
  • to strengthen the capacity of departments to achieve regional and/or national eminence in education or research.

Endowed Professorship funds will be handled through the Nicholls Foundation and invested according to Board of Regents Policy.

Awarding of Professorships shall be guided by Board of Regents Policy as follows:

  • Except under defensible, extenuating circumstances, a time limitation of no more than two years shall elapse from the funding of a professorship to its award. If an endowed professorship should become vacant, the same rule shall apply—a maximum of two years is allowed to make the award.
  • A professorship can be split only among multiple recipients under defensible justification.
  • Professorships shall be awarded on the basis of merit.
  • The unit shall develop, for each Endowed Professorship, goals, objectives and accountability measures appropriate for the department in which the professor resides, e.g. grant funding, publications, patents, teaching, industrial ties, and other academic and/or economic activities. Based on these accountability measurements, units shall evaluate the progress of the recipient relative to the established goals and objectives periodically, but not less than every three years.

In addition to Board of Regents Policies, Nicholls State University has established the following policies.

  • The availability and amount of the award will be made known in the Spring semester prior to the award beginning the next academic year.
  • A screening committee will review applications and make a recommendation to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs through the appropriate department head and dean.
  • The recipient may not hold any other endowed chair or professorship.
  • An annual report, describing the accomplishments of the preceding year, must be submitted through the department head and dean to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs by the recipient. Funds (if available) will not be released for the next year until this report has been approved by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The deadline for the report is May 1 of the award year.
  • The term of the award will be for a three year period. The recipient is eligible hold the award indefinitely as long as they meet the criteria established by the College and approved by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The award holder must submit a summary of activities at the end of each three year period to the Department Head, Dean, and Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs for extension approval.
  • The award will be based as follows:
      1. The award in any given year will be 5% of the corpus plus ¼ of the value above the established three-year reserve. The three-year reserve is 3 times 5% of the corpus or 15% of corpus.
      2. A maximum of 67% of the award may be used as a salary supplement. Award holders may choose a lesser percentage in salary which will shift the remaining award dollars to supplies and travel.
      3. Fringe is deducted from the award and is based upon the salary amount and the fringe percentage determined by the state and sent to the Controller’s office each year.
      4. The remaining funds can be allocated between travel and supplies at the holder’s discretion.
  • If the spending policy does not allow a monetary award, (when the investment return on the endowment is insufficient to meet the funding formula) the recipient shall keep the title, so long as the established goals and objectives are met, without monetary support. Once the monetary award is re-established the holder will receive the award for the following three-year period.
  • Any exceptions to the above must be approved, in writing, by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Back to Top Interaction between the Campus and Donor

As feasible, the department shall develop and maintain feedback procedures and interaction between the campus and donors, including annual program reports as presented to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs to the respective donors and involvement of donors in awards ceremonies.

Back to Top Intra/Inter-Campus Interaction

In order to promote interactions among and between endowed professors, a Professorship Committee consisting of representatives of each College shall oversee the Endowed Professorships.

Back to Top Crediting the Board of Regents Support Fund

All internal and external materials regarding the program including campus procedures, news releases and promotional materials, shall appropriately credit the Board of Regents Support Fund.

Back to Top Special Status Academic Faculty

Special status academic faculty include emeriti and affiliate faculty. Appointments of special status academic faculty are exempt from the faculty search and screen process. See also Academic Titles and Special Awards on the internal administrator’s drive (V drive).

Back to Top Professor Emeritus

According to Board of Supervisors policy, the university president may approve the title of Professor Emeritus based upon established university criteria and procedures. Such titles may be granted to honor, in retirement, loyal faculty and administrators who have made distinguished professional contributions and have served significant portions of their careers at the institution: for example, emeritus professor of chemistry, emeritus Dean of education, emeritus president. A guideline for length of service at an institution is ten years immediately prior to retirement.

Back to Top Affiliate Faculty
  • Defined: An individual who contributes to and/or participates in major functions that accomplish the mission of the department or University. Such contributions are under direction of, or in collaboration with, a regular faculty member. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following: co-advising graduate student with regular faculty member, participating in joint programs with University faculty, providing guest lectures in classes or assisting in outreach activities, and advising a student organization with regular faculty member
  • Duration of appointment: Duration of status is to be specified in the letter of appointment generated by the University based upon recommendation by the dean of college and given to the affiliate faculty member. Affiliate faculty status automatically terminates after three years unless renewed. Status may be extended through issuance of new letter of appointment. Such status, however, can be revoked at any time by recommendation of department head and dean.
  • Determination of Rank/Compensation/Eligibility for Promotion/Publication of Title: An affiliate faculty member does not hold rank and may not receive financial compensation from the University. He/she is not to hold another position at the institution for which he/she receives compensation, and may not be an affiliate faculty member in more than one department. He/she is not eligible for promotion. Any individual granted this status is limited to identifying him/herself in any vita, business card or other publication as an “affiliate faculty member” of the University.
  • Process to Initiate Affiliate Faculty Status: Departmental request to name an affiliate faculty member is submitted to the dean of the college for approval. The letter of request, accompanied by a hiring proposal, then approved by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the President, with the approved copy being forwarded to the Office of Human Resources.
  • If the person to be recommended as an affiliate faculty member holds a J-1 Exchange Visitors visa, the department must contact the Office of International Education at the time of initiating the affiliate faculty status.
  • Periodic Review: The department head will review appropriateness of continuation of affiliate faculty status no less than annually. Department heads are expected to be aware of and hold each individual accountable for activities associated with affiliation, and to maintain appropriate records.
  • Privileges: An affiliate faculty member may be eligible for a University ID card and associated privileges, such as purchasing parking permits and using library services; but is not eligible for staff fee privileges.
  • Sponsored Research/Graduate Faculty Status: An affiliate faculty member is not eligible to be a principal investigator in a research project. He/she may be eligible for appointment to the graduate faculty if appropriately qualified, typically for minor participation in graduate instructional activities, with approval of Graduate Council. However, it is not to be expected that every affiliate faculty member will hold graduate faculty appointment.
  • Faculty Senate Participation: An affiliate faculty member does not have voting privileges for representation in the Faculty Senate.

Back to Top Special Faculty Groups

         Honors Faculty

                           Description:  a cohort of university faculty active in and committed to both academic and extracurricular activities of the University Honors Program.

                           Purpose:  to recognize faculty service to the Honors Program; to engage a broader range of faculty as ambassadors of Honors education; to engage a broader range of faculty as advisors to the Honors Program; to help students recognize campus leaders in Honors education; to support university student and faculty recruiting efforts by demonstrating the university’s commitment to education of high-achieving students.

                          Membership:  a limited number of positions selected from the full- and part-time university faculty at any rank selected with involvement of both the Honors Committee (faculty)    and the Honors Council (students) and according to the needs of program students and program administration and for a three-year period.  In addition to the selected membership, a standing membership shall consist of current instructors of regularly offered Honors courses, current program administration (director, assistant/associate director,  student activities coordinator, and past directors/coordinators, and special services faculty (Honors Abroad Coordinator.  The size of the Honors faculty shall not exceed 10% of the total number of permanent faculty on campus (currently about 25 members).  

                        Criteria for Selected Membership: 

(1) nomination by Honors Council or Honors Committee

(2)  demonstrated outstanding service to the Honors Program, which may include course leadership, guest lecturing, thesis mentoring, Honors course credit mentoring, and participation in extramural events, and which will be assessed by Honors Council.

(3) exemplary student evaluations

(4) activity in professional scholarship

(5) willingness to abide by program mission, goals, objectives, and philosophy

(6) willingness to mentor honors students in independent study projects, including honors theses

(7) willingness to support program requirements and serve as ad hoc advisor to program

(8) willingness to help grow the program through student recruitment, retention, and completion

(9) willingness to support extracurricular activities of the program.

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2.2.2 Administrative Faculty

For appointment purposes, “administrative faculty” shall be defined to include administrative employees who carry academic rank. Department Heads are excluded from the definition of Administrative Faculty. Administrative Faculty shall be employed by administrative appointments; terms and conditions of employment of Administrative Faculty are provided for in administrative faculty personnel policies.

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